how much headroom do I lose with targa.

While others swear that you loose none, I am secretly conviced that you loose at least 1/2".

I can put my head straight on any coupe that I've sat in. I drive my T with my head somewhat sideways.

But these are just my impressions, I have no facts to back them up. One theory is that the coupes I've been in are earlier models and that the seat settles somewhat compared to my Y2K.

And note that Dali Racing sells a replacement cushion that may yield over 1" more headroom.
The width of the room of my coupe and old targa are the same. You can trim the seat cushion, buy Dali's cushion, or remove the cushion completely like I do for the track. I took a foam pad wrapped in vinyl to cushion my a$$ at the track.

-- Chris

Chris Willson
I've got a 99 coupe and the headliner is recessed somewhat (upward) so the coupe appears to have slightly more headroom than my prior NSX-T (assuming you leave the targa top on!).

None with the targa off

I think the 1/2" is about right with it on.

Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift
I also feel there is just a tad less headroom in the -T with the top on than a coupe. I have never measured, but I've been in many of both and also owned both.