Radiator Hoses and Vtec Gasket

Did you do it by yourself or did you have it done somewhere? If you did yourself, how long did it take?
I just ordered a complete hose replacement from Niello Acura around $400 parts.

Great insurance for a 18 year old car.
where did you purchase the hoses? Cost?

Actually i was thinking of doing 7 piece which i bought from nielo acura in sac $150+ vtec gasket i think they were cheapest nsxclub discount.Since i was on roll doing hoses i thought to do all so (Smooth) had hose kit i borrowed from him to complete mine .By the way Hopkins Acura in Redwood City gives 25% nsxclub discount contact Victor 650-364-6771
very nice guy.

I replaced all 22 for my car back in Feb of 07. Shad did the work, he billed me for 8 hours labor. I supplied the hoses, I ordered all of them from Neilo.
Took advantage of tie NSXCA discount. If I recall the hoses ran somewhere's around $300.

Shad mentioned most of mine were in great shape. I wanted them all replaced for my own peace of mind.
I did get the 25% NSXCA discount from Niello...forgot to mention I ordered every single hose to be replaced including the plastic coolant tank (as recommended by Shad). The list was three pages long. Overkill, but again peace of mind since I regularly track the car.