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SOUTH KOREA: Grade 9 student beaten to death in class.

8 September 2005
Moderator: Lock This Plz.

I am absolutely schocked as I am translating this news. I don't know if you may have heard of this news.

In Pusan Junior high( http://www.kaesung.ms.kr/k_new/E000...php?board=cong_

A fellow student was beaten to death after he accidently dropped a book nearby student Choi.

Choi is the son of Naver.com, Korea's leading internet search engine.

Choi then asks the student to give 5 reasons to explain. For each reason, Choi punched the student, then eventually kicking and beating him with a chair.

He was announced dead.

What is more shocking is this. Because Choi is exceptionally wealthy, his parents have used their money and status to make the police investigation more closed. The school agreed to coopoerate in assisting in the censorship of this incident.

Whats worse, the police are not doing anything, as well as the school principal, claiming this not their fault and the victim was simply "unlucky."

All petition has been erased by Daum.net Naver. Many sites relating to this incident is being censored on the internet.

I wish we can really spread this news. Korean media has been well paid off by Choi's parents and they are censoring this news in Korea.

Choi returns to school. Shows no regret. Apparently he emailed his friends so.

I blame Choi's parents. What an EXCELLENT EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM!

I am utterly ashamed of my country. Even in North America, shits like this don't happen.

This is how South Korea works. People with money can get away with everything while the rest of the people suffers.....is this how the world works? I don't believe in God, but incidents like this convinces me so further.
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Cold = Absence of Heat
Dark = Absence of Light
Evil = Absence of God

When its cold do you believe heat doesn’t exist? When it’s dark do you not believe in light? When there’s instances of evil in the world I guess God doesn’t exist either?

“Tread lightly on religion” so I’ll leave it at that.
Sad that they used, "Even in North America, shits like this don't happen." as a refference. That is like saying USA is the bar for how bad it can be.
jordansx said:
Cold = Absence of Heat
Dark = Absence of Light
Evil = Absence of God

When its cold do you believe heat doesn’t exist? When it’s dark do you not believe in light? When there’s instances of evil in the world I guess God doesn’t exist either?

“Tread lightly on religion” so I’ll leave it at that.

Evil = Absence of Good, not God. God has nothing to do with it.
downwiz2 said:
This is how South Korea works. People with money can get away with everything while the rest of the people suffers.....is this how the world works?

Yes, this is how the rest of the world works.
We have senseless acts of violence in the states, but we don't have suicide bombers claiming Jihad. How are we labled like this. I am not proud of the way some americans act, but a lot of countries have a lot of militant groups that commit more senseless acts then americans.
I once read a story (from a credible source) about Sadam's son and how he became interested in a girl at the college he was attending...she was not interested in him..so he kidnapped her and had his way with her off and on for 3 months then when he became tired of her he coated her in honey and fed her while still alive to his guard dogs....yes humans are capable of horrible, things look at oushvits....and the mass graves in serbia/bosnia. :frown:

A non "religious" friend of mine asked me one time how I could live with such a negative attitude about mankind?.....I told her that I didn't have a negative attitude..I was just not going to put on the blinders and pretend that people are not evil ....then I explained that I put my faith in that the God I believe in says to "love your neighbor as yourself" and if the people I try to surround myself with live that way too..then there is hope..also if you have a perspective that goes beyond this life that makes all the difference ..Just my 2 cents.
i think this situation is going to get worse..

think if your child was killed by a kid from a wealthy family, and they got away with it..
I think most people send their kids to school, trusting it to a certain degree.
I know the whole world is crazy....

but i find that a student getting murdered while peers and teachers are just watching is too much.

The only reason this news got out on the internet, was because the victim's mother posted about the injustice surrounding this news.

How would you feel if you sent your son to school, to find out he is beaten to death?

I know the world is not fair, but school is one place, where I believe everyone, despite their family income, race, and status, should be given equal treatment, justice, and right to learn.

Obviously, south korean schools aren't like that. The system is extremely corrupt. They praise the students coming from wealthy families, and beats down on poor students. This is one of the many reason I don't live in Korea. In fact, after hearing this incident, I was extremely disappointed. I thought,, "this is the kind of country I was told be proud of? Country fool of cowards, money-hungry motherfucking politicians?" Many people have been sacrificed for my country historically, but many people have been foolish enough to fuck it ten times over. I know Korea is not the only place where this is the case, but when schools become a political ground, this is too much.

My point is, such incidents where everyone neglected to take action during the criminal actions commited by Choi, is absolutely horrid to comprehend.

Choi is apparently the school's top 5 gangster. I would really like to invite his family and have him go to my old school. Kids like him will get chopped up or shot for sure. Choi shows absolutely no remorse, and only received maximum 2 years. He will be conscripted army in the mean time to escape jail time for the time being.

I couldn't sleep last night thinking about the victims....im not sure if you would feel the same effect, but having read the victim's mothers own letter posted at some Korean websites, I am blind with rage.

This student murder didn't even make the headlines in major Korean media...

I have learned an important lesson from this incident.

It sucks to be poor.
zahntech said:
I once read a story (from a credible source) about Sadam's son and how he became interested in a girl at the college he was attending...she was not interested in him..so he kidnapped her and had his way with her off and on for 3 months then when he became tired of her he coated her in honey and fed her while still alive to his guard dogs....yes humans are capable of horrible, things look at oushvits....and the mass graves in serbia/bosnia. :frown:

A non "religious" friend of mine asked me one time how I could live with such a negative attitude about mankind?.....I told her that I didn't have a negative attitude..I was just not going to put on the blinders and pretend that people are not evil ....then I explained that I put my faith in that the God I believe in says to "love your neighbor as yourself" and if the people I try to surround myself with live that way too..then there is hope..also if you have a perspective that goes beyond this life that makes all the difference ..Just my 2 cents.

i just happen to pass by one of Malcom X's quote

"I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don’t believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn’t want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn’t know how to return the treatment."

Hate people for who they are, not what they are.
downwiz2 said:
I know the world is not fair, but school is one place, where I believe everyone, despite their family income, race, and status, should be given equal treatment, justice, and right to learn.
I agree with you. Politics has no place on school property.

downwiz2 said:
It sucks to be poor.
Could not agree with you more.

I guess S. Korea is much to close to N. Korea :frown:
downwiz2 said:
i just happen to pass by one of Malcom X's quote

"I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don’t believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn’t want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn’t know how to return the treatment."

Hate people for who they are, not what they are.

How Sad !

I came across this quote from Joe:)

"I believe in treating people right, even if somebody doesn’t know how to return the treatment."
Don't hate.

That would be nice to do that- but lets face it, that's being unrealistic and romantic.

I don't believe an eye for an eye, but there are people I came across in my life that I would certainly not waste my time with.

Not to insenstive to your cause, but get a grip. You sound like a fairly intelligent fella but your overgeneralized statements regarding politics, Korea, (when your clearly too emotional) shows your lack of foresight.

Money hungry politicians that are corrupt, who knew? Give me a break, instead of singing the same old song, harness your anger and make a positive impact.

As far as having pride for your country, at the end of the day its your decision. But don't pass judgment on an entire country based on one incident.
Ennesssex said:

Not to insenstive to your cause, but get a grip. You sound like a fairly intelligent fella but your overgeneralized statements regarding politics, Korea, (when your clearly too emotional) shows your lack of foresight.

Money hungry politicians that are corrupt, who knew? Give me a break, instead of singing the same old song, harness your anger and make a positive impact.

As far as having pride for your country, at the end of the day its your decision. But don't pass judgment on an entire country based on one incident.

im not basing this on at all, because of a single incident such as this. This incident is the final one that just blew my head. Its been building and building. There were many other incidents similiar, and in some cases more baffling and blood curdling. This was the one that finally slapped me across the face, after all. This incident basically tore apart everything I believed in my country. I have for the past 5 years, watched Korean news, paper, books on korea, everything from economics to culture, on a daily basis. My friends always wonder why Im so involved after all i don't even live in Korea. It was just my pure passion for history( i didn't want to limit my knowledge just to cold war, WW2, and vietnam). Especially Korean history. Maybe I was just finding my roots.

My cousins were heavily involved with politics in South Korea during the 60 to 70s (one of them helped the former south korean president Kim Dae-Jung hide in Japan during the killings of politically outspoken figures.) my somewhat distant, uncle used to be a big player in Korean Central Intelligence Agency(the same people who went after politically outspoken figures). Therefore, I am in no way drawing conclusions out of the blue.

I was really interested in Korea, as well as proud, but this incident finally left a bad taste in my mouth. Its all been a waste of time. I felt betrayed.

I admit it was foolish "singing the same song," about politics. I must have been very angry. I agree, i admit i was being overly generalizing especially about politics. Politics is something that will never please the whole crowd. That is a given fact.

Well, i don't find it offensive when people find this incident unmoving or that they don't give a shit. But, anyone with a common sense, despite their nationality, will agree that polititics getting involved with school is definitely wrong.

I just wanted to say that Choi's parents have raised a cold blooded murderer, and they are trying to cover it with money. and all the fucking bastards who took the bribe, I hope they crash and burn in hell like they should.

"He who builds on the people, builds on mud."

I apologize for my overly emotional engagement in many of my posts regarding this issue. I thank everyone, who took their time to read. This news will not have been read, not even by the millions of Koreans living in south Korea, due to heavy censorship by the Korean media (internet).

I can't do anything else to contribute. I really wish there was. But by making this news known even only to a few others, I am revealing the truth. Not too big, but its better than nothing.

My sincere heart goes out to the victim's family. Not because I am Korean, but as any man who would feel for another knocked down by injustice and cowardly figures.
rather than posting this in a forum with a small audience compared to news media, why don't you send emails directly to the US media about this. i havent seen your story mentioned in the US media. if the US picks it up, it may get picked up by other countries and at least might focus some attention on korea.

if you need help doing that, let me know, i have a very large number of email addresses for media contacts if you cant find a list with google.