• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho

***April 2017 Cars and Coffee Cancelled @ Windstream Location*** More details to come

7 November 2007
Charlotte, NC
***April 2017 Cars and Coffee has been Cancelled. Please do not show up at the location and please inform your friends and family that may not check the website****

Hello All,

I am sad to say that after some intense debate and negotiations, we have been informed by our host at our current location that we are not welcome back. The April event has been cancelled and subsequent dates have been until we can secure a new location. The antics of a few in leaving the property at a rapid rate of speed (typically in front of the videographers at the entrance) and the trash left behind in the parking lot were the root cause of the request. As this event gets more popular and grows we will continue to have growing pains such as this. In the last few weeks we have been actively trying to secure a new location just in case what happened today came to fruition, losing our privileges.

The logistics of finding a property with over 900 spaces (300,000 sq ft), an owner willing to take on part of the liability, near restroom facilities and restaurants is not an easy task. I have gotten countless phone calls with offers and after vetting them the property either was not large enough or was way out of the central Charlotte area that we are trying to stay within. If you know of a location or an owner willing to talk to us please PM me.

I have one or two locations that is promising but I could not get the details ironed out before Saturday so we simply need more time to work this through. Please stay tuned because some drastic changes will be made to this event in order to comply with safety, logistics and liability issues there will be updated bylaws posted soon with a zero tolerance policy.

I am sorry to inform you this way and at this late date but we are trying our best and at the end of the day the host/tenet has the last say.

Thank you and there will be more to come shortly.

Michael, that's a real shame......we've had several instances over here in Raleigh where we've been booted out because of this type of problem. No easy solution unfortunately.
So has there been any updates with a possible new location or will the event be cancelled for May as well (5/6/17)?