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Beautiful Day at Lime Rock

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
It was a beautiful day at Lime Rock, and I was there for my first track event of the season.

Because of how I ended my last track day last year (disaster), I had a lot of doubts about whether I could feel comfortable at the track again this year.

Due to the help and advice of my favorite mentor Peter Mills, and a fellow driver, Gene, I felt more comfortable at the wheel by the 3rd session and left the track feeling good about myself. Although I still had a difficult time letting myself go full throttle even in the straight line, I felt that it was a great accomplishment for me to know that I would get better throughout the year.

Thanks to everyone who had provided great advices through this forum, especially to Peter Mills.


great pics and thanks for sharing..
If any of my fellow NSXers are at Lime Rock in the future, especially for an overnight, PM me and we could hook up for dinner. I only live 15 minutes from the track. Love to see some NSXs up here in the country.
Jesse and Masha
Yes, with NJ Chapter.

If any of my fellow NSXers are at Lime Rock in the future, especially for an overnight, PM me and we could hook up for dinner. I only live 15 minutes from the track. Love to see some NSXs up here in the country.

Sure thing.
Are you planning any other events at Lime rock this summer? I noticed that SCDA is sold out but I still would be interested in going down to this track. I visited Lime rock last year for the american Lemans series and have been wanting to get on track there since.
I have a buddy in Canaan, CT, which I think is not too far away.

For the Glen, I am going to Traquest in May, trackmasters in July and 2 GVC chapter BMW events later this summer.
Additionally, My wife, Vivian is going on track for the first time this summer. Should be interesting


Thanks for posting the pictures and glad to hear you felt good after you left. It was great to see you and Linda again. A few more days like yesterday and it will just "click."
TigerNSX said:
Yes, with NJ Chapter.

Sure thing.
*** Can I join BMW CCA (or at least enter into their local track events) even though I own an NSX ? I used to own a few BMW M's... ?? ***

...I would love to have a car club like theirs to piggy-back with for local roadcourse events. Its saves so much $$$ on track events joining a large car club like that, and just as import BMW CCA (like Porsche "PCA") has some sort of roadcourse event (if not multiple) at our local race track (summit point) practically every month. You don't have to wait on some BS waiting list for months just to get some track time.
johnnybul said:
Are you planning any other events at Lime rock this summer? I noticed that SCDA is sold out but I still would be interested in going down to this track. I visited Lime rock last year for the american Lemans series and have been wanting to get on track there since.
I have a buddy in Canaan, CT, which I think is not too far away.

For the Glen, I am going to Traquest in May, trackmasters in July and 2 GVC chapter BMW events later this summer.
Additionally, My wife, Vivian is going on track for the first time this summer. Should be interesting


Yes, I am planning to attend other events, but have not finalized my plans yet. Please check with Peter Mills to see track schedues in New England or
check out this website: http://home.kc.rr.com/mbartlett4/Events web page.htm

*** Can I join BMW CCA (or at least enter into their local track events) even though I own an NSX ? I used to own a few BMW M's... ?? ***

Sure you can. Yes, BMWCCA events are open to all cars as long as you are a BMWCCA member ($45 per year, I think). You can also try Quattro Club - they have their own events as well.

Thanks for posting the pictures and glad to hear you felt good after you left. It was great to see you and Linda again. A few more days like yesterday and it will just "click."

Thanks for the kind words. I will keep focusing on the development.
Great photos ! An others for us to see?

You were there with someone I know - Peter Devita who was driving a black BMW 840Ci. It was his first HPDE and had the usual trepidation at first followed by the "I gotta do this again!" reaction we all have by the third session of the first day.

In addition to Audi (can't use R-compound tires with them unless they NEQ has signed you off to solo), Porsche club has some HPDE and they are a bunch of great people too. I haven't run with Corvette clubs, but that avenue might be worth it as well.

Great job, looking forward to reading about your next events and to hopefully meeting you along the line somewhere.
foxy-abby said:
If any of my fellow NSXers are at Lime Rock in the future, especially for an overnight, PM me and we could hook up for dinner. I only live 15 minutes from the track. Love to see some NSXs up here in the country.
Jesse and Masha

Same here. I'm about 35 min away but would love to join in.
Jesse, we still have a dinner for six with you, Harry, myself and our spouses we have to do! What say over the Memorial Holiday weekend? The Interlaken?
Memorial Day weekend sounds great for dinner. I have only eaten at The Interlaken twice in the past year, but both times were very good. They just changed their head chef, so who knows. That's were Masha worked for her first 3 years in The States, so she always enjoys going back.
Jesse and Masha
*** Can I join BMW CCA (or at least enter into their local track events) even though I own an NSX ? I used to own a few BMW M's... ?? ***

...I would love to have a car club like theirs to piggy-back with for local roadcourse events. Its saves so much $$$ on track events joining a large car club like that, and just as import BMW CCA (like Porsche "PCA") has some sort of roadcourse event (if not multiple) at our local race track (summit point) practically every month. You don't have to wait on some BS waiting list for months just to get some track time.

NSXCA Northeast will be at Watkins Glen with Apex Performance on August
3-4. Mailing will go out in a few weeks to all NSXCA northeast members.
Costs $215.00 per day.Special price for NSXCA members only. Must register through me.
Peter Mills