• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho

California TrackMasters Schedule

25 October 2001
Northern California
Posting for .... a few of us will be at the 8/21 THill event.


Greetings TMR Drivers,

We hope you've had an enjoyable summer and are ready to hop back in the seat again! If so, then we have a number of events approaching at all of Northern Calfornia's road courses to satisfy your needs.

Your next opportunity is a week away at Thunderhill on Friday, August 21st. The event is about 3/4 full and preceeds a NASA race weekend. We have plenty of space for all level drivers, so if you're 'feelin the need', then come out and join us! If you're racing with NASA over the weekend and you're not registered for our event as of today, then send us a note for a special discount.

New Mailing Address... Please note that we have a new mailing address for those of you who send payments by check; contant me for details. http://www.trackmasters-racing.com/index.html

The events beyond the 21st are as follows:

Sept 11th - (Friday) Thunderhill before an NCK Kart day(Sat) and a Keigwins motorcycle day(Sun). This event is now open for registration.

Sept 14th - (Monday) Laguna Seca Raceway one of your last opportunities to run this track in ideal weather conditions. We have another event in December, but the weather will be more questionable than September weather in Monterey! This event is also now open for registration.

October 2nd - (Friday) Thunderhill Raceway - Prior to a NASA race weekend. Clockwise direction! A few comments about the 'reverse' direction.... If you haven't driven this track in the opposite direction, it's a must do! Many of our regular drivers of T-Hill absolutely love the reverse direction!(I know I do!) It's a completely different track and very fun & challenging! I personally look forward to these CW events - they're a blast! Registration opens next week.

October 8/9 - (Thurs/Friday) Infineon Raceway at Sears Point - 2 back to back days at this incredible track during optimum weather conditions! Discounted pricing for both days will be available next week.

October 23rd - (Friday) Infineon Raceway at Sears Point - prior to a Porsche Racing Club (PRC) event. Another great weather date for this track! Registration opens next week.

November 6th - (Friday) Infineon Raceway at Sears Point - Prior to a NASA race weekend. Registration opens next week.

November 21st - (Saturday) Infineon Raceway at Sears Point - Annual Charity Event and AutoCross in the paddock. This has be a very successful event each year and typically generates $4K ~ $5K in proceed for the local Charities for Children. Registration opens next week.

December 18th - (Friday) Laguna Seca - Give yourself a nice holiday gift and relieve some stress in the process! Hit the track before you dive into the holiday week! Registration opens next month.

Take care, and we hope to see some of you in the paddock very soon!

Doug Gale
TrackMasters Racing
Hmmm...let me check my Redneck palm pilot.

Another update .......


Heads-up Drivers!

TrackMasters Racing has just dedicated a run group at their next Thunderhill
event (Friday, Sept 11th) to race prepared cars.

The even better news is the price... $160 for the day!
TMR will only be taking about 30 entries, so tell your racing buddies and come out and play for the day!

We will also be taking entries for the other run groups at the event with an
immediate $35 off and a fee of $190. You can reduce that fee from $190 to
$165 if you bring a paying friend. They in-turn can do the same thing to
get their rate down to $165 until the event fills. Round up some friends
and save some money!

If you're interested in the race run group there is a special event entry
webpage for those on this forum. Please use this to register for your
discounted entry fee.


All others should send us an e-mail to let us know you're interested, and
then hop on the TrackMasters site below and register for the event.

TMR also has Monday, Sept 14th at Laguna Seca (just before SCCA Regionals) and is also
offering a $25 discount for that event if you attend and 'bring a friend'.
Check both of these out and get back to TMR as soon as possible to secure your spot!

Doug Gale
TrackMasters Racing
The Discounts explained a bit more:

For Thunderhill Sept 11th, we're offering all of you a $35 slice off the top of the event price, and another $25 if you bring someone. That's $60 off and a net entry fee of $165!!

For Laguna on Sept 14th, we're offering the same discount for bringing a friend - $25 off. This brings the $320 fee down to $295, which is below 'cost' for the event IF we fill to 25 per run group.(max.) Unfortunately, this track won't budge on their rental fees, so our prices are fixed. Keep in mind that any other low buck event at Laguna will have 35 cars per run group, which is far too many for that track!

Both Events - We're also offering a discount of $25 for those that want to attend both events and not spend time recruiting others.

One last thing before you look at the numbers below.... If you are interested in attending either of these events, PLEASE check your calendar and let us know IMMEDIATELY![/B] by replying to this message! This will help us understand our financial picture and allow us to make final decisions about these events next week. We will then send you special payment instructions via e-mail.

Please note that if you have already paid for one or both of these events, we will adjust your entry cost and compensate you via refunds at the track, or a credit on file for a future event. Your choice.

Thanks for your support and start spreading the word wide and far!

To recap .....

T-Hill - 9/11/09
Normal Event Price: $225
Discounted Price: $190 (that's $35 off!)
Bring a friend not already on the roster at the $190 rate and knock this amount off your entry: $25 Valid until the event is full
Your Net Event Cost: $165
Note: Friends can in-turn bring another person and experience a $25 discount and $165 entry.

What about Event Quality?
- No change to TMR event format!
- No increase of car counts per group - counts remain at about 22 ~ 25, up to 30 in Advanced
- No other time consuming activities like racing, qualifying, or time trials.
- Lunch will be provided if we hit our numbers for the event.

Laguna Seca - 9/14/09
Normal Event Price: $320
Bring a friend not already on the roster at the $320 rate and knock this amount off your entry: $25 Valid until the event is full
Your Net Event Cost: $295
Note: Friends can in-turn bring another person and experience a $25 discount and $295 entry.

What about Event Quality?
- No change to TMR event format!
- No increase of car counts per group - remains at 25 maximum.
- No other time consuming activities like racing, qualifying, or time trials.
- Lunch will be provided if we hit our numbers for the event.

T-Hill and Laguna Seca Combo - 9/11 & 9/14
Normal Event Price: $545 ($320 + $225)
Already Discounted Rate: $510 ($320 + $190)
Knock of another: $25
Your Net Event Cost: $485
Total Discount: $60
What about the Sacto club, out of all those members there should be some that want to blow the dust off there cars instead of waxing it off, You would think:biggrin:
Re: Spoken like a true Has Been

This post is prolly going to be my biggest mistake of the month, but this thought came to mind when I saw Larry asking what anyone thought of his cute, colorful data panel choice, so here it goes........
What about the Sacto club, out of all those members there should be some that want to blow the dust off there cars instead of waxing it off, You would think
There ya go, thinkin' again. Big mistake for any ex Sacto chapter track junky derelicts. How's this for a mistake? I think we should have Sacto Chpt HB numbers. Kind of a track junkies anonymous brotherhood. I'm obviously HB #1 for identifying this anomaly. After that? You, the Kipster, Brian Butts, Big Al, Jeff Fong are all in the top 10. Sorry if I left anyone out. I'll let Hrant sort it all out with an analysis after a careful review of ancient club minutes. :wink:
Trackmasters has been receiving my personal bailout money for the past two years and counting.

I have run with three other track venues and TM has the only/highest NSX turnout in NorCal. We are somewhat a dying breed:smile:

In previous years, September has been our annual club track pilgrimage. In fact, quite a few of us were at THill on 9/11/2001 when we saw on the TV screens at breakfast the unbelievably tragic events.

Doug will be happy to work with us to make this another NSX focused event - cordoned area for NSXs with dedicated instruictors - but this means more NSXs must show up than the regular Porsche guys!

And yes Ted, you forgot Kirk and Grinstead who once in blue moon resurface by sending an e-mail ....... they both still have their NSXs.
Re: Kirk???

And yes Ted, you forgot Kirk and Grinstead who once in blue moon resurface by sending an e-mail ....... they both still have their NSXs.
How could I forget Kirk??? But I guess I'm not surprised he's still got it; he's a collector not a user-upper.

Guess I'll cruise by his house on the way home today and see what's up with that monster project truck that took him away so long ago.

Now that you bring it up, he should really be Has Been #1. :eek:
Re: "Has Beens to the Grid, Please"

I can hear Turbo's announcement now !!! :tongue:

You guys get it together for a set date and maybe I'll rent one of Jeff's Miatas just to mix it up with you Has Beens. :wink:
Re: Laguna questionable

Im very tempted to sign up for the LS event on the 14th. Any other NSX guys going?
Better hurry. As of this afternoon, Doug was about 20 cars short and must make a go/no-go decision by Thursday.

Larry should be there......... maybe with his blow up GF to ride along. :rolleyes:
Re: So, how was it?

Anyone going to give us a report from last Friday? Larry go like hell with a new data system? Hrant, you sell any good $hit? Everyone safe and scratch free?

And, what is the NSX track junky count these days?


Greetings TMR Drivers,

TMR just wrapped-up two great days at Thunderhill and Laguna Seca and we're now looking forward to our final Thunderhill event of the season. The date is Friday, October 2nd and this event is easier on the wallet than any other event in the region! There's no comparison when you look at the details, and here they are...

- (3) run groups of cars in the morning and afternoon. Advanced, Mixed/Intermediate, and WorldSpeed Open Wheel Cars.
- Advanced & Mixed/Intermediate will run 170 minutes for $140! (throughout the entire day)
- 30 cars (max.) in Advanced, 28 cars (max.) in Mixed/Intermediate
- 3rd run group of Advanced drivers will run the 2nd half of the day for $90! (70 minutes on track - afternoon only)

No 35+ car counts in each run group!
No wasted time with races or time trials!
No surprises!
Yes - Almost 30% more track time for your track buck than any other club in the region!
Yes - We do supply coffee, fruit & muffins in the morning, and bottled water throughout the day. (stuff that's important to drivers)

Registration is open NOW for driver levels noted above, and this event is filling quickly!

The $140 rate goes up to $160 if you register after Sept 21st, so sign-up early and save big!


Other events coming down the pipe are listed below. Look for additional event discounts & bundles ('TrackPacks') later this week in your e-mail inbox.

Oct. 8/9 Infineon - Two back to back days at Infineon!
Oct. 23 Infineon - Friday prior to NASA/PRC Race Weekend
Nov. 6 Infineon - Friday prior to NASA race weekend
Nov. 21 Infineon - Saturday Charity Event - Big Track and Autocross in the paddock.
Dec 18 Laguna Seca - Early Christmas present!

Register for any event here:


Feel free to forward this offer to friends or post the link on any car related forums you may frequent. We need your help to continue to offer these deals, so spread the word wide and far!

See you in the paddock

Doug Gale
TrackMasters Racing