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Gas price forecast

17 February 2001
Residents in southwestern CT may soon be paying up to $5 for a gallon of gas

Play the video (08/09/05) DARIEN - Residents in southwestern Connecticut may soon be paying up to $5 for a gallon of gas, according to analysts.

The state average for unleaded self-serve is $2.46 a gallon, but even that price is hard to find in lower Fairfield County. Nationally, the average is a record high $2.35. Both prices are nearly 50 cents above what drivers were paying last year.

Many drivers say they have concluded gas prices will never again dip below $2 a gallon. With oil prices reaching a record high Monday, many experts agree. They say prices will steadily increase as demand keeps its current pace.
Well at least Bush is doing something about it.... oh wait, I forgot he is taking the longest vacation ever in the history of presidents! :mad:
NetViper said:
Well at least Bush is doing something about it.... oh wait, I forgot he is taking the longest vacation ever in the history of presidents! :mad:

Yeah, I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said; "Who's wearing the blue dress, now?"
I just got back from the Chevron near my house. Premium (91 octane) was $2.86 per gallon. The NSX is worth it though. :wink:
Stop it please! You guys in the US are all killing us North of the border. I'm payin $1.05/L for Premium right now. For those not up on their conversions, there is 3.79 Litres to a US Gallon. That's a whopping $4.00 per gallon guys.... :eek: :eek: Oh to be paying ONLY $2.50 per gallon to enjoy the ride. I haven't been able to drive for that price for more than two years now.
I saw 2.98 for premium in chicago baby. Yeah we are number one! Oh my bad it is not good to get a higher score here. :biggrin:
it's like $3.25 USD a gallon in ontario and probably going higher, if our dollar wasn't doing so well I think it would be worse.
I'm paying $2.90 a gallon, but passed a gas station in Bedford that has it for $3.09 a gallon, and the cars were lined up for it!!!! :eek:
Well at least Bush is doing something about it.... oh wait, I forgot he is taking the longest vacation ever in the history of presidents! :mad:

Bush's vacation length equates to gasoline prices......how? :confused: Wasn't it just a few days ago that the Bush Administration signed into law a rather comprehensive energy bill? Why yes, they did. So to "slam" my golfing buddy for a long vacation means nothing.

What people need to keep in mind is that crude oil is a finite resource. The world will run out of economically prudent reserves to pump out of the ground. It is a simple law of supply-and-demand.......as supply goes down and demand goes up, there is only one direction gasoline prices will go, and that is up. To chide someone for a long vacation has absolutely nothing to do with gasoline prices. :rolleyes: It seems that folks will "blame" whomever the current president that is in office, for high gasoline prices that are single-handedly out of his 100 % control. Think people, think. :frown:
We've got nothing to bitch about here in the US.
We've got the highest standard of living and the cheapest fuel prices in the world.
Yes, it does suck that it keeps going up...but, adjusted for inflation, we are not paying more now than we did 15 years ago.

Some data from the govt.

Yellow Rose said:
Well at least Bush is doing something about it.... oh wait, I forgot he is taking the longest vacation ever in the history of presidents! :mad:

Bush's vacation length equates to gasoline prices......how? :confused: Wasn't it just a few days ago that the Bush Administration signed into law a rather comprehensive energy bill? Why yes, they did.

That energy bill has nothing to do with Gas prices.
NetViper said:
That energy bill has nothing to do with Gas prices.

Are you kidding? :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:

The energy bill has multiple propositions. One is to extend daylight savings time. Another is to develop alternative energy sources - wind, nuclear, etc. Any way you provide energy from a source other than hydrocarbon, you slow the rate at which hydrocarbon energy (gasoline) increases. While perhaps not direct, the energy bill does relate to gasoline prices. Rising gasoline prices was one of the motivating factors for that bill.
Let me rephrase, according the NBC news, that energy bill will do nothing short-term to lower gas prices.

Anyway Andy, I just find it strange that at a time where Bush approval rating is in the toilet, and war in Iraq is not showing any signs of improvement, troops are being killed everyday, we have worries of terrorism on the subways, and all that other stuff going on, that bush would take the longest vacation ever of any president.

On the plus side, the economy seems to be strong and jobless rates are at an all time low I think.
On the plus side, the economy seems to be strong and jobless rates are at an all time low I think.[/QUOTE]

They're actually at a 4 yr. low, but remember, this only reflects persons whom are eligable for unemployment benefits. It does not count persons whom are underemployed or have exhausted their benefits.
Bigglezworth said:
Stop it please! You guys in the US are all killing us North of the border. I'm payin $1.05/L for Premium right now. For those not up on their conversions, there is 3.79 Litres to a US Gallon. That's a whopping $4.00 per gallon guys.... :eek: :eek: Oh to be paying ONLY $2.50 per gallon to enjoy the ride. I haven't been able to drive for that price for more than two years now.

I filled up with Esso Premium last night at 98.9L .... I'm just 300km north of you..
NetViper said:
Let me rephrase, according the NBC news, that energy bill will do nothing short-term to lower gas prices.

Respectfully... I wouldn't be comfortable citing NBC news as an authoritative source for anything other than who's banging Paris Hilton this week. :biggrin:

The truth is that there's really nothing practical that can be done to alleviate gas prices inthe short term. It's a macro-economic issue involving world wide supply and demand and correcting that paradigm is going to take large policy shifts, large shifts in usage, and other such mid to long-term factors.

I'm not saying Bush's new energy bill is the right way to go about it, but it does have some interesting steps.
NCC-1701D said:
I filled up with Esso Premium last night at 98.9L .... I'm just 300km north of you..
Funny how Calgary has higher prices than all of the areas surrounding them isn't it. :eek: It's not like we're the oil capital of Canada or anything. :confused: I had suspected Edmonton and the like were less. Thanks for confirming.
NetViper said:
Let me rephrase, according the NBC news, that energy bill will do nothing short-term to lower gas prices.

Anyway Andy, I just find it strange that at a time where Bush approval rating is in the toilet, and war in Iraq is not showing any signs of improvement, troops are being killed everyday, we have worries of terrorism on the subways, and all that other stuff going on, that bush would take the longest vacation ever of any president.

On the plus side, the economy seems to be strong and jobless rates are at an all time low I think.

Umm...Wow. Do you think the President of the United States has unplugged his phone while on this "vacation"? That makes me laugh. Being the President of the United States is a 24/7 job. I don't care what party a President represents. They all take vacations and they all work on those vacations. It is that simple.

I would suggest doing a bit of reading (like a macroeconomics textbook) before spewing NBC talking points.
I would also suggest people who are upset over gas prices get an Accord Hybrid instead of an NSX. :rolleyes:
Bush has no control over gas prices. Last year, I predicted that substantial areas would see $3/gal by year end for premium grade. I may be off by a year, but close enough. Prices are never going down again until/unless we develop sustainable fusion power.
xsn said:
I would also suggest people who are upset over gas prices get an Accord Hybrid instead of an NSX. :rolleyes:

I would suggest you read a little more about Hybrids before you say that. There is a good article in this months C&D.
Well, as much as I hate to admit it, this isn't Bush's fault. However, I do blame the government to some degree. Not all of the price we pay at the pump is going to the oil companies. There are some nice taxes that are included at the price at the pump. What I don't get is why can't the government maybe give a little relief in the taxes. Oh wait, that would mean they have less $$$ to waste on stupid wars and building bombs we'll never use.

We just need to come to terms with the fact that gas prices will probably never go back to $1/gallon. Just not gonna happen. I am not happy about the fact that prices are where they are and continue to rise. But there really isn't much I can do about it. Have to get to work to pay bills....and I need gas in my car to get there (till I perfect the flux capacitor).

The only other thing that pisses me off is the record profits that these oil companies are raking in. I understand that companies are for profit, but you would think it would serve their interests to give us a little relief too. I mean, how much longer will prices continue to rise before people say enough is enough?

I predict very soon, you will start to see a huge rise in gas theft, either at the pump, or by people actually syphoning off gas from other cars. I know I have my tubing all ready and I am building up a tolerance to the taste of gasoline......:biggrin: