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Bigger, But Better? (Airbus_A380)


Gold Member, Moderator: Marketplace
12 August 2003
Austin, Republic of Texas
hmmm... I really don't know what to say?!? I guess in a capitalistic market economy, anything is possible. Billion dollar stealth bombers, billion dollar cruise ships, billion dollar underground tunnels, billion dollar underground super-colliders, billion dollar offshore oil-platforms, billion dollar skyscrapers, billion dollar convention-center/stadium-complexes... What else costs a billion nowadays :confused:



"It has taken more than a decade and some 12 billion euros* (8.1 billion pounds) to develop the A380. It has been subsidised by European governments and has yet to prove it can make a profit."

*[~15.25 billion USD]

"The A380 is 15 metres wider*, 4 metres taller, 2 metres longer and 118 tonnes heavier than the 747 jumbo, which helped change the airline business."

*[ :eek: ]

"The plane has a list price of $285 million (149 million pounds). Airbus says it needs to sell 250 of the A380 planes to break even although some analysts put the figure as high as 700."
Lets hope all that additional super-guppy size will translate into some leg room, eh?
Virgin Group Chairman Sir Richard Branson bought 6-12 of those A380's. He's going to offer trans-atlantic flights with the upper deck transformed into a casino. What better to do when stuck on a plane for several hours? Have a martini and play craps!

That's what I've heard from a few people at least.

All I can say is... baller!?! :biggrin:


Saudi prince buying 'flying palace' jet

Associated Press

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - In the annals of excess, it could be a new high: a more than $300 million, super-sized luxury airplane, bought and outfitted solely for the private comfort of a Saudi Arabian billionaire.

Once done, the Airbus A380, the world's biggest passenger plane, will be a "flying palace" for Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the manufacturer announced Monday.

Airbus SAS would not give a specific price tag for the VIP double-decker jet, with its football field-length wings, saying only that it would cost more than the aircraft's list price of $320 million.

That doesn't even include the money the prince will spend to custom fit the nearly 6,000-square foot plane to include whatever he wants. The options include private bedrooms, a movie theater or even a gym with a jacuzzi. He'll also need a flight crew of about 15 to operate the luxury liner.

"Prince Alwaleed is the first, and so far the only customer of this aircraft," said David Velupillai, the spokesman of the Airbus, which announced the luxury order at the Dubai International Airshow.

It's all just spending cash for bin Talal — Citigroup Inc.'s biggest individual shareholder and the world's 13th richest person with assets around $20 billion.

As a member of the Saudi royal family, he benefits from the country's vast oil wealth. But much of bin Talal's huge fortune comes from his investment firm, the $25-billion Kingdom Holding Co., which has stakes in Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., Fairmont Raffles Hotels International Inc., Time Warner Inc., Apple Inc., PepsiCo Inc., Walt Disney Co. to name a few major corporations.

The prince, who is in his early 50s, appears to have a taste for super-sized jumbo jets. He already is the only private owner of a Boeing 747-400, Airbus said.

"It's like buying a new car or a new TV," Velupillai told The Associated Press. "One wants something bigger and better."

Airbus would not release many details about bin Talal's VIP A380, which dwarfs the 747 — formerly the world's most spacious plane. Staff who answered the phone at bin Talal's office on Monday in Saudi Arabia said he was unavailable to comment.

The commercial A380, which made its maiden voyage with Singapore Airlines last month, is as tall as a seven-story building with each wing big enough to hold 70 cars. It is capable of carrying 853 passengers in an all-economy class configuration.

Take out the seats, and the plane can be transformed into a flying mansion.

Germany's Lufthansa Technik, which declined to comment Monday on bin Talal's purchase, has created a general rendering of what a VIP A380 jumbo could include: spacious bedrooms on the plane's upper deck, separated by a reception area and a bar next to central stairway. The master bedroom could include an office, private dinning room, a gym featuring a steam bath and exercise machines.

The lower decks could feature a lounge-type quarters equipped with a conference area and dining room. A third level, normally used for cargo, could be transformed into another passenger space or cinema.

This type of custom design does not come cheap. Experts say it could rack the price up by another $50 million to $150 million.

Purchases of private airliners has mushroomed in recent years, but most orders are in the category of a Learjet or Gulfstream — small and cheap at $2 million to $5 million in comparison to the A380, said David Bain, editor of a British-based online wealth analysis service, wealth-bulletin.com.

"It seems the Saudis really like these huge planes, and they have the money to do it," said Bain, who believes about a dozen other individuals own commercial jets. "Very few people buy commercial planes. It's a bit over the top."

But he and Airbus expect that number to grow. The airline company said it expects at least six other A380 VIP jets to be sold to clients in the Middle East, and Central and South Asia.

"The amount of billionaires has sky rocketed in recent years, and the really rich ones are looking to buy a commercial airline rather than a Learjet," Bain said.