TCS fault indicator

13 January 2003
Norway (Arctic part!)
The yellow TCS light came one a couple of days ago. The car did not switch to protection mode, so I suspect a fauty indicator.

I have tried to remove the fuse and also disconnect the battery. After starting the engine, the yellow TCS goes off, but lights up after a few seconds. This happens before I have started to drive.

It is not possible to switch TCS off.

I have searched the forum, but my search returned so many threads (nooone on topic) I gave up.
Du kan skru av TCS'en med den lille knappen til høyre for rattet som det står TCS på :wink:


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Hmm, har ikke prøvd å slå den av når den allerede har feilet selv. Men normalt så kan eg slå den av og får da et grønt TCS lys i displayet. På Acura utgavene får en et gult (amber) lys når du slår den av. Mener å huske at du har Honda?
Jo, og det har vært som du beskriver det tidligere. Nå slår det gule lyset seg av når jeg starter, og så kommer det på igjen. Motoren går ikke i protection mode så jeg regner ikke med at det er en alvorlig feil, men irriterende med lyset på hele tiden.
Har du prøvd å ta ut koden?

Service manual said:
If the control unit detects an abnormality, it records a "problem code" wich can be used to diagnose the problem. The failure codes are shown at the TCS system indicator light when the Service Check connector terminals are connected with a jumper wire
10 kjappe blink når jeg svinger rattet høyre og tilbake, ingen når jeg kortslutter terminalen under dashbordet
Ring meg: 95137688

Kan høres ut som om det er en av sensorene på framhjulene som har feilet, evt, en ledning som holder på å ryke.
Ringer deg i morgen. Er på vei avgårde nå. Takk så langt.

Sorry for the discussion in Norwegian. It is difficult to find the correct terms in English.

I have pulled 10 quick blinks in the TCS lamp after doing the procedure with pushing TCS button and turning the steering wheel. The blinks are persistent after pulling ALB and lighter fuse + restarting the engine.

No blinks after shortcircuit the blue connector under the dash.
In the wiki-section, I found this procedure:
Then there is a troubleshooting flow chart that starts something like this:
1. Start the engine.
2. Push the TCS switch 3 times within three seconds.
3. Turn the steering wheel slowly from left to right more than 1.5 turns.
4. Push the TCS switch 2 times within 3 seconds.
5. Return the steering wheel to the left side slowly, check the number of times the TCS indicator light flashes after the wheel has moved approximately one turn.

5 blinks = tire pressure, but I cannot find an oversight over the different error codes other than this. Neither in the service manual. Does anyone know what the 10 flashes I get, indicates?
Most likely. I sometimes have a problem with the CEL when deaccelrating from Cruise Control.

I still would like to know what the ten flashes in my TCS-lamp indicates. :smile:
Well, there's no code like 0-10 or 10-0. The only code that matches 10 blinks is 3-7 but this means 3 long and 7 short blinks. That's abnormal throttle position...
That's abnormal throttle position...

Well, I get the blinks when the car is standing still, so that might be the issue..:tongue:

I was told yesterday that it might be difficult to see whats the long and whats the short blinks. Especially when I am turning the steering wheel at the same time.

Maybe it is a 4-6? I will try to disconnect the speed sensor on each wheel and measure for a voltage when spinning the wheel.

But again this is a different procedure I have used, and not read the blinks after shortcircuiting the blue test connector.
I was told yesterday that it might be difficult to see whats the long and whats the short blinks. Especially when I am turning the steering wheel at the same time.

Maybe it is a 4-6? I will try to disconnect the speed sensor on each wheel and measure for a voltage when spinning the wheel.
I could distinguish long and short blinks very clearly. Unplug a sensor of the engine (throttle) and you can see it.

There's no 4-6 in the SM. 3-7 is the only one that has 10 (longer and shorter) blinks.

Good luck!
I could distinguish long and short blinks very clearly. Unplug a sensor of the engine (throttle) and you can see it.

There's no 4-6 in the SM. 3-7 is the only one that has 10 (longer and shorter) blinks.

Good luck!

Can i ask where you can download this info?
Al the error codes and how to activate them.