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NSteXpo this year?

Diveboy said:
I have not seen any mention of doing a Texpo this year. Any one planning one for this year or a big get together for this region?


Don't expect Sterling Acura to support it again this year. I was the dealer rep that handled the entire process when it came to funding and times for visitation at the dealer. The GM decided that it wasn't worth it, though I STRONGLY disagree. Since I am affiliated with the NSXCA, they won't. Let's just say that the dealer and I aren't on agreeable terms. Scott Caffey left shortly after I did, so there is no NSX certificate holding person there after the 2 of us left.
Well I did drive all the way from NW Arkansas to come to that event. I was hoping to see more Tx people there. I thought Ojas did a good job for what time he had to organize it. Is there not some one in the Houston or San Antonio area that could put one together. Maybe we need to look outside the TX. like New Orleans or Maybe Tulsa or OKC. But I know most of the NSX are in Dallas and Houston. I like the Dallas area because it is centrally located for most of the region.

I look under the region posting and the South Central region seems to be the least active.
Diveboy said:
Well I did drive all the way from NW Arkansas to come to that event. I was hoping to see more Tx people there. I thought Ojas did a good job for what time he had to organize it. Is there not some one in the Houston or San Antonio area that could put one together. Maybe we need to look outside the TX. like New Orleans or Maybe Tulsa or OKC. But I know most of the NSX are in Dallas and Houston. I like the Dallas area because it is centrally located for most of the region.

I look under the region posting and the South Central region seems to be the least active.
New Orleans would be awesome. Close to home and fun.
I'd have to say Houston or Dallas. But wasn't the last one in Austin, and before that, in Dallas? I'd say Houston would be a good place to have it. (oh, and I live here! :D )

- Z
I'm sure we could get a nice contingent (4 or 5) from Oklahoma and Arkansas if could be just a tad closer than Houston.
Well I do live in Arkanasas and the Eureka springs area is nice. We have a lot of really nice roads up here in the mountains. you can just pick a road and go down it and have all kinds of fun. Problem is that if we had it up in this area it would not be very big. I know a lot of the Tx people would not drive up here. And I dont think the local dealership would sponser us at all. Landers is pretty stuck on them selves and does not care about the NSX at all.

It was funny. The last time we got 5 of 6 NSX together and drove them through the old part of Eureka. We could hear the people along the street say those must be new Corrvettes. Had us all laughing so hard.

The only problem with Houston it is so far for the people that live outside the TX area to drive. But if you guys put together a good one. I would drive down there as long as my car is together.

......Bummer. The wife and I have been looking for a good excuse to get back up to Eureka......That's where we were married.......
Dallas would be the ideal spot. Unfortunately, Goodson Acura lost our contact- susan.

At least the topic is being discussed.
Goodson Acura has been a good sponser of the NSX club. And we all LOVE SUSAN to DEATH. But just because Susan is gone does not mean Goodson Acura could not be out sponser any more. I would say we need to decide where we want to have it this year and the contact a dealer and see if they would like to work with us. I am sure the OK and AK would like to see it in Dallas again. I know I like the Dallas area. The question is can we find some new things to do so every one does not get bored.

For all those that like the Eureka springs area. I will try to put something together up here for like a weekend. The hills for driving around here are so much fun.

Hey...there is still an NSX in my family....maybe I can be of some help? I left a snap ring broken transmission case in Goodson's store room just for a technical seminar....Hadn't mentioned anything about teXpo because I thought Ojas was rallying the Austin peeps! If Dallas is where you want it, lets do it. :cool:

loNfastNSX said:
i vote for Houston.

Do not simply "vote" for Houston as the venue for NSteXpo.....get off of your butt and organize it to happen. :rolleyes:
Im too deep in organizing my wedding! i would definately be willing to help someone co-organize this event if anybody wants to step up. Ive never had the privilage to attend the NSteXpo so I dont really know what is expected.

How are the kids doing Andy? :biggrin:
Re: Houston

AndyVecsey said:
Do not simply "vote" for Houston as the venue for NSteXpo.....get off of your butt and organize it to happen. :rolleyes:

I'm with Andy on this one. It takes a lot of work to get this set up. Ojas worked his ass off getting everything to go as smoothly as it did last year. You have to set up times and dates for reservations for visitors, venues, and traveling back and forth (not to mention group drives). Anyone that feels their up to it, give it a shot.
Paul, too

Last month, I sent a couple emails to Eric, our regional NSXCA representative, to see if anything was in the works, but have not heard back yet. I know he’s a very busy guy though, so I’m glad this is being discussed.

Thanks Susan for the very generous offer.

Andy’s right. If you want to make Houston a reality, I think the Houstonians should have a little discussion and at least figure out who would organize the event. If you don’t do it soon, it’s likely Susan will have whole thing planned out for Dallas before you know it. :D I’m sure either town would be a blast.

BTW: Please don’t forget Paul. Last year, he worked at least as hard anyone else.
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Hey Guys

I did not want to start a fight. I just know I look forward to getting together with all you guys. Up here in NW Arkansas there are only a few of us. And I always look for an excuse to come to the big city. I would probably drive to Houston but not sure about the rest of the guys. I know Dallas is much easier for us outside of Texas. Like I said. since is was in Dallas 2 years in a row. Just wondering if they can keep if fresh. And yes Susan can seem to put things together very easy. She seems to know every one and can get things done. So we have to really give her our Love for what she has done for us in the past. She is a Car girl.

Well if someone puts together something to Texpo I will try to get something put together for fall in Eureka. I just know it will be a long drive for some of you guys.


Never a fight or harsh word amongst the Texas crowd! Group HUG!!!! :biggrin:

I am willing to help out in any way possible if someone wants to take the reighns here in Houston. Or if it gets started in another city, well thats awesome as well! Just offering! Ill give the rest of the Houston guys a call this week and see what is going on.
Re: Paul, too

Ojas said:
BTW: Please don’t forget Paul. Last year, he worked at least as hard anyone else.

He racked up some points on his AMEX card for last year's event. Thanks again to both of you.
Well guys

Since i have not heard any one say they are going to work on getting the NStexpo going this year. I guess I am going to take my car a part and start to work on my project. I think it would of been nice to have the Expo in like New Orleans.

"Any one planning one for this year or a big get together for this region?"

---Crawling out from under a rock---

One fine day I believe we'll have another grand teXpo event! :>) I had the best times during these events - hoping to be involved with another one day...

Just call a hotel, bring lots of tequila and whisky in a velvet bag for Andy, feed everyone BBQ every night, provide independent parking, and everyone will have a great time.

---...Back under the Rock...---

Brent "still NSXless for now" Cobb
Hey Brent...hopefully you can hear me under your rock :wink:

If you help plan it...I'll help you as well as loan you "Whitamus Maximus" for the event :smile:

Plus, I'll host a free B-B-Q and all they can drink Tequila Machine and draft Shiner Bock at my Ft Worth home plus get Mobil1 and EXP to give out free products to each NSX...Just like at NSXPO in Ft Worth.

Sneek peek at next years One Lap/Cannonball NSX as well :cool:

Only problem, I only have parking for 50 Nsx's at my home... :redface:

Since I just purchased my NSX last October, I have no idea what happens/is expected at such a gathering.

I help organize motorcycle rallies with 800+ attendees, so I could help put this together. BUT, as I said before, I don't know what is expected. I'm also sure most folks would say it's getting too HOT to do anything now...or is it?

Let's not count this out yet...let's put some minds together and make it happen soon.

If not, let me know about what time for next year, and we'll start planning that one now.

NSteXPO... make it happen!

hmmm... I'm back in Austin, finally. I'd love to see another TEXPO this summer. Houston or Dallas seem to be cool spots, and I'd most definitely love to be a part of it. :biggrin:

Is anyone taking the initiative? Other than having a local Acura Dealer to help w/ sponsorship, the rest of it can be 'play' time!

- Fine-dining
- Cigar lounges & martini bars
- Nite-spots
- Karting
- Acura dealer seminar(s)
- Detailing tutorials
(local shoppe? Meguiers/3M/Zymol/Zaino/etc...?)
- Dyno session
- Audio/visual product demonstrations at a reknowned aftermarket sound shoppe/specialist
- Group outing to exotic/premium auto shops
(Aston Martin, Ferrari, Rolls, Bentley, Maybach, Lambo, Maserati, Lotus, Porsche, etc)
- town-&-country drives
- Big Pimpin'

The more informal it's kept, the less tax'ing it'll be on the individual(s) who take charge of this event!

As far as OK, AR, LA, and other areas... why not!?! The key would be getting some sort of local sponsorship by an Acura dealership, and perhaps even having a racetrack nearby. Scenic countryside drives would be great as well. It can be called "SouthCentral USA NSX Owners Gathering" or something along those lines. :cool:

I just think it should be in late June or July, though. Definitely no later than early August; otherwise it's too close to October's NSXPO & a Texas 'Prime member's wedding in which quite a few SouthCentral NSX'ers would be active in... :redface:
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