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Should Obese Passengers Pay More to Fly ?

What is fat, who is going to pay, what if they can't pay, then who will pay?


If you need more than one seat, then you pay for more than one. If you can't afford it, then you don't fly, just like anyone else who can't afford it.

This isn't complicated.

"I'm sorry sir, your fat ass won't fit in one seat, you'll have to pay for two."

"I can't afford that, and that's discrimination!!!!!1!ONE!!!"

"There's the door, sir."

Problem solved.
Yes. They should pay more. I'm tired of sitting next to these huge people who are half way eating in to my seat. I paid for my ticket, why should they infringe upon my comfort. Fair is fair. You are heavier, you should pay more.

And please stop with the slippery slope argument. It's a classic fallacy and assumes a relatively small first step inevitably leads to a chain of related events culminating in some drastic outcome. It assumes no middle ground and we're all brainless. This is simply a matter of fairness. When I send 4 wheels cross country, I should naturally pay more than sending one wheel.

Best argument IMO. Be as fat as you want, BUT don't let your fat take up MY seat space. Same as smoking...You want to damage your lungs, fine. But don't let YOUR smoke get in MY lungs.
...then who will pay?

I'm sure it'll eventually boil down to the responsible (healthy) folks bearing the burden for everyone else. As it always does....

If you need more than one seat, then you pay for more than one. If you can't afford it, then you don't fly, just like anyone else who can't afford it.

This isn't complicated.

"I'm sorry sir, your fat ass won't fit in one seat, you'll have to pay for two."

"I can't afford that, and that's discrimination!!!!!1!ONE!!!"

"There's the door, sir."

Problem solved.

Sure wish it were that easy but it's not. I have seen it in every other situation where similar charges are imposed. People cry discrimination and before you know it we all pay for their "fat asses."
I'm sure it'll eventually boil down to the responsible (healthy) folks bearing the burden for everyone else. As it always does....

Yep, it certainly will. Only the responsible healthy know that before it happens though.

Next up for vote....extra charge for wide body cars. Heathens using way too much road width. Stone them to death!!!
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People cry discrimination and before you know it we all pay for their "fat asses."

Happening right now. Since our country is so fat, and so many can't get healthcare they deem "affordable", government is getting rid of the insurance industry's ability to price based on risk.

And everyone else is footing the bill for the fat asses!

I can't believe this is happening. That's like an auto insurance company not being able to raise your premiums after 3 DUI's and 10 accidents. :rolleyes:
If you are 6'7" and don't fit into an NSX, then you don't buy an NSX. Honda didn't discriminate against you. You just don't purchase their product and they don't get your money.

We don't have the right to fly and airlines are not obligated to accomodate every passenger and every one of their needs. If your ass doesn't fit, you must exit! ( a little OJ humor :tongue:)
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Happening right now. Since our country is so fat, and so many can't get healthcare they deem "affordable", government is getting rid of the insurance industry's ability to price based on risk.

And everyone else is footing the bill for the fat asses!

I can't believe this is happening. That's like an auto insurance company not being able to raise your premiums after 3 DUI's and 10 accidents. :rolleyes:

This is going to be a friggen mess. I bet my rates will double.
This is going to be a friggen mess. I bet my rates will double.

Prepare yourself Steve...mine already went up....and i have *NEVER* made a claim....I switched carriers as a result.
Yes. They should pay more. I'm tired of sitting next to these huge people who are half way eating in to my seat. I paid for my ticket, why should they infringe upon my comfort. Fair is fair. You are heavier, you should pay more.

And please stop with the slippery slope argument. It's a classic fallacy and assumes a relatively small first step inevitably leads to a chain of related events culminating in some drastic outcome. It assumes no middle ground and we're all brainless. This is simply a matter of fairness. When I send 4 wheels cross country, I should naturally pay more than sending one wheel.


I had that happen to me 2 times. The fat ass next to me was all on top of me with his arm. I was pissed and called the air line about it because it was not right that I had to deal with that.
Our flight attendants are allowed to use a seat belt extender while sitting in their jumpseat. :eek: Do you know how big you have to be to require a seat belt extender???? There is NO way they can fit out the over-wing emergency exits. Back in the days (post FA weigh ins), they use to set up the chairs during the flight attendant interviews so they made an isle which was exactly the same size as the isle on the planes. This way they could see the applicants as they came up for their interviews. That went away sometime in the early 90s and as a result we now have B-C girls.... they go from seat B to seat C, the entire isle even when walking sideways.

Now, I'm not a hypocrite as we also have some pilots that wouldn't fit out the escape hatch in the cockpit. I'm not in the shape I once was but I know that I can definitely fit.

I think if physically you can't perform all the duties of the job that should be disqualifying. That means pilots and flight attendants must be able to fit out all exist of the aircraft. Sadly, this is definitely not the case.
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I had that happen to me 2 times. The fat ass next to me was all on top of me with his arm. I was pissed and called the air line about it because it was not right that I had to deal with that.

FYI: Delta's official policy is that you should inform the flight attendant during boarding that you would like to change seats. If they tell you they are unable or says "I'll be right back (which is FA talk for go F yourself) then demand that she calls a Customer Service Rep to the aircraft. If it is a full flight, the obese person will be removed from the flight and will either have to buy 2 tickets on the next flight or take a flight that has open seats.

Don't be afraid to stand up for your self and your seat. It happens every day.

Here's a look at how a few different airlines deal with the "customer of size:"

Southwest: Passengers should plan on purchasing an extra seat or risk being asked to do so at the airport by staff. If the flight is not sold out, the passenger may claim a refund.

American: Passengers over 250 pounds should recognize that there may be limitations to the service that the airline can provide. However, it does not require that you purchase an extra seat automatically.

United: No policy whatsoever.

Midwest: Like Southwest, passengers are encouraged to know their needs in advance. If staff determine that two seats are required, the seat will be sold at the lowest possible fare, with a refund available if there is one or more open seats on the flight.

Air France: Passengers with "high body mass" may receive a 25 percent discount on an extra seat, knowing that if they choose to not buy the seat, they may risk not being able to fly.

JetBlue: You are required to buy a second seat, and there are no refunds.

Delta: The airline "works to accommodate" passengers with special needs. <--- since when is being morbidly obese special needs? Upon request and availability, it will try to make sure the next seat is unoccupied. However, if the plane is full, you will most likely be asked to leave the flight and buy a second seat on the next available flight. (You can actually count on this being a fairly typical practice on most airlines.)
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Any of you notice the guy setting next to him? Looks a little nervous to me.:tongue:

yeah makes me wonder if the picture was taken in flight was this guy staring the whole time?

Anyways my two cents. Why does anyone care if they have to pay for two seats? Last time I checked no one pays the same price for a seat on a plane. A guy sitting right next to you could have gotten his cross country seat for $100 and you paid $700 because you booked it the same day. This whole topic is just people hatin'.
Here is a trick I have learned.

I used to go every year to the Summer Nationals at Raceway Park , Old bridge , NJ. I would get a reserved seat near the start line. These seats are on a single bench bleacher style - no separate seats. But still marked for each seating area.

You have only about 16" or so per spot. It is a bit tight even for normal sized people. Being that a bunch of used to go every year we would get a bunch of seats all together. One year , one of the guys that went with us had bought 2 child seats. His kids could not make it that year due to some sort of illness and stayed home with their mom.

We had 6 adults and 2 spots for the kids that did not show. We filled the area up and spread ourselves out a bit to make it more comfortable.

The people sitting next to us crammed in like sardines wanted us to move over so they could take up some of the seating area we had purchased. We told them no , we paid for these seats.

They called the ushers to settle the dispute. The ushers showed up and told us to move down. We told them we paid for the seats and showed them the tickets.

The ushers told the sardines - tough. They paid for the seat they get it. :biggrin:

From that year on we always bought 1 adult seat and 1 child seat for every adult in our party. It was worth it and the child seat was cheaper than an adult seat.
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