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sad nsx story

15 May 2001
Atlanta, GA USA
I recently bought a 94 nsx near the end of march and I just thought I would share my unfortunate luck. I live in atlanta and I bought the car in tampa. I decided to drive it back. Well, the day after I bought it I headed back with it to atlanta. About 2 hours into my trip near gainsville I smelled something strange and looked down at the temperature gage that was going straight up. I immediately pulled over, looked at the engine which appeared not to be overheating. I looked back at my temperature gage and it had melted. Next thing I knew there was a fire inside my dash where my temperature gage was. Luckily it was raining and I was following someone who had a bunch of towels in his car. He dumped them into a puddle and stuffed them on the dash. But by this time the flame was through the top of the dash up to the windshield. It turned out the original owner installed a car phone or something and left all of the wiring still hooked up after uninstalling it. Anyway, $8600 and 2 months later (insurance paid for it) I finally was able to get my car home. Everything would be fine except the acura dealership in florida did a horrible job (especially for $8600 worth of work). When I picked up my car the headlights didn't work, the dash lights didn't work, my center vents didn't work, and my visors are cracked from the heat. You would think they would have checked some of these things after an electrial fire. But, I couldn't exactly just leave it there for another week so it would be fixed right since I drove all the way from atlanta, so I took the car home and brought it to an acura dealership by my house to get the rest fixed. The car is just about all better and I love it, but there is still a horrible sqeaking where the left side post along the windshield connects to the roof from them taking it apart. Well, I hope you found this story more entertaining than I did.
I'm sorry to hear about your "unfortunate luck" with the fire, and none of us here would ever consider this kind of story to be "entertaining".....so to speak.

When tragedies like this occur we do like to here about them but only to allow us to educate ourselves even further to better prepare ourselves if mishaps like this should ever occur. (All of a sudden the investment in a fire extinguisher may not be a bad idea afterall). It also helps us make decisions on which Acura dealer NOT to take our NSX's to in situations like these; especially the one you took it to in Florida.

Exactly what DID they do for $8600 that didn't allow for the electrical accessories to work after the repair? For that price the wiring had better say Comptech/Mugen on the side to justify the expense. Sorry. I'm getting carried away. These are the stories that I find "entertaining".

Glad to see you still love the car despite all that has happened.
This type of thing is exactly why I will be installing a Halon (or equivalent) fire extinguisher on the passenger-side floor.

Sorry to hear about your bad luck.

91 Black/Ivory #3012
Terrible story, Steve.

This was a car just picked up from the dealer, and caught fire on the drive home to Atlanta? I think I'd be on the phone with a lawyer...

-Bob ('94 #496)
I had just picked the car up from the individual I bought it from. He had never taken the car on any trips and barely drove it in the time he had it. So he never had any problems and I don't blame him for any of it. The owner before him had the car phone. As for the acura dealarship in northern Florida I probably should have been worried when my car was towed in and their response was "Wow, what kind of car is that!?" Okay, maybe they didn't use those exact words, but it was a small dealarship. And for the price and the money they made I would have thought they would have given it a little more special attention. When I asked about my headlights, their response was "They didn't work when the car was towed in." I didn't realize the dash lights and vents until I got it back to atlanta. Looking back I should have just had it towed back to a dealarship in atlanta, then I could have checked up on it while it was being fixed and made sure everything came out okay. I plan on ordering a fire extinguisher very soon.
Since I live near Gainsville, could you tell me which dealer did the work so I can avoid them. Sorry for the bad luck,and hope it all got fixed ok. Thanks.