How to make an animation Cel

That's pretty damn cool. What steps would you follow to actually animate it? Do you make separate overlays for each moving part? Assuming you were going to do it the old fashioned way rather than scanning it and using a computer..

I still paint by hand. The nice thing is if the image is small enough, I can use photo shop to clean up the image. Some are single layer and some are multi layers, the op post was done with four layers to add depth, in most cases I would paint it as a single layer if the image is for sale.

Any of you guys want to do this, let me know, I'll show you where to buy the material and the steps to paint the image.

And thanks for the compliments guy, I really appreciate them.
Some of my work. Original and replications.
Pencil test!


Vance, I have a question for you regarding these two. Mostly the first tho.

I've seen the pencil piece concept many times, but I have always wondered,
is its purpose purely the attempt to indicate where you will shade the colors?
Do you trace those lines on the cel, or does it just stay on the paper piece?

I'm just wondering because I've seen it many times, sometimes in colored lines,
but have always wondered if it gets painted over or something.
I usually never pre-draw where I will shade. I tend to just shade as I go along.

Thanks again.
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Okay so after ordering my cartoon coloring supplies; cel vynils, paints, etc etc.. I couldn't wait any longer for them so I went hunting around town at local art stores for anything close to it. I really wanted to try it out for the heck of it. My supplies aren't even here yet! Well, I actually found some acetate alternative, clear overlay films. I couldn't resist so I bought some. Next, I dug through all my old art supplies and took out my dusty acrylic paints. Boy are they old! I mean, I was surprise they didn't dry up or anything.
I gathered them all together and with some really bad brushes, I started working on a pre_sample work. I have to say, it felt really good getting back into it and while I couldn't work with good quality products, it was still fun, even with an old bad ink pen. I mean, man that thing did NOT want to "ink" at all. It was annoying for a bit there.
Anyhow, here's the rough test I did. My wife ask why I didn't shade it.. I told her I didn't wanna bother mixing paint because it was just a test, plus the old acrylics were crap. Had to do several coatings. :mad:
I gotta say, I cannot wait for my supplies to get here. Thanks again Vance.

Just made this one last week.


I took this one out of the frame and had it scanned.

Okay so after ordering my cartoon coloring supplies; cel vynils, paints, etc etc.. I couldn't wait any longer for them so I went hunting around town at local art stores for anything close to it. I really wanted to try it out for the heck of it. My supplies aren't even here yet! Well, I actually found some acetate alternative, clear overlay films. I couldn't resist so I bought some. Next, I dug through all my old art supplies and took out my dusty acrylic paints. Boy are they old! I mean, I was surprise they didn't dry up or anything.
I gathered them all together and with some really bad brushes, I started working on a pre_sample work. I have to say, it felt really good getting back into it and while I couldn't work with good quality products, it was still fun, even with an old bad ink pen. I mean, man that thing did NOT want to "ink" at all. It was annoying for a bit there.
Anyhow, here's the rough test I did. My wife ask why I didn't shade it.. I told her I didn't wanna bother mixing paint because it was just a test, plus the old acrylics were crap. Had to do several coatings. :mad:
I gotta say, I cannot wait for my supplies to get here. Thanks again Vance.


Hey, great work as your first one. You'll going to dig this thing. Every time I make one, I just gaze it at for hours...
Just made this one last week.


Vance! That piece is one HELL of a craftsmanship man! Awesome!
I just recently got my stuffs and am working on my first piece. RYU!
I must say, doing this involves more patience than I first imagined. I mean,
I am so use to pencil, ink, then prisma markers. That's fast and convenient
for me, but this! Boy it's something else, but as you've said, regardless
I am truly enjoying it. Ryu is almost done and you're right, I just sit back and
look at it over and over and over and it doesn't really get old at all.
For the moment, I'm just trying to get comfortable with the tools.

Question: Do you find yourself having to retouch your paint. As in, doing
several coatings ?
Here is the deal.

Rule number 1: If you are right handed, always paint from left to right.

Rule number 2: When working with each color, always paint the darker shade first.

Rule number 3: When deciding on what colors to paint, always paint the darker color first, progress into lighter color.

Rule number 4: When painting lighter color, make sure you apply multiple layers, make it thick.

Rule number 5: Avoid finger prints or other contaminants. It is really hard to clean them out without damaging the acetate or smug the black lines.

Don't forget to always ink from the front side and paint from the back side.

Get a bottle of rubbing alcohol, after painting the cel, use that to clean the painted side, it will minimize scratches and take out all the dirt.
Here is the deal.

Rule number 1: If you are right handed, always paint from left to right.

Rule number 2: When working with each color, always paint the darker shade first.

Rule number 3: When deciding on what colors to paint, always paint the darker color first, progress into lighter color.

Rule number 4: When painting lighter color, make sure you apply multiple layers, make it thick.

Rule number 5: Avoid finger prints or other contaminants. It is really hard to clean them out without damaging the acetate or smug the black lines.

Don't forget to always ink from the front side and paint from the back side.

Get a bottle of rubbing alcohol, after painting the cel, use that to clean the painted side, it will minimize scratches and take out all the dirt.

Thanks for the input. I admit I have overlooked rule #1.
Rule #2 & 3 is usually how I work also, so that process has been dandy.

I will need to go buy some rubbing alcohol asap. :biggrin:

Question again: Do you use acrylic brushes or water color brushes? Does it matter?
I'm not picky with the brush, I like to use skinny long brush because it hold more paint. I use large flat (broom like ) brush for large area and again use smaller brush to fill in the gap or tight area.

Whether you like to replicate or paint an original illustration, what makes the picture stands out is of course the color selection and flow of the lines. The last picture had both.

One more thing, make sure the paint is evenly distributed after each application, if not, the area of the cel will have small curls on surface pull down by the paint, which may cause reflection problem when you don't have proper lighting when it is displayed. You'll see what I'm talking about after you make a few.
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One more thing, make sure the paint is evenly distributed after each application, if not, the area of the cel will have small curls on surface pull down by the paint, which may cause reflection problem when you don't have proper lighting when it is displayed. You'll see what I'm talking about after you make a few.
The surface where the ink is, correct?

Whether you like to replicate or paint an original illustration, what makes the picture stands out is of course the color selection and flow of the lines. The last picture had both.
Yeah I noticed that... a little late, after I had already finished my first real trial.
Here is it. Not too colorful.

Kick ass!!! I'm assuming that is on a standard size cel?

I want you to check out this Arion cel in 3 mega pixel. This cel has every element you can put on a cel, from standard brush stroker, masking to airbrushing. See if you can do an image like this. You're ready.

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Kick ass!!! I'm assuming that is on a standard size cel?

I want you to check out this Arion cel in 3 mega pixel. This cel has every element you can put on a cel, from standard brush stroker, masking to airbrushing. See if you can do an image like this. You're ready.

Thanks man. It means a lot coming from you. I'll try to do something close to yours.

I did my piece on a 9x12 cel. What size do you use? Is that the actually size?

When you're talking about "masking to airbrushing", can you elaborate a little bit more?

I also don't have airbrush tools so I guess that's something I'll have to look into. Is that how you got the back character to project a certain 'glow'?
Air brushing is something you have to fiddle with in order to figure out. The important this is the thickness of the paint, if it is too thick, it wouldn't spray, if it is too thin, it will run off and cause water spots. Before spraying, always test on another sheet of acetate.

This is a cel was done entirely by air brushing.

In term of size, my Arion and Loddess War are painted on 19 x 24 before matting and framing.

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Mr. Leeeee. Just finish this one like... ten minutes ago.

This one is hard to do... I was sweating blooding trying to figure out how to paint this thing.

In term of size, my Arion and Loddess War are painted on 19 x 24 before matting and framing.
Jesus dude! How do you manage to scan that? Do you take it somewhere?
I am also at a lost for the moment. It seems whatever I do, while it looks nice in person, once I scan it... it doesn't look at colorful. I'm thinking maybe I need a better scanner or something.

Mr. Leeeee. Just finish this one like... ten minutes ago.

This one is hard to do... I was sweating blooding trying to figure out how to paint this thing.

Dude, that one is mad! I haven't even started painting anything yet. I've just been drawing, trying to figure out what I want to put together next. I'm thinking... maybe if I work on something bigger, maybe it'll look smoother once scanned and resized. Maybe.
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No scanner... Just my iPhone camera.
No scanner... Just my iPhone camera.
Do you know what's interesting? Our scanner just recently went down and my wife have been using her iPhone too. LOL.
By the way, she's seen your work on this thread and thinks they are great. She says "Hi".
I have been working on a 9 x 12 Superman and she couldn't resist anymore so she got on the wagon and did something too. We both finished yesterday.

Here's mine:

And this is Her's. Yes these were taking with her iPhone.
She is very talented. See what I mean? They're not hard to make.

The best way to take pictures of these cels is take them out doors and lay them flat under the sun so you get minimal reflection. The color will be brilliant and you can trim them down by using photoshop.
She is very talented. See what I mean? They're not hard to make.

The best way to take pictures of these cels is take them out doors and lay them flat under the sun so you get minimal reflection. The color will be brilliant and you can trim them down by using photoshop.
Vance, I honestly gotta give you big thanks for constantly giving me new and improved tips. My wife and I really appreciate it.
I'll post the next one when it's done.
Vance, I honestly gotta give you big thanks for constantly giving me new and improved tips. My wife and I really appreciate it.
I'll post the next one when it's done.

Any time my friend. Once you get comfortable with making standard size cels, branch out to poster size. Fiddle with airbrush if you can, it will make the ending result more rewarding.
Mr. Lee, just want to tease you with my latest! Just completed it this afternoon.




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