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Investment Question...

23 January 2002
Hey guys. Hypothetically if you were given $100k how would you invest it? No spending on depreciable assets I'm more interested in long-term growth.

This is of course just hypothetical and safety is a priority.
give it to me? hehehe.

How about investing it in a rental home?....Find a growth city...buy a reasonable price home and rent it out for positive cash flow. Since it's long time, the house should appreciate 5-10 years from now.
When you say longterm what do you mean? Retirement, 5-10 year, 1-5 year? My second question would be how conservative are you? Last but not least what type of investments do you have now?

Historically the stock market has produced a 10.2% gain since inception. If I had no investments at all and was looking for a retirement portfolio it would look like this:

10% International fund
20% non trade REITS
10% bonds
20% small cap
20% large cap value
20% large cap growth

Good luck.
Buy raw land within 2 hours of any major metropolitan city. Since you are NJ, buy some land in the country, sit on it, and sell it to some fat-cat baby boomer who has made a fortune in NYC for the past 30 years.
Jasil said:
Historically the stock market has produced a 10.2% gain since inception.

Whish this was true... I have a 0.8%/year average over the last 6 years and 3.3% over the last 12 months. :frown:

I have 55% stocks (blue chips and small cap, worldwide), 35% bonds worldwide, 10% money markets.

Markets are not what they used to be...
As others have pointed out, this type of question demands many more answers from you, before an appropriate answer can be given. Some of those who have responded have actually given you some good ideas, others haven't. I do this for a living, and I can tell you, there is no "one answer" nor is there a magical one size fits all solution. I think that you need to sit down with a professional and do it correctly. There are too many variables to ask a question like this and get one correct answer. BOL- :smile:
Vizal said:
Most popular seem to be land or property investment. I think we can be more creative than this. Anybody else? I guess those who know are keeping to themselves :eek:
go short term bonds for now. stay out of stocks unless they tank. when bond yields soar go with long term bonds (this will be in a few years).. consider non-dollar safe investments to take advantage of further dollar tanking. one exception - i think IBM is a good buy now.

#1 rule. buy low. sell high.
interesting opinions. By long-term I'm talking 20-30 years. Real estate would seem to be the most obvious option, but I'm not a big fan of putting all my money into only one thing. I'm neutral on risk factor, as it seems the best option for optimizing gains. Bonds at this time seem a bit too conservative and I'm not a big fan of buying single stocks with exception to blue chips.

jasil what are REITS? And where do you go for international funds?
The stock market isn't working well right now. Homes and property are extended. Anyone who disagrees are probably the same people who were buying internet stocks in 1999 & 2000. You can't be the moth to the flame. To give you an idea as to what I am doing, my broker has been buying me investments that are paying me better than 7% state and federal tax free. I am in the highest bracket so that is like a 13% return. Not a bad idea when nothing else seems to be working. I just forget about it and set it on dividend reinvestment. On your 100k, that would be 7k a year, tax free.
rmani said:
interesting opinions. By long-term I'm talking 20-30 years. Real estate would seem to be the most obvious option, but I'm not a big fan of putting all my money into only one thing. I'm neutral on risk factor, as it seems the best option for optimizing gains. Bonds at this time seem a bit too conservative and I'm not a big fan of buying single stocks with exception to blue chips.

jasil what are REITS? And where do you go for international funds?


If my memory is correct, they are a large groups of investors that own hotels/time shares. They manage the properties completely. In college, I worked PT for Starwood Lodging, which at the time was the largest REIT. They owned many Windham's, Hilton's, etc....