Hyper Rev Book?

21 April 2000
Vancouver, Canada
hey hey,
Just wondering, any of you guys have the Hyper Rev book on the NSX? If you don't know, this is the most complete NSX book ever, with 193 pages with pictures on _EVERY_ NSX (Type R, Type S, Mugen NSX, and all the body kits availiable)
I know i can find it on eBay, but the thing is that it always goes up to about 60$ US, and that's wayy too much, considering the book only costs 30$ US

So again I ask, any one know any japanese bookstores that are online?

I live here in LA and I can get the books for $30 from the Japanese mall. I will get the name of the bookstore that sells them for you and you can do an internet search to find the closest one.
Sounds like a great book. I sprung for the NSX book (silver and black) and was really disappointed to find it mostly about 1991 cars. Nice Coffee table addition, but not what I was looking for. This new books seems like "The ticket"! How can I get in on this action and where can you get it? What is the actual title and author?

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black
Its not exactly a book. More like a really really oversized Magazine. I managed to pick up a copy here at a local Japanese Book store. They stock about 30 or so of various cars from the Skyline to the Sylvia. Its somewhat like a showcase for the mod's available, and a large number of ad's for NSX parts(all in Japanese of course). A mish-mash of performance everything for the NSX. I could probably get you a copy for around 30 bucks or so if you want. There are various author's, the magazine/book publication is actually called "HyperRev" If I remember correctly. I'll go take a look at it and see if I can get you any more useful information.
I have the Hyper Rev issue 32 on NSX. The problem is it's in Japanese only, but then who cares, the pictures are really cool. I also have issue 46 which is on S2000. They cost 2000 yen + tax each in Japan. A friend of mine who was visting Japan bought them for me. They are on sale in ordinary bookstores in Japan.
The publisher can be found on the net: http://www.news-pub.com but I'm not sure whether the magazines are on sale through the net cos' it's n Japanese only.
I'm one of those lucky few who can read that Japanese book..After browsing through a large portion of it, I felt that it woudl be better off not being able to read it. The number of Mod's and upgrades available in Japan are absolutely staggering. And so are the prices. Granted, the prices are in Yen..but still..Look at those Zero's...OUCH. Those parts are NOT cheap.
I live down the street from the Mitsuwa Market (formerly Yaohan Mall). I'm in Costa Mesa and they stock all the Japanese auto magazines such as Carboy, Options, etc. as well as Hyper Rev. HyperRev normally costs about $30 USD, as someone stated earlier.

If anyone would like for me to pick them up a copy, let me know.
Originally posted by EndLeSS:
hey hey,
Just wondering, any of you guys have the Hyper Rev book on the NSX? If you don't know, this is the most complete NSX book ever, with 193 pages with pictures on _EVERY_ NSX (Type R, Type S, Mugen NSX, and all the body kits availiable)
I know i can find it on eBay, but the thing is that it always goes up to about 60$ US, and that's wayy too much, considering the book only costs 30$ US

So again I ask, any one know any japanese bookstores that are online?


I have the book and I live in Vancouver, wouldn't mind lending it to you. It seems to have a lot of usefull information in it too, of course it is only in japanese. Let me know if you want to borrow it, oh and you wouldn't know anybody who could translate it do you?
As I posted in another section, I recommend this magazine/book VERY much. Lud was kind enough to let me borrow his, and it is beautiful. It makes me want to move to Tokyo where support for the car and a more knowledgeable public is handy. I love the book and when/if I find it, I may buy a few more just to make it easier for you all to get one too.

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black
Originally posted by jon69:

I have the book and I live in Vancouver, wouldn't mind lending it to you. It seems to have a lot of usefull information in it too, of course it is only in japanese. Let me know if you want to borrow it, oh and you wouldn't know anybody who could translate it do you?

I can give it a shot if you'd like. Although you might want to choose certain sections as opposed to the whole book. Thats a bit much to translate.
hey hey,

jon69: Thanks for the offer, but in the end, i'm planning to buy a copy anyhow, so i'll try to find a copy. I don't wan't to screw up yours cuz i don't know what condition you keep your stuff at. Thanks again!

Thanks to all who replied, and thanks again for all the help!

I have an idea. Why not post the ISBN number and then anyone can order it at any major bookstore. Maybe even Amazon.com. Any thoughts on that?

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black
The HyperRev issue on the NSX can be purchased online through speedlab.com
Mine was shipped express air mail and, from memory, cost about $40 total.
I finally found my copy of this book (couldn't find any in the SFBA) the other day in Los Angeles. Also bought a video on the NSX. My girlfriend was rolling her eyes when I paid $38 for this since I won't understand a single thing said.


Phone: (213) 687-4480
I just bought mine on Tuesday
it's an AWESOME book and i think it has the value to be collected!
I also have the hyper REV magazine for Supra TT..it's great too!
hey hey!

Thanks a TON to all of ya guys!! i can finally get this book! When i went to San Fran, i went to KINOKUNIYA, but they didn't have the NSX one, only the Supra one, so that's what got me wondering. Once again, thanks to all!

I can't believe most of you guys are spending 30 to 40 bucks on something you can't read or understand. Do you just look at the pictures and smile? I'm fluent in English and Spanish but I can certainly not read Japanese. Please!! why are you buying this magazine if you can't read it? I know one of you can read Japanese, but what about the rest?
"Please!! why are you buying this magazine if you can't read it? I know one of you can read Japanese, but what about the rest?"

I just picked up my car so I am buying just about everything/anything NSX related. The pics are cool and the Japanese video I picked up (NSX-R) at the book store was also cool. Although I couldn't understand a single word spoken, it was nice to see them race the NSX against Supras, RX-7's, Ferrari 456 and F40, etc on the track. You don't need to understand Japanese to appreciate the NSX being driven hard and also the voice of the driver getting nervous (replayed with in car cam)as he pitches the car sideways and powers out of it
I enjoy the pics of the book very much despite I can't read Japanese. I also have a Japanese video on the 97 NSX, the Type S & Type S Zero models. I can't understand a single word spoken but I just don't care.
OK Gaymond, you convinced me, where do I get the video? I'm not interested in the magazine but I would like to check out the video. Thanks.
Thank you Gaymond Lee. I got mine as you suggested from KINOKUNIYA BOOK STRS in L.A. last friday. Very cool book/magazine. Tons of mods and ideas for mods. Great photography also.
Originally posted by Gaymond Lee:

Phone: (213) 687-4480

I called today. They are OUT OF STOCK. It seems that this forum caused a run on their inventory.
They were kind enough to reorder one for me as long as I gave them the web address of the site. They would like to keep us posted and informed about NSX related items as long as we continue to beat a path to their door.

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black