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NSX driving school?

2 May 2002
Ft. Lewis, WA
I saw in the S2000 thread that someone mentioned a driving school for the NSX.
Where could I find such a school? Do I
need my own NSX to attend? How many of
you guys have been there? What do you
Originally posted by naaman:
I saw in the S2000 thread that someone mentioned a driving school for the NSX.
Where could I find such a school? Do I
need my own NSX to attend? How many of
you guys have been there? What do you

The last driving school took place at
Thunderhill in Willows CA. It was nothing
more than a High Performance Driving School.
I believe that people got about 80 minutes
of track time.

If your funds allow, you are better off
attending the Skip Barber driving schools
or attending the Bob Bondurant driving school
in AZ. You will get some serious seat time
about 20 hours..

The basics that you will learn can be applied
to any car that you drive. That being said
those driving schools are quite expensive.

Good Luck!
There will be another driving school at Thnderhill in September.

This is a driving school, not a racing school.

What are you getting for around $180:
1. 4 or 5 session of 30 min each. Totalling of 120 to 150 min of track time with instructor.
2. Learn and practice "the line" around the race track.
3. Threshold braking, control, consistency and smoothness.
4. Full day of fun.

What you don't get is to learn to race. It is not racing. We don't teach how to race, start, pass people, and so forth.

There are many reason to take this school. One of them is to have fun, drive your car on a race track at speed and full control. It is fun and exhilirating.

Profesional racing school are different. It is intended to learn how to race. Although I must say that skip barber and Russel Racing 3 day racing school are everything but racing. You learn the basics of car control and how to handle a race car. Not your car. Their advance school are the real racing school. And you are paying premium, about $2500 and up for the 3 days racing course and more for the advance.

Is it worth it? Sure. IMHO, it is worth every penny. But everybody has different goal. The cheapest way is to work your way up the ladder. Go to few driving school to get a taste of what it likes to run your car on the track. If you like it and want to take it a step further, start going to racing school.

Racing is not for everybody. I have several friends who are really fast, but enjoy just going to driving school or open track. Have no aspiration in racing. So I said, before you make a commitment. Do go out and give it a try. I can guarantee there are no better value than club driving school.

[This message has been edited by Andrie Hartanto (edited 25 May 2002).]
Andrie summarized it pretty well. From the post, I don't think 2slow has ever attended our events since at a minimum we offer 120 minutes ........

I would also add that without first testing your comnfort zone and limits with speed, I would not recommend spending major dollars for professional "racing school" programs if this is your initial interest in high performance drive. Once you sit as a passenger with one of our advanced and accomplished instructors, you can evaluate your comfort level for high speed and then decide if you are ready fore more .......... ride with Andrie next time you visit one of our events (it's free for visitors) and then let's talk ...........

[This message has been edited by Hrant (edited 25 May 2002).]
I did the Bondurant and Skip Barber racing schools and will be doing some advanced Skip Barber courses next month so I can definitively state that they are WELL worth the time/expense. But since you're using open wheel cars (and in the Bondurant case, also some wimpy Roush Mustangs), it's not the same as taking your own car on the track.

In short, the two are not mutually exclusive (well, perhaps the last Thunderhill was, which clashed with Skip Barber at Laguna Seca) and the NSX school should be much more fun from a comraderie standpoint. Plus you'll have the added advantage of learning how to drive your own car better, rather than some formula ford/dodge.

Whether by hook or crook, get all the seat time you can, including the NSX club stuff.
Originally posted by Andrie Hartanto:
Hey 2slow,

have you taken any of the NSX driving school? Have you taken any of the professional racing school?

Hi Andrie,

I took the 4 day Grand Prix Driving School in Arizona in April, and will be getting a bit more track time over the summer/fall with the NASA HPDE events and some other open track days, I also plan on attending some open lap days with Skip Barber in Laguna Seca driving the Formula Dodges.

Once those are done I will be taking the Adavanced 3 day Racing school at Bondurant and Skip Barber either later this
fall or early next year.

When I took the driving school down in AZ our
class was made up of only 6 people so we got
some serious seat time on the Mustang GTs and
the Formula Fords. 4 of the guys who took the class were SCCA drivers (2 WRX drivers and 2 BMW drivers), 1 newbie guy who wanted to become better before getting his dream car (Pantera) and me who had been away from motorsports for close to 10+ years.

The SCCA drivers were quite good, but even they were able to learn a bunch of things that made them better drivers after spendig the time in the class.

Our course was not really a Racing School since we did not concentrate on passing, the runs were not being timed, etc, etc, but we concentrated on good technique. BTW: The students that graduate from the the 4 Day Program actually qualifies the students to take the SCCA Novice Drivers License..

The 3rd Day is focused on rolling starts, SCCA rules, etc, etc and an actual full race.

The 4th day is spent on the Formula Fords (open wheel cars with a 1.6 liter engine, mid engined, can we say snap oversteer... hmm

What I can say is that I learned quite a bit
on those 4 days, having being out of the
motorsports for over 10+ years (Last time I
did any motorsports was back in college on
my CIVIC SI on the SCCA Solo events wohoo!) it was a great refresher course....

The track that Bondurant uses for their 4 day Grand Prix course is a fairly short one, 1.6 miles in length max speed 100mph on the main straightway on both the Mustangs and the Formula Fords, but it is very technical since it involves quite a bit of turns of varying difficulty and elevation changes, and a lot of shifting and braking and they really drill you on the basics and fundamentals.

The intructors will really push you to your limits, and even assume that you will spin out a couple of times while you are at the school. (Everyone who was at the school spun their cars at least a couple of times, with the exception of one of the BMW guys who had taken the course 7 times previously and was a regional SCCA champion!)

The good part is that they also go over actual excercises about car control and how to get out of spin situations or how to simply avoid them. The good thing is that
everything happens in a controlled environment so you never feel like you are at risk at the track. Several times I was on the verge of spinning or losing control of the car, but by applying what I learned I was able to regain control of the car without going off track.

In contrast, I attended the NASA HPDE event at Thunderhill a couple of weeks ago, I was quite dissapointed at the way that they were setting up their program.

I was running in Group 2 since I had never been to Thunderhill but had track experience, but to tell you the truth I felt very sorry for the people who were running in Group 1.

The first run was pretty much spent in a full course yellow, the rest of the runs seemed to be a free for all for the people in Group 2, with people concentrating more on trying to go fast rather than to use good technique or to learn the proper things to do on the track. 2 guys in their WRX were passing people in some of the more dangerous turns (7, 10, 11, 12) simply because they had the traction and the power to do so even though
passing was not allowed in *any* turns.

Sadly the people in Group 1 got very little out of it they spent most of their time on lead and follow excercises with "0 hours of classroom education" nothing about braking points, trail braking, throttle steering, heel and toe downshifting, reference points entry/apex/exit points etc, etc.

The only folks from that group that did get anything were the ones that had attended an actual school somewhere else who were applying what they learned at the track or people who had track experience somewhere else...

Being on the track with them was quite dangerous as well, I saw some very stupid moves being made by people (like braking at the top of turn 5 in the bypass configuration) [the off camber downhill turn] . 3 different people who were in front of me spun out in different turns (Cobra turn 3, Corvette ZR1 turn 5, BMW 325 turn 11) .

I doubt that I will be taking my NSX to any more of these events considering how most
of the people were driving. Just the people
going off track and all the dust and sand that they were leaving on the track made it very dangerous to be on the track with them.

I'll probably do something similar to what you guys are doing. Get a real affordable track car so I don't have to really worry about the damage that the NSX could encounter in one of these events.

From what I gather the NSX driving school is nothing more than a Thunderhill HPDE event,
hopefully the Thunderhill HPDE events are better than NASA envets..

It sure is fun to be out on the track with your NSX, but it is a lot more fun if you have gone through the entire basics of High Performance Driving prior to stepping into the track at one of these events.

I agree with you that attending one of the NSX driving schools is a good thing to do, but I am sure that it is *NOT* a replacement or a real *driving school*..

To clarify, I am very grateful for Hrant and the other folks who have been involved in the various NSXCA sponsored events at Thunderhill and sorry that I was misinformed about the actual track time at the last event.

But at the same time I would really like for people to realize that spending more $$ on your driving skills is a lot better than simply spending $$ on your car. Many of us don't think twice about spending $$ on go fast parts, but that won't make a difference if the required investement in your skills are not made as well..

For what is worth, if people are really thinking about participating in many track days, they will be better off spending the 2K or 3K at the driving school, it's nothing compared with the amount of damage that you can inflict on your NSX if you take it to the track and really lose control of it.

Just my 2cents.

Take Care Andrie, and good luck racing your
E30 M3

See you again at the next NASA event.

PS2: Number9 Controlling a brick of a
modified Mustang (Roush) GT at the
limit made driving my Prelude and my
NSX a breeze compared to that.

People might think that driving a Mustang GT is not fun but once you learn
to control a brick then everything
else becomes a lot easier to control


Finally a question for the peope who have run many track events at Thunderhill, when running counterclockwise and when Turn 5 is in bypass mode (of camber downhill right hand turn), what line/speed can you take to keep the rear end of the NSX planted?

I experimented with many different lines and many different speeds, and every single time the rear end of my NSX became light and wanted to come around. That was the scariest part of the track. Tried asking Andrie but he had not run the course in that configuration previously on his NSX, although he was running it that day on my E30 M3!

Some of the other drivers in their 911s and 914 were having the same difficulties, the guys running Front Engined RWD cars were not affected as much...
Hrant/Andrie, northwest.nsxca.org seems to be down. How does one get info on the Sept T-Hill event?


P.S. 2slow2speed, I'm doing the advanced car control clinic and open lapping June 20-21 (skip barber at laguna seca). Send me an email if you're interested - would be fun to meet with some other NSXers.

[This message has been edited by Number9 (edited 26 May 2002).]

Apparently you got your taste of your first event with your NSX in NASA. NASA is the worse case available in driving school program. Their driving school program is just a mean of support for their race program. However, I must say they are improving from let's say 2 years ago.

Like I mentioned before, the professional school worth every penny IMO. But there are lots of way to get there the cheaper way. I for one never taken any pro school, and anyone who knows me can attest to my ability. Even some of my racing buddies that taken Skip barber advance school can attest to this

I've been to most school other than those expensive pro school. SCCA, Driving concepts, BMWCCA, NASA, I lost count after that. And I can attest that most of those SCCA, and NASA students are a dissapointment. This is mostly due to anybody can take their course and pass. As long as you pay.

The NSX school is close to thunderhill HPDE events, only better. Here you get carefully selected instructors, other than anyone, that just want a free track time. In our school, students are classified into their appropriate level and will only go up or down level by instructors descrition. This way you know what your abilities viewed by other more experienced. So, in the long run you become a better driver before you decide to jump into racing or getting your racing license.

Sometimes people got a rude awakening when they registered as advance driver, due to their "pro school" experience but after a session with them in the car, we decide not to let them into the advance group.

That being said, I think you made a mistakes in NASA HPDE event. You have quite a bit of experience but yet you joined group 2 in NASA HPDE. Group 1 and 2 are strictly for beginners. Group 3 will be the right place to start for people that has experience. And Group 4 are for people that has racing experience.

I would like to invite you to join our school and get the taste of it first hand before making further judgement. We work hard for the school format, and would like to be given a chance.
Originally posted by Number9:
Hrant/Andrie, northwest.nsxca.org seems to be down. How does one get info on the Sept T-Hill event?


(edited 26 May 2002).]

Yep, it has been down for 2 weeks ...... a few days ago we found out that the NW and Sacto server are not on the same server as the other regions .... we are trying to solve the problem.
If you have any specific questions, just send an e-mail.
Originally posted by Andrie Hartanto:

I would like to invite you to join our school and get the taste of it first hand before making further judgement. We work hard for the school format, and would like to be given a chance.

Hi Andrie,

It looks like my reply that I posted Sunday night never made it through
, or did it get deleted. Either way, I posted remotely so perhaps the IP address did not match..

I'll take your advice and will try running in HPDE3 at the next NASA event.

I'm also looking forward to the next NSXCA Sacramento chapter event at Thunderhill, it will definetely be a plus to hang around with the rest of the NSX owners. I did sign up and paid for the last event but could not make it due to work schedule issues, hopefully I will be able to make it next time.

Finally, it would be real good if the NSX driving school event was extended to a 2 day program, that way people will have more track time and actually have time to digest what had been learned during day 1... Just thinking outloud, I know that Thunderhill is really booked been an SCCA track, so perhaps this might be something worthwhile for the future..

Originally posted by Number9:

P.S. 2slow2speed, I'm doing the advanced car control clinic and open lapping June 20-21 (skip barber at laguna seca). Send me an email if you're interested - would be fun to meet with some other NSXers.

[This message has been edited by Number9 (edited 26 May 2002).]

Hmm.. I think that those dates conflict with some speedventures days at Thunderhill (Thursday/Friday), I still need to check to see which one I want to go to.

Being a newbie at Laguna Seca it will take me a bit to get used to the track with the Formula Dodges... Did you sign up and got sized for the cars already? Are the open lap days instrumented on the Formula Dodge like open wheel cars?

The NASA event is also the following week at Thunderhill as well..

And finally, did you get your SMGII? I am still waiting for mine to show up in July/August, still can't make up my mind wether or not to keep the 6 speed manual or go for the SMG.. I keep hearing different stories from different people.. Decissions, decissions...

Originally posted by 2slow2speed:

I'm also looking forward to the next NSXCA Sacramento chapter event at Thunderhill, it will definetely be a plus to hang around with the rest of the NSX owners. I did sign up and paid for the last event but could not make it due to work schedule issues, hopefully I will be able to make it next time.

Finally, it would be real good if the NSX driving school event was extended to a 2 day program, that way people will have more track time and actually have time to digest what had been learned during day 1... Just thinking outloud, I know that Thunderhill is really booked been an SCCA track, so perhaps this might be something worthwhile for the future..


Thanks for the input, and sorry you could not make it last time. Me myself wish we would be able to run it in weekends in the future.

Try not to miss it this time!
Originally posted by 2slow2speed:
Hmm.. I think that those dates conflict with some speedventures days at Thunderhill (Thursday/Friday), I still need to check to see which one I want to go to.

Being a newbie at Laguna Seca it will take me a bit to get used to the track with the Formula Dodges... Did you sign up and got sized for the cars already? Are the open lap days instrumented on the Formula Dodge like open wheel cars?

The NASA event is also the following week at Thunderhill as well..

And finally, did you get your SMGII? I am still waiting for mine to show up in July/August, still can't make up my mind wether or not to keep the 6 speed manual or go for the SMG.. I keep hearing different stories from different people.. Decissions, decissions...


I'm signed up already. The car control clinic is in the full range of vehicles, the open lapping is in the Formula Dodge only with limited passing zones, instructor feedback, but no timing. They have a computer lapping course where you can work on lap times but I'm going to defer that till after I do the advanced racing school later in the year. Also, later in the year you can do open lapping in the F2000 cars (slightly more power and aero racing shell for 2G turns!).

As for the M3 SMG, I cancelled my order and got a refund on my deposit due to all the exploding engine horror stories on the bimmer boards. (I had initially ordered a stripper M3 SMG with the tuned ABS as the only option for light weight - was going to use it mostly as a track car.) Instead, I'm doing a built engine for the Dinan M3 S3 since the chassis is already pretty well sorted out. Anyway, hope to see you at T-Hill in Sept with the rest of the NSX gang.