Second cars.. Frivilous?

5 May 2005
Boston, MA
Hey guys,

Obvoiusly this crowd is one to jump on the opportunity to own these fine, yet expensive machines. I am struggling with the idea of parting with this much money for an automobile I certainly don't need.

While I make a good living, I am not rich by any means; my condo still has a mortgage and my parents haven't retired yet. I can think of any number of ways to put this money to better "long term" use. I imagine many of you are in the same boat.

Well, my father wouldn't take money form me in order to retire, that just isn't his way. So I could put the money into my home, or buy Gold, or stocks, or something besides an automobile.

So I suppose it comes down to "You only live once". Well, my M3 is a lot of fun to drive, but I have become bored with it.. I still love it, but it just doesn't make my heart jump anymore..

I really don't know what to expect in reply to this, but I am curious to see how you guys justify letting this much money drop for a "second" car.

I justified mine in a few different ways, see if any of them help you:

- I always wanted one
- I can't think of any other cat near the price that I would rather have
- Depreciation is minimal (on mine)
- There were not many NSXs of the combo I was looking for, and I got a fair deal on a nice car.
- I believe in setting goals, and rewarding yourself when you make it. This was one of them.
- This is the ultimate stress reliever. When I get stressed, cranky or something falls apart, I take about an hour drive and all feels right with the world again.

Ultimately, I'd say how 'good' of an investment it is lies mostly on how it impacts your life. If you are stressed thinking about what that equity could be doing elsewhere, skip it! If you feel like I did, get it. Its been over 3 years and I still check the garage in the middle of the night sometimes.
sorry this is so big. :) My current "toy"

Second cars...Frivilous?

Not at all!

The NSX is my 3rd and will probably buy a roadster this summer as a fourth (assuming I get spousal approval). I guess it all depends on a person's priorities and desire for automobiles. However, I think buying additional cars is fine as long as you take care of the important things first like investments, retirement, childrens education and debt elimination.

Are you buying new or used? Used NSXs are relatively plentiful and inexpensive. You can get a low mileage 1991 for probably $30k.

If you can afford it, buy it. Remember, you only live once, so make the best of it.
Mine is my second car, but that is because I need a truck to carry my ladder in for work, but if I wasn't in this field, It would probably be only car or maybe I would have it and some old beater.
NsXMas said:
My NSX is my 3rd car. I don't really need my 2nd car, and I certainly don't need my NSX as a 3rd car.

But I do have it. It's worth every penny, in terms of the enjoyment I get out of it.

It's not all about the money. And I'm not rich by any means either. I'm just lucky. :smile:


This situation applies to me as well :biggrin:
jdc1687 said:
Well, my M3 is a lot of fun to drive, but I have become bored with it.. I still love it, but it just doesn't make my heart jump anymore..
Jeremy, I don't know how much HPs the '96 M3s have in U.S. (I guess less than here in Germany) but don't expect a big increase in power sensation with a NSX anyhow. The NSX doesn't define itself as a power car but as a sharp little knife against big power swords as Viper, M5 etc. At least I never get bored with it.
NSX-Racer said:
Jeremy, I don't know how much HPs the '96 M3s have in U.S. (I guess less than here in Germany) but don't expect a big increase in power sensation with a NSX anyhow. The NSX doesn't define itself as a power car but as a sharp little knife against big power swords as Viper, M5 etc. At least I never get bored with it.

A lot less at 240. I believe the Europeans get 321; is that close? The engines are completely different. The Euorpeans got the version with individual intake runners and throttle bodies along with other trick parts. In the U.S. we essentially received a larger version of the more basic 328i engine. However, I have read the U.S. version had better low end torque characteristics. Also, BMWUSA determined the U.S. market did not have the financial tolerance to pay the substantial increase of importing the Euro version of the M3. However, they did finally bring the same version of the E46 M3 to the U.S. But they still save the good stuff like the CSL and GT3 RS for the non U.S. market. I guess they think there are not enough hardcore drivers in the U.S with deep pockets.

I would love a GT3 RS. I am looking forward to the 997 GT3 to be released, but doubt the U.S. will get the hardcore RS version. In fact, as of yesterday, I am first on the waiting list for the 997 GT3 at my local dealer. :biggrin:
CerberusM5 said:
A lot less at 240. I believe the Europeans get 321; is that close? The engines are completely different. The Euorpeans got the version with individual intake runners and throttle bodies along with other trick parts. In the U.S. we essentially received a larger version of the more basic 328i engine. However, I have read the U.S. version had better low end torque characteristics. Also, BMWUSA determined the U.S. market did not have the financial tolerance to pay the substantial increase of importing the Euro version of the M3. However, they did finally bring the same version of the E46 M3 to the U.S. But they still save the good stuff like the CSL and GT3 RS for the non U.S. market. I guess they think there are not enough hardcore drivers in the U.S with deep pockets.

I would love a GT3 RS. I am looking forward to the 997 GT3 to be released, but doubt the U.S. will get the hardcore RS version. In fact, as of yesterday, I am first on the waiting list for the 997 GT3 at my local dealer. :biggrin:

The M is not all that fast, no doubt. My boredom with the car isn't with the performance, just the ora. I love the car, if you can love a car, but I want a sports car.. Well.. I think I am going to sort some things out, and go drive an NSX to make sure it is "me".. Then who knows..

Thanks for the input guys,
jdc1687 said:
The M is not all that fast, no doubt. My boredom with the car isn't with the performance, just the ora. I love the car, if you can love a car, but I want a sports car.. Well.. I think I am going to sort some things out, and go drive an NSX to make sure it is "me".. Then who knows..

Thanks for the input guys,

The E36 M3 is a great all around car, especially the 4-door that was introduced in 1997. I see more of that particular car at BMW club driving events than any other model. They are excellent road race and autocross cars. However, I can understand the need for something different and exciting. There is no doubt the NSX has a lot more visual appeal, but looks are not everything. Right?? :rolleyes:
CerberusM5 said:
The E36 M3 is a great all around car, especially the 4-door that was introduced in 1997. I see more of that particular car at BMW club driving events than any other model. They are excellent road race and autocross cars. However, I can understand the need for something different and exciting. There is no doubt the NSX has a lot more visual appeal, but looks are not everything. Right?? :rolleyes:

Whoever said that looks don't count is a liar.

The 2-dr M3 has been a great car for me; the folding down rear seats have been indispensible, especially when I was doing Home Depot runs! The rear seat of my car has only been used for passengers a handful of times in three years, so for me the 4-dr was less desirable. I am going to keep my M3 until it dies; I love it.

Actually, part of the reason I want to get a summer car is to increase the longevity of my M3 by putting less miles on it.

In so far as NSX vs M3; they are honeslty completely different in design. One is a touring sedan(with 2 doors!), and the other is a true sports car. I am feeling the desire for a sports car in addition to my M3.. I'm sure both will get useage during the summer months, but primarily it will be the S2K/NSX/993/Supra..

Getting back to the topic of this thread; I think I am going to get a sports car as a second car..
Our NSX is our third car.

We have an IS300 that we commute to work in most days (I'm very luck to be able to carpool with my wife most days). We have an AWD SUV that we use to cart the dog, take on rainy days, and use for snowboarding trips, etc. The NSX is the weekend car.

I think it's a perfect way to go. A little dumb having that much money tied up in depreciating assets but we look at it like this. We don't owe anyone a penny in this life except for the mortgage. We put away a ton of money every month in 401K and other savings so why not live a little?

Life is short. So long as you're preparing for tomorrow... enjoy it a little.
An NSX as a 2nd car as frivolous?

I don't have an NSX at the moment, still debating that great eternal s2k vs. NSX debate. But as far as having one too many cars that is a question borderlin frivolous in itself.

I currently have: 1990 Nissan Micra, 1994 mazda Mx6, 1995 Lesxus GS300, 2004 BMW M3

And I am looking at getting either an NSX or S2k as my replacement 4th car (the m3 is on it's way out.) This still doesn't take into account my planned built up of either a 94 Miata (club racing) or 94 rx7 (track car.)

If your "significant other" asks you why. Simply retort with the amount of shoes/handbag he/she has (assuming they are the more feminine in the relationship being how your the one who likes car) and how often they wear them. I had a roomate that had a closet close to 60k worth of clothing; Did you think they though anything of my car collection?
parisifal said:
If your "significant other" asks you why. Simply retort with the amount of shoes/handbag he/she has (assuming they are the more feminine in the relationship being how your the one who likes car) and how often they wear them. I had a roomate that had a closet close to 60k worth of clothing; Did you think they though anything of my car collection?

The Politically correctness is hilarous. :)

I'm single so there is no-one to justify purchases with,
hehe your situation is similar to mine. an unfortunate situation caused my car to be totalled. so now I have a car that I can sell and make money off and my car loan is paid off so I can still drive my avalon with 140k miles and save money and perhaps invest it in property, stock market, or a business and then buy a nicer car further down the road like a GT3 ... :biggrin: but on the other hand I have a business that provides a good income without having to do a lot of work, pay no rent, and think that enjoying life is an essential part of living. I almost died from a disease so I know that life is way too short. Cars are just something that makes me want to work harder, but I do drive quite a bit so it helps to enjoy that time with something NICE. being a finance major I would say analyze your financial position and then your goals. if you are in debt, a depreciating expensive is not something you want/need.

* also there is nothing in the world like driving Pacific Coast Highway with the windows down music up, on a sunny summer day glancing to your right at the sea sparkling with bikini clad women walking the sidewalks is there?
My NSX is also my third car. My daily driver is first, then my TL and on sunny days I sometimes take out the NSX.
I have only kept ours because the wife wanted me to and she pays for it now. I was ready to trade it in on our TL.
Hey Jeremy,

I think if you can afford it and not worry about money after O&M costs, you will love it. I am in the same boat as most of the people here. I don't make a lot, but enough to buy a used NSX. I have a beater that i can drive to work but I definitley drive my NSX every nice day I can.

Also, you do only live once. I am also in the military and can get called off to Iraq, Afghan, Kuwait...etc., so I value my time driving and enjoying my car on a sunny day on a curvy road.

You should do the same. We can't predict the future but can prepare, so if you have planned for your contingencies, then enjoy the privilege of owning an NSX. And if you don't like it afterwards, you can always sell it for close to what you paid for it. NSX' are great cars and hold their value. :biggrin:

Best of luck on your decision.
