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Any interest in a '60s moment on July 31?

28 March 2002
Now I know some of you are old enough to remember The Band or at least have heard of Martin Scorsese's heralded documentary The Last Waltz so hopefully there won't be a bunch of puzzled looks out there in cyberland when you read this.

Levon Helm was the drummer for The Band. In the '90s he came down with throat cancer and began giving private concerts in his recording studio in his barn in Woodstock to raise money to pay the medical bills. These sessions became known as the Midnight Rambles.


Levon recovered almost completely and has released two Grammy winning albums in the last couple of years but continues to do periodic Rambles in his home. One of these will be on July 31.

For those of you prone to sticker shock the prices are $125 per person if we have at least 5 in our group. There is very limited space for these sessions so we would need to book asap. We could add a nice group drive up through Woodstock, stop by Yasgur's Farm to see the site of original Woodstock Festival and check out the museum as well if there is any interest.

Please let me know asap if you are interested.


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I would be interested so I'm checking with the little woman. How many people is the limit and since you have 5 already does the price drop if we have more attendees?

Price drops from $150 to $125 for groups of 5 or more but does not go lower than that. There is no "limit" but I don't know when it will sell out. As of right now the guest performer has not been identified and there is no way to know how many tickets have been sold but if a "big" name gets added it will sell out immediately.

I would like to purchase at least the first block of tickets by sunday evening.

Thanks for the update but I just heard from the little lady that we have a commitment that night we can't get out of...:mad: so I'm out...

I would do this another time if and when it does happen again.

Big Pink one of my favorite albums of all time. I'll have to check with your client, and also won't be able to commit until after Wednesday's appointment with my mothers doctor, but with or without your client, I am definitely interested, just have to wait til next week to get a better handle on the things that are out of my control!
Helm also played acoustic guitar on that album and Manuel also played drums.
I would love to go but will be in UK on that date. Maybe Don Imus will show up? :biggrin::biggrin:
As a courtesy to Roger I will wait until Wednesday evening to order the tickets. I believe they should still be available then but I will keep monitoring in case the guest is announced and it looks like it would become a quick sellout.

I asked them if I bought a block of tickets now but added more later would the extras be counted as part of our group for pricing but they said no so I don't want to make anyone "sitting on the fence" pay more. If anyone wants to join us after wednesday they are free to try to start another group of 5, otherwise they would be subject to the increased pricing of $150.
I spoke with Roger who said he didn't want everyone to risk getting shut out so if he can go he is willing to pay the full amount. As a result, if possible I would like to purchase the first block of tickets Sunday night or monday morning.
1. RSO 34
2. Peter Mills
3. The Lovely Sylvia Mills
4. Pbassjo
5. Pbassjanet
6. TonyD
7. The Don
8. Poohkie
9. LarryB

I purchased a block of 9 tickets per the list above this morning. If anyone else wants to join us, you can save $25 per person if you get a group of 5. Or, if you are like Roger where money is no object, just pay the full ticket price.

I will send an email to the people above about payment.
1. RSO 34
2. Peter Mills
3. The Lovely Sylvia Mills
4. Pbassjo
5. Pbassjanet
6. TonyD
7. The Don
8. Poohkie
9. LarryB

I purchased a block of 9 tickets per the list above this morning. If anyone else wants to join us, you can save $25 per person if you get a group of 5. Or, if you are like Roger where money is no object, just pay the full ticket price.

I will send an email to the people above about payment.
Whoa, counselor, it's not that money is no object, it's just that I'm a "considerate" person who because of something beyond my control, I felt it unfair to potentially cost 8-9 other people an additional amount of money, or potentially a "sell out", where I can with $25 additional, not put those in jeopardy. I'm just a "selfless" person....................don't be a hater!!!:eek:
not to totally derail the thread, but Ken, who are those 2 guys? I know they're not members of the Grateful Dead, nor is it Dillon and Jimmy is dead so wasn't really sure who was left. Well everyone was left then, but who remained.
not to totally derail the thread, but Ken, who are those 2 guys? I know they're not members of the Grateful Dead, nor is it Dillon and Jimmy is dead so wasn't really sure who was left. Well everyone was left then, but who remained.

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And now back to the topic on hand......

Vid from a Ramble in 2008 where Chris Robinson (Black Crowes) and Billy Bob Thornton joined in:

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZXXiASG29lA&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZXXiASG29lA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>