Thank you very much S.O.S for its perfect service has :smile:, I am in Europe (Belgium), I already made several orders and the service was very fast and without problems, very good contact with Brian and Jeff, it are of the pro, the contacts by email are always pleasant, thank you has you for your kindness and your work well done! … a team which I recommend!:smile:
et pourtant, ce n'est pas facile parfois de me comprendre car je me sert d'un traducteur pour communiquer avec eux...ce n'est pas facile tout les jours! merci beaucoup!
(and yet, it is not easy sometimes to include/understand me because I make use of a translator to communicate with them… it is not easy the every day! thank you very much! ):smile:
et pourtant, ce n'est pas facile parfois de me comprendre car je me sert d'un traducteur pour communiquer avec eux...ce n'est pas facile tout les jours! merci beaucoup!
(and yet, it is not easy sometimes to include/understand me because I make use of a translator to communicate with them… it is not easy the every day! thank you very much! ):smile: