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NSX parts dealers?

Well they are one of the listed discount dealers. You can make a call to your local dealer if you want to pick up the part and ask them if they are willing to offer you the same pricing (if you take your car there for service I dont see why they wouldnt do it to keep good PR)

I got lucky since Niello is just a 10 min drive for me

'92 Sebring Silver NSX #181
Originally posted by jsottile:
I know that Niello (spelling) is offering 30% off. Is their any other options since Tracy is no longer around? Thanks

Yes, spelling is correct and the person you want to talk to is Eric Milam [[email protected]].

By the way Lud, I think Niello Acura should be added in the vendor forum highlight ......

Disclosure: Niello Acura is a sponsor of NSXCA Sacramento Chapter .......
Originally posted by Hrant:
By the way Lud, I think Niello Acura should be added in the vendor forum highlight ......

You mean the Product Reviews and Vendor Support forum? If so, they need to contact me and agree to check the forum on a regular basis to answer questions (I expect most of the questions for them would be part #s and prices).

I'm going to add them to the FAQ in the next monthly update. If you have full contact info for their parts dept. that would be helpful.
Originally posted by Lud:
You mean the Product Reviews and Vendor Support forum? If so, they need to contact me and agree to check the forum on a regular basis to answer questions (I expect most of the questions for them would be part #s and prices).


And eric does read this forum so hopefully he got the message. I will let him know.


Niello didn't charge you shipping? They charged me and I e-mailed Eric. He said shipping was not free. I wonder what the deal is?
Maybe shipping is free but only to members of the NSX Club of America?

EDIT - Not true, since Jim is a member (and since he provided further explanation from Eric)

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 10 November 2001).]
No, I am a member. Here's his e-mail to me:
Saturday, September 29, 2001 10:13 AM


Thanks for the E-mail. The message that was originally sent out,
unfortunatly was not sent out by me , but by another person in the dept. He
did not stay true to what I had written down. With the rising costs of
shipping services and competition they are in, free shipping is usually not
going to happen. What I am doing however is when i do charge freight it will
be minimal, most companys charge their shipping on weight which can get very
expensive. I charge by the destination, a whole lot cheaper. I charge
what the shipping company charges me and no more. I appologize for the
confusion. I have a letter that I personally wrote that I will be sending
out to the club. If you have anything else in the future please ask and
speak to me only. The person you talked to was Gui, again I appologize for
the confusion.

Eric Milam
Niello Acura-Porsche
Performance & Aftermarket
Office (916) 332-8204
Fax (916) 334-4283
Toll Free (800) 472-7278
I did not pay shipping, as it was my understanding that the deal was 30% + free shipping. It is hard to speculate why I would not pay shipping and you would - one reason already mentioned nsxca membership but you are also a member. It could be the literal thousands of dollars I have spent there, I am honestly not sure. Sorry you had a less than satisfactory experience.
I am very satisfied with their service. I think it's great they are offering discounted parts. They saved me good $ from what the local Acura dealer was going to charge me. I was just curious.
Originally posted by Jim:
I am very satisfied with their service. I think it's great they are offering discounted parts. They saved me good $ from what the local Acura dealer was going to charge me. I was just curious.

Jim, I beleive a few weeks ago you posted this same issue regarding not receiving free shipment from Niello, perhaps I am wrong. But if it was your post, I did follow up privately with Eric to make sure that NSXCA members in good standing receive the discounts promised. I beleive he is offering free shipment to those who order a certain dollar amount but it is best for Eric to explain the details on this forum and not private e-mail exchanges.

Did Eric know at the time when you placed your first order that you were an NSXCA member ....? I know that he did not have the list for a while and he was checking on a case by cas basis ......

And yes, when you have additional relationship with a dealer/vendor like we the Sacto folks have with Niello, you also like Justin may occasionally get extra or special perks .... life is so unfair :-)

