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Best radar detector for NSX


Experienced Member
15 August 2000
Bellingham, WA
Having recently started looking for a radar detector, I was about to order a V1 after all the stories praising it on this forum. However, I just read several good pieces of information on the Escort Passport 8500, and now I'm not sure what I should buy.

See here: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=V1+8500+Ka+spectrum&hl=en& safe=off&rnum=3&selm=93aplh%2474f%241%40nnrp1.deja.com

After reading through all the links provided in that message it would seem the 8500 is definitely a peer of the V1, and possibly better in certain areas. Here's what I've come up with...

- The main advantage the 8500 holds over the V1 is it's greatly reduced number of false alarms. This is the biggest factor that's making me lean towards the 8500. About 12 years ago I bought a cheap Whistler that made so much constant racket, that I stopped using it after only a few months. While I'm sure the V1 is much better than an old Whistler, I don't want a detector that keeps making noise every few minutes. Any comments from V1 owners?

- In opposition to many reviews, I prefer the asthetics of the V1 over the 8500. Also, I really don't like how the 8500 is colored silver. IMHO, silver standsout too much and is not very stealthy-- it's more likely that both theives and the police will notice it. The black brick-like appearance of the V1 is better, especially since (like most NSX's) my interior is black as well.

- The V1 has the direction indicators. The author I linked to above does a good job of pointing out how they aren't as useful as some think they are. Yet, the idea still appeals to me. Useful or not, I believe they would make me "feel" better seeing that information. I remember back with my old Whistler how it would go off and you'd always wonder where the signal was coming from. I even read at least one review on groups.google.com of a guy who bought both units, and decided to keep the V1 despite his admittance that the 8500 was in most ways better. His reason? He had become used to the direction indicators and just couldn't live without them.

- I am very concerned about the ability to conotrol brightness and volume level on the V1. The 8500 offers good control here, but the V1 only has an auto dimming feature based on light? Is this correct? If so, is the light output from it too bright at night as radartest.com suggests? Also, from everything I read, I could never figure out if the V1 has adjustable volume? If it does, can someone tell me if it provides good control. Can it be adjusted from barely audiable all the way to annoyingly loud?

- The 8500 has noticably better Ka band detection.

- The V1 has noticably better laser radar detection.

- Both units have fairly similar X and K band detection abilities.

Thanks for any info anyone can provide me. I realize I can try both for 30 days, returning the one I decide is the lesser of the two, but I'd rather avoid the hassle if possible.

[This message has been edited by BB (edited 31 July 2001).]
I own a V1 and also the new Passport internal, I would have to say that they both give about the same number of false readings. I haven't compared them together to find out which one has more sensitivity though. The ability of the V1 to better detect laser is useless, as most people will tell you by the time any of them read "Laser" it is too late!

Good Luck, but you can't go wrong with either one.

I realize the laser radar detectors are of little use, but I thought the added range of the V1 might bring it into the range of possible usefulness.

As a countermeasure to the laser problem, I am considering the purchase of one of those laser radar jammers. The Lidatek unit gets a surprising amount of praise, but it seems some people have had problems getting the product in a timely manner. Does anyone know if such a product is legal in WA state?
Valentine 1...there is nothing else that compares.

As far as the false alarms go, if you want less false alarms just adjust the Valenine 1 to be less sensitive. There are 3 different modes of sensitivity. The false alarms are related to the sensitivity of the detector.

The V1 direction indiactors are VERY usefull, I use them all the time. It makes sense, you want to know where the cop is, right?

The brightness of the V1 is not an issue. I can see it fine in any condtions, day or night. It is not too bright at night.

The V1 does have adjustable volume, it works well. There is a wide range of volume from mute to annoyingly loud and everything inbetween. There is also an option where you can have a secondary volume kick in by the press of the volume button. The volume level adjusts back to the primary level once the siginal is gone.

As far as the Ka band detection, the V1 gives you more than enough notice.
As a countermeasure to the laser problem, I am considering the purchase of one of those laser radar jammers. The Lidatek unit gets a surprising amount of praise, but it seems some people have had problems getting the product in a timely manner. Does anyone know if such a product is legal in WA state?

Laser jammers are not banned by federal law the way radar jammers are, because they operate using light waves, not radio waves. Unless they are banned by state or local law, they're legal. If your state doesn't have a law against radar detectors (currently only Virginia and the District of Columbia do), then it's unlikely that laser jammers would be banned.

[EDIT 7/31 to clarify the differentiation between state and local law]

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 31 July 2001).]
Originally posted by BB:
As a countermeasure to the laser problem, I am considering the purchase of one of those laser radar jammers.

You might want to also check out the K40 laser jammer. I have the K40 radar unit as well and think it's outdated with the newer technology now available from Bell, Escort and V1 so I wouldn't go with it. If you're looking for the ultimate (hidden) solution go with the Escort SR1 and the K40 laser jammer. If you don't care about the radar detector being seen then I think it's so close between the Bell, Escort and V1 you won't go wrong with any of them. Even though my K40 is outdated I still haven't been busted and it has saved me more times than I can remember.

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 31 July 2001).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Laser jammers are legal throughout the country, because they operate using light waves, not radio waves.

Unfortunately that is not correct. Laser jammers are not illegal at the federal level as with radar jammers (i.e. FCC), but any state or locality can still have their own laws against them. For example, here is the relevant section of the code of Virginia:

§ 46.2-1079. Radar detectors; demerit points not to be awarded.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle on the highways of the Commonwealth when such vehicle is equipped with any device or mechanism, passive or active, to detect or purposefully interfere with or diminish the measurement capabilities of any radar, laser, or other device or mechanism employed by law-enforcement personnel to measure the speed of motor vehicles on the highways of the Commonwealth for law-enforcement purposes. It shall be unlawful to use any such device or mechanism on any such motor vehicle on the highways. It shall be unlawful to sell any such device or mechanism in the Commonwealth.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 31 July 2001).]