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ouch 120mph in a 65!!!

Why did you refuse the breathalyzer? In new York that is an automatic license suspension irrespective of the other tests. Don't know about your locality.
Well the one time I drove like an ass without my radar i got bent over good this time...
cop said he paced me at 120 mph in a 65 ofcoarse I had an open container and he also gave me a dui!!!! All of those who think i deserve it please keep your comments to yourself thanks....

My problem is:

first off i passed all his tests with flying colors took 4 officers to do different test with same results, I only had 2 beers I promise. then tehy saw my friends open container behinmd the seat in the car and wrote me for it plus the 120mph in a 65
so question is if i passed all his tests and I refused to blow how can i beat this dui it is my first time and thought they could only give a dui if you failed there tests not because he smells alcohol and stopped you doing 120mph. they took me to jail and towed the car.
I know there is no excuse for my speed and that was stupid however is it safe for him to pace me at 120mph?
any thought or experieces anyone wants to help me out with

p.s. this is my first dui however my dl record is pretty bad....:redface:

THIS is grim. I cannot answer your ??? and I know Florida Hwy Patrol are well trained and very strict.
Were you driving your LBBP? Was it FHP? Seeing it towed .... would be difficult. But better than seeing it towed wrecked. I don't want to comment further because there will be many who judge.
You are in for some tough times ahead.
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Refusal is automatic suspension for one year in FL - the first time. Second, they can go after you criminally.

GO GET A DUI LAWYER. I think in FL you might have a chance. Most states you would be SOL. The problem is that the refusal laws are administrative, not criminal so your 5th Amendment rights don't apply. As well, you lose your privilege, not right to drive in FL ~ and btw the states have reciprocity so you can't go to a DMV in another state to skate.

And 120 AND drinking (even 2 beers).... you not only deserve to lose the license but should be doing some jail time. LOSER!


I know there is no excuse for my speed and that was stupid however is it safe for him to pace me at 120mph?

Are you stupid? If it's not safe for him to pace you at 120, then it must not be safe for you to be doing 120 and after having had a few beers!
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Your license is gone for the next year - AT A MINIMUM. And consider yourself lucky if that is all that happens. Get a GOOD lawyer, and you MAY be able to drive again in a year or so. You, sir, have managed to make multiple bad choices at the same time. But if you can somehow beat the DUI, you will still come out way ahead down the road. If you do get a DUI, your life will be changed forever. Don't ask how I know....:frown:
Well the one time I drove like an ass without my radar i got bent over good this time...
cop said he paced me at 120 mph in a 65 ofcoarse I had an open container and he also gave me a dui!!!! All of those who think i deserve it please keep your comments to yourself thanks....

My problem is:

first off i passed all his tests with flying colors took 4 officers to do different test with same results, I only had 2 beers I promise. then tehy saw my friends open container behinmd the seat in the car and wrote me for it plus the 120mph in a 65
so question is if i passed all his tests and I refused to blow how can i beat this dui it is my first time and thought they could only give a dui if you failed there tests not because he smells alcohol and stopped you doing 120mph. they took me to jail and towed the car.
I know there is no excuse for my speed and that was stupid however is it safe for him to pace me at 120mph?
any thought or experieces anyone wants to help me out with

p.s. this is my first dui however my dl record is pretty bad....:redface:

FYI.... SFST's (standardized field sobriety tests) are NOT pass / fail !!!!!! they are designed tests that test your abilty to multi task or otherwise referred to being "divided attention" skills..... officers are trained to "evaluate" your performance on the "totality" of all the tests.... if in their "opinion" (and that is a trained officers opinion) you performed the tests "poorly" then the offiers has established "probable cause" to arrest you. offenders are then typically convicted on the blood alcohol results AND the poor performance of the SFST's.... however, in this case the OP did not submit to a blood alcohol test (blood breath or urine), which in california can be used against him in trial,then the offiers testimony will most probably be sufficient to convict. in any case, most (if not all) officers are highly trained in the detection, apprehension and evaluating of suspected DUI drivers.
You should have taken the Breathalyzer. Their results are being thrown out of court all over the state because the manufacturer won't give up the source code to defense attorneys. Many many DUI cases are being tossed because of it.
You can look at all the troubles incurred by this episode as the price paid for very expensive wall art.
What am I talking about? This: no matter what you do, keep that original ticket. Frame it. Hang it on your wall in a prominent place. You can show it off to your buddies, and when they go home you can contemplate it and use it as a reminder of what to not do.
You should have taken the Breathalyzer.

x2. You would have passed unless you are stretching the truth about the 2 beer thing.

Get a good DUI lawyer...
I agree you should have taken the breathalyzer. I was pulled over in Arkansas and as the 3 officers said I failed every field test they had but I blew a 0 on the breathalyzer and that was after they gave it to me 3 times because they couldn't believe. I told them my coordination was not the best and I was the DD driving back to the hotel after a 22 hour day out (we had flown in for a college football game). The cop had tailgated me for 3 miles and I kept speeding up thinking I was going to slow for the area since he stayed right on my tail. (I went from 25 to 40 over the curse of 3 miles and the actual posted speed limit was 30 but I didn't see the sign) This was at 2:30 AM by the way. they ultimately let me off of all charges since I was cooperative and had the zero on the test.
To paraphrase Joe Walsh:

"My NSX does one sixty-five. Lost my license, now I can't drive."

Look at the brite side. Get used to it. Get a bike and get fit. When that year is up have a huge party. But go for that first drive BEFORE the party and keep the speed down to a number your lawyer can beat down to a non-moving violation.

This also gives you an opportunity to bum rides from hot chicks.
You need a good lawyer. You will lose your license for one year and have a hardship period of 90 days not sure if that's true if you are found not guilty.

Edit: good DUI lawyer!
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What I don't understand is why you would post about this DUI on a public forum. I'm going to add my worthless $0.02. You are a fool and need to learn from your lesson.
Sorry to hear of your troubles, but you are not going to get a pass here either. Stand up like a man and accept responsibility for your actions. I don't know about FL but here in CA, DUI's remain on your record for 10 years now. First DUI is typically up to 96 hours in jail and about $11K in costs.

You are lucky that the cops didn't book you for reckless driving at 120 MPH.
in Florida the legal milmit is .08 my friend blew a .05 and they still gave him a dui i was always told not to blew because 9/10 you will blow over and it's hard to drop a dui then...
Why on earth would anybody suggest "that he get a good lawyer"? :confused: Are you nuts?

Get him out from behind the steering wheel for as long as posssible and make it a little safer for your family and friends! Why take the risk?

Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. The majority of NSX owners would truthfully have to admit to speeding sometime. The open container issue is sort of stupid though because you know better. The last ticket I got was for 105mph in a 55mph. I'll ask you what the judge asked me, "How old are you?" I had to confess to being 54. All he said was, "Start acting like it." It was exspensive, but it was a lesson I'm not likely to forget. Best of Luck!
Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. The majority of NSX owners would truthfully have to admit to speeding sometime. The open container issue is sort of stupid though because you know better. The last ticket I got was for 105mph in a 55mph. I'll ask you what the judge asked me, "How old are you?" I had to confess to being 54. All he said was, "Start acting like it." It was exspensive, but it was a lesson I'm not likely to forget. Best of Luck!

You are 100% correct. However, mixing the drinking with 100+ mph is the difference.
No matter by how much we break the law, I hope we all consider the potential ramifications:

-Jail Time
-Confiscated License
-Loss of Life

I'm not perfect, but smoore, you're a dumba$$ and I hope you learn from this. Oh, and don't bother posting in the future if you can't take what needs to be said.

My $0.02

Happened to me going too fast:

I get out of the NSX and the young policeman looks at me, astonished, and says "you ought to know better!" He was right.:redface: He was right.
Why on earth would anybody suggest "that he get a good lawyer"? :confused: Are you nuts?

Get him out from behind the steering wheel for as long as posssible and make it a little safer for your family and friends! Why take the risk?


+1…. This is the first intelligent post in this entire thread! Why in the hell would anyone offer up suggestions of “get a good DUI lawyer”? He needs to take serious accountability for his actions! The speeding part of it…. Fine, most (if not all) of us have been there at one point or another, but the excessive speeding after consuming alcohol AND having an open container in the car with him??? Come on - seriously? Are we really giving this guy advice on how to proceed with this case?:eek::confused:
