Center speaker

15 April 2000
rockwall, TX, USA
Hello, I am a new NSX owner. Specifically a 91 red/black with 25,000 miles. I am amazed by the car and I have had some other high performance cars. This is the best. I bought it wednessday and it seems to be extremely clean and has no dents dings or flaws. I checked out everything as best I could and found only that the rear center speaker is dead. The car also has a phone and I was messing with this tonight and found that it make no sounds in hands free mode. I do not have service to it yet, but the no-service message comes through on the handset, but is silent on hands free. I am now guessing that the hands free "throught the radio speakers" as noted in the manual means the center speaker. I am correct, or is there more to this. Can anyone give me an idea what is wrong with the system, and any tips on how to repair? Could it be that the rear center speaker itself is just bad?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.
I seem to have a dead center speaker on my '91 too. I'll be interested to hear what others have to say about this. I hope the fix is cheaper than the door speaker. $1,200!
The center speaker is used for both stereo and the factory phone. When playing music it runs off the amplifier in the speaker box in the passenger footwell.

As I recall the phone has it's own amplifier so if yours doesn't work for either music or phone there is most likely a connection problem or dead speaker.

Make sure it really doesn't work for music though; it's supposed to be a lot quieter than the main door speakers and is used for "fill" not as a primary source of music. You may have to put your ear right up to it to be sure music is coming from it.

As JChoice said, if it's the amplifier that's broken you can have it repaired for around $100. If it's a blown speaker you should be able to get one from a salvage yard for a reasonable amound.

$1200 for one door speaker is a flat-out ripoff. List price for a new speaker is around $800. Book labor should be 1 hour or less since actual labor is maybe 1/2 hour.
Thanks for the advice. I'll look into my various speaker options. BTW, I was quoted $1,200 per each door speaker at Hopkins Acura in Redwood City, CA. I discovered it was a bad CD changer (which I sourced elsewhere), but I now go to Foreign Affair in Santa Clara for all my service and parts needs.
The hands free telephone is analog. The music cuts off automatically, then you push a button and talk or dial. Great device since the hand held are claimed to cause brain tumors.