driver's side turn signal full of water

15 September 2004
sacramento california
driver's side turn signal was about 1/2 full of water 7 days ago now it is down to about 1/5 full. turn signal still flashes but light that is on with headlights is out. there is a very small hole (about the diameter of a pencil point) in the plastic.

not sure what to do.

Buy a new lens and gasket and replace. Make sure to clean out the housing and clean the reflector first; I would replace bulbs at the same time, both sides as far as the bulbs go and cleaning the reflectors.
Pull the front marker lens assembly out, it will take 2 minutes and the shop manual page is here.

Pull both bulbs out, spray some windex on a papertowl, and stuff the papertowl in through each hole. Move it around using a pen/pencil to clean the inside of the lens. Use some epoxy to seal the hole/crack, make sure the insides have dried completly and reinstall the bulbs. Reinstall the marker light.

I just pulled my driver side one off 2 days ago, since it was *much* dimmer than my passenger side marker light. I had a fender bender a couple months ago, and they replaced the passenger marker light/bulbs but not the driver side. After cleaning the inside and outside of the lens, and installing a new marker light bulb (not turn signal), it's about the same brightness as the passenger side.
