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Rough few days...

19 January 2003
I'm not one to complain (mostly because I'm one of the luckiest guys on earth), but I've had a rough couple of days.

On Friday, I had a tonsilectomy (to fix my sleep apnea), a septoplasty (to fix my septum, which was deviated 20 years ago) and a turbinate resection (as a result of deviated septum) and consequently, I currently feel like crap. I should be feeling better sometime in the next few days, but for now, this is rough. My throat feels like someone took metal spikes and has been rubbing it along where my tonsils were and my nose hurts like you couldn't believe.

When the percocet wears off, the pain is even worse.

I've been spending my time sleeping and surfing here.

The Thanksgiving meal should be interested... blended turkey anyone??
I had this done about 10+ years ago....Best decision ever! I always felt like I had restricted breathing until I had this done. You won't regret doing this, especially the first time you do any heavy exercise you'll find that you can feel a LOT more air making it in your body. The inside of your nose will feel super sensitive for a few months until this heals but in the end it's sooooo worth it. Funny, I didn't even know what the heck a turbinate was until my surgery. Hope you feel better soon!

a turbinate resection (as a result of deviated septum)
Thanks Danny. You know, I feel like such a dope about the whole thing anyway. The sleep apnea/tonsils is just something that happened I guess, but the deviated septum is my fault. I'm 37 now, but when I was in middle school, my septum got deviated playing football. I got it fixed. Literally 8 days later, I got bonked in the face again, and once again my septum was deviated. I didn't get it fixed that time (never told my parents about it) because it hurt so badly to get it fixed the week prior. Thus, I've been living with only 10% air capacity in my left nostril for over 20 years. I know that the other side compensated, but not fully. I think it's going to be great. I can't wait to see how I sleep and to see if I feel more rested when I wake up in the AM.
had some of that work done back in '88 and it was well worth it. lots of discomfort in the early post-op recovery period, but it worked out well for me over time.

better living through chemistry for a while, i'm afraid :)
Put some cinnamon on the applesauce and some whipped cream on the pudding for some delicious variety! :biggrin:

Had it done a while back ........ it sucks. Feel better soon.
I have apnea (90% sure). I'm doing my sleep study in 3 weeks. I sleep like crap and have terrible snoring. I'm looking forward to some type of fix. I'm not looking forward to surgery (if that's what it takes). Hope you get better soon.
Sorry to hear about your discomfort. Hope you're feel better soon.
had some of that work done back in '88 and it was well worth it. lots of discomfort in the early post-op recovery period, but it worked out well for me over time.

better living through chemistry for a while, i'm afraid :)


Put some cinnamon on the applesauce and some whipped cream on the pudding for some delicious variety! :biggrin:

Had it done a while back ........ it sucks. Feel better soon.

Thanks. Good idea. I've barely eaten since Thursday, so maybe I'll come out of the other side of this a bit thinner! ;)

I have apnea (90% sure). I'm doing my sleep study in 3 weeks. I sleep like crap and have terrible snoring. I'm looking forward to some type of fix. I'm not looking forward to surgery (if that's what it takes). Hope you get better soon.

Thanks. Well, if you still have your tonsils, it's an option. The nasal surgery is not anywhere near as painful as the tonsils, so I'll keep my fingers crossed that if you need a surgical procedure, it's just on your nose.

Sorry to hear about your discomfort. Hope you're feel better soon.

My BIL just had the same procedure. Two day into his recovery he got the flu and ended up in ICU. VERY sick. He is better now. He told me last week he had not slept in years for more than an hour at a time.
The lining of the nose/throat are richly supplied by multiple nerves/blood vessels:frown: Surgery in this area is not to be taken lightly.Some adults rebleed like stink,so you are lucky in that regard.
I feel for ya my friend! I had septoplasty in Spring of 08- the 48 hrs that followed were pure misery, but i will say that i sleep MUCH better now.

I had a bit of a misadventure associated with my proceedure. The doc that pulled my packs out left me a surprise which I found when I got home...

This started as a thin cotton fiber- as I hauled it out with the tweezers (very carefully I might add) I felt like a magician that kept finding more and more handkercheif up his sleave...


In case you are wondering, it is the gauze sleave that was part of the packing... I brought it to the Doc during our follow up, and mentioned he might want to be a bit more careful when pulling out the packing in the future...

I feel for ya my friend! I had septoplasty in Spring of 08- the 48 hrs that followed were pure misery, but i will say that i sleep MUCH better now.

I had a bit of a misadventure associated with my proceedure. The doc that pulled my packs out left me a surprise which I found when I got home...

This started as a thin cotton fiber- as I hauled it out with the tweezers (very carefully I might add) I felt like a magician that kept finding more and more handkercheif up his sleave...


In case you are wondering, it is the gauze sleave that was part of the packing... I brought it to the Doc during our follow up, and mentioned he might want to be a bit more careful when pulling out the packing in the future...


Hey Phil,
I bet that Tequila and Rum in the background helped with the pain though!
hahaha :biggrin::biggrin:
I feel for ya my friend!
that image brings back really painful images... i remember when my ent removed the packing material. boy howdy... not a pretty sight (a lot like a magician pulling a series of handkerchiefs out of his closed hand) and completely unexpected on my part.

never again. (i hope)
I'm not one to complain (mostly because I'm one of the luckiest guys on earth), but I've had a rough couple of days.

On Friday, I had a tonsilectomy (to fix my sleep apnea), a septoplasty (to fix my septum, which was deviated 20 years ago) and a turbinate resection (as a result of deviated septum) and consequently, I currently feel like crap. I should be feeling better sometime in the next few days, but for now, this is rough. My throat feels like someone took metal spikes and has been rubbing it along where my tonsils were and my nose hurts like you couldn't believe.

When the percocet wears off, the pain is even worse.

I've been spending my time sleeping and surfing here.

The Thanksgiving meal should be interested... blended turkey anyone??

Does this procedure put you are greater risk for illness and/or recovery time from illnesses?
Well - it's been a week. How r feeling?

Hope u have a speedy recovery.

Thanks for asking! I'm doing loads better. The first few days were absolutely brutal. Slowly, but surely, however, the pain has subsided. In fact, about two days ago, I dropped down from Percocet to Tylenol w/ Codeine and that has helped with lots of ancillary issues.

I will tell you all this, if you have to have your tonsils out at the same time as having nasal surgery of any kind, expect a pretty extraordinary few days. The tonsil surgery would hurt anyway, but not being able to breath through my nose means I am breathing through my mouth exclusively, i.e., my throat is always dry. That adds a pretty extreme amount of add'l pain. The nasal surgery hurts, but not nearly as badly. I probably would have been able to work within a few days, but I couldn't do anything for the first few days.
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Did the tonsils thing already. Had (another) root canal 3 days ago. I need to have the deviated septum fixed, but think I'll just live with it.

Feel better soon, my friend.
Coming up on a year now, how are things?

I've just re-read this thread as I'm going in this Friday to have my tonsils removed and some soft tissues trimmed (uvula). I'm preparing for hell for a few days as the surgeon tells me I'll regret having the surgery for days afterward (just as the OP reported).

Doc puts my chances of a successful outcome at 80% given my large tonsils and normal body weight/good health (lost ~35 lbs in past year). My apnea is relatively minor but my total AHI is 11. I've been using cpap for about 9 months now with some positive results, though minimal. The sleep I get on cpap is better quality, but I still wake up at least 6-10 times before I end up pulling it off in the 12 to 3 am range. I'm really hoping for some quality sleep - hoping for the best!
Coming up on a year now, how are things?

I've just re-read this thread as I'm going in this Friday to have my tonsils removed and some soft tissues trimmed (uvula). I'm preparing for hell for a few days as the surgeon tells me I'll regret having the surgery for days afterward (just as the OP reported).

Doc puts my chances of a successful outcome at 80% given my large tonsils and normal body weight/good health (lost ~35 lbs in past year). My apnea is relatively minor but my total AHI is 11. I've been using cpap for about 9 months now with some positive results, though minimal. The sleep I get on cpap is better quality, but I still wake up at least 6-10 times before I end up pulling it off in the 12 to 3 am range. I'm really hoping for some quality sleep - hoping for the best!

I feel good. Thanks for asking. It was remarkably painful, but I also had my broken nose fixed at the same time, so that added a heck of a lot to the level of pain I experienced.

I wish you well!!
Since this thread has been revived, I'll share my experience. It began with post-coital headaches, then went to a dull nasty headache that when done lasted a year and a half. They never figured out the post-coital, but they were here then gone. The dull nasty headache sent me through 20+ doctors and a flood of medication. When I finally got to a ENT Doc, he suggested we take care of the deviated septum and 'create some room' up above it. Yes, it was painful, but I've now been 7 months without 1 single migraine. I wrote him a thank you letter in the letter to the editor in our local paper. He's my Dr. House. Quite the stud.
I'll bump this thread since I just had my tonsils removed today. It's not as bad I as I thought it was gonna be, but it is uncomfortable. I will be getting a septoplasty but my doctor didn't want me going through multiple surgeries on the same day. I get slight fevers, been nauseous a couple times, and it's difficult swallowing, but the codeine helps. Been sucking on popsicles and hydrating plenty. I'm able to eat mash potatoes, mac n cheese. hopefully I heal quickly.
I'm about 6 weeks post-op on my tonsillectomy and UPPP (removed 90% of uvula and soft palate trimming). The first 10 days were very uncomfortable, but I never got to the point where I regretted having the procedure done. I was off of codeine by day 6 or so. I was doing small jobs around the house on day 4, though I know that can be risky from a re-bleeding standpoint. Riding in a car was uncomfortable for about a week. Swallowing feels different now than it used to but I'm adjusting. Still some slight pain when I yawn. All-in-all, I feel it was the right choice for me as I no longer snore and can really feel the difference in my unobstructed airway even while awake. My mouth does seem to feel more dry that it used to though.
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