FYI, Cool NSX shirts at Acura dealer

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
Saw a cool NSX shirt at my local dealership with a cool silhouette type picture on top of the letters NSX so of course I bought one, but when I got home and tried it on I noticed a cool bonus...on the back is a another silhouette of the new NSX with a small print below that says concept:cool:

They come in black with dark grey lettering...and and (A) on the sleeve.....

Get one while you can, if they don't have them tell them to order them...


They are on the Acura site but are $25 had them for $18
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Or buy 50 of them and ship them around to us :D. Group buy?

The shirt doesn't seem to be on the Canadian Acura site btw :(.
I like the look of it though, especially since gen 1 is on the front, and "NSX" is in Gen 1 font :)


This looks cute for the lady friends out there. Valentines Day anyone?
Would love to get this. In on which dealers have them. Or if we can get them online.

Just having it will motivate me to get another NSX. Or the new one. Or both :smile:
care to share what dealer so we can get on that?

This was at the Temecula Ca dealership....I'm sure most of them have them I would imagine...
If not you can always use, but they'll be more $. ...

Thinking of getting a couple more before they're gone....
Nice share, I'm def' game for one (rarity for me, as I haven't been into too many of the NSX-motif shirts in recent years, other than the long-sleeve NSXPrime NSX shirt which are N/A). I hope my area dealers have them in-stock.
The shirt doesn't seem to be on the Canadian Acura site btw :(.

If you use a freight forwarder you can get merchandise like this shipped to your name at a US mailing address, where they then forward it on to your Canadian address. The service costs money, but it is a great workaround for items sold only in the US, or items that sell at a significant premium to canucks.

I just ordered the NSX shirt and a couple other goodies. I've seen the eBay ones and am not a fan...gotta go with OEM! :smile:
Lol....did you try any local dealers???

What!?! Blasphemy!
I do not go to stores...
I do not like people...
I haven't been to a mall in years, they scare me.

I order everything online, except grocery's...

Oh, I do go to Costco and Harbor Freight tools... I like those places.:smile:

Side note:

Shirt seems to be a nice quality shirt. Not outstanding, but soft to the touch and did not shrink after washing.
We carry these shirts!!!! Only 2 of each size... We can get more if needed....with primes discount we are looking at 16.51 a shirt thats including tax if your in california.. Or 15.36 excluding tax.... shipping depends, usually shouldn't be more then 5-7 using UPS or if we can generate a big order i can ship them for free... :) regular price is 19.95 for walk in customers...Shirts are preshrunk also.
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