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Video: Diaper Check At Infineon Raceway!

25 January 2012
Northern California
The last of 5 session of the day, I took a friend out with me and promised him a milk run at no more than 8/10ths speed...
At about 1:10 in the T6 Carousel at Infineon / Sonoma / Sears Point Raceway on 06/16/2013
With a passenger onboard we hit some oil dropped in the line by a Porsche racecar. What happens next is one of those "I think I crapped my pants" moments.

View this video in HD here: HD Video (click on the HD icon at bottom right of screen)

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Here is the rest of the session.

View this video in HD here: HD Video (click on the HD icon at bottom right of screen)

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=170862693085496" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Not too many places at that track to get bent out of shape. What laptimes do you turn there?
Good save! I have seen a car that couldn't save such a spin and eventually flipped after veering all the way to the left!! I usually experience the rear twitch about mid way to T6 and so far have caught it by minor lift.

Curious on a few observations and perhaps its the angle of the video being biased toward the driver side. If not, then I see the potential for a few seconds LOL! Seems to me on several of the left handers, you are not tracking all the way to the trackout - I noticed this coming out of T6, and before entering T1 you are not at the K wall on the right to angle it more. On right turns, you are tracking out to left the berm (except for 8b pucker perhaps?) so there is little margin of error. Also from the video's perspective, I see you have a tendency for early apexing but the car seems to stick though you are fighting the steering with some hefty jerks (T2 does that if you try to come in hugging to the left); but why at the other turns which are pretty smooth? A 9/3 hands permanent position (no shuffling) on the steering may help smoothen that but I suspect it has more to do with your suspension.
Good save! I have seen a car that couldn't save such a spin and eventually flipped after veering all the way to the left!! I usually experience the rear twitch about mid way to T6 and so far have caught it by minor lift.

Curious on a few observations and perhaps its the angle of the video being biased toward the driver side. If not, then I see the potential for a few seconds LOL! Seems to me on several of the left handers, you are not tracking all the way to the trackout - I noticed this coming out of T6, and before entering T1 you are not at the K wall on the right to angle it more. On right turns, you are tracking out to left the berm (except for 8b pucker perhaps?) so there is little margin of error. Also from the video's perspective, I see you have a tendency for early apexing but the car seems to stick though you are fighting the steering with some hefty jerks (T2 does that if you try to come in hugging to the left); but why at the other turns which are pretty smooth? A 9/3 hands permanent position (no shuffling) on the steering may help smoothen that but I suspect it has more to do with your suspension.

Thanks for your input, as always, insightful observations H, I truly believe that the OS Giken helped save us from what could have been a very unhappy ending. The camera really doesn't capture all the drama in that 'tank slapper' at 90+mph under hard acceleration. Note right after I gathered it all back together I glanced back at the camera as if to say: "did you get all that?":eek:

As for my lines on this session, always room for improvement, but there's a couple things going on here which I may not have mentioned. First of all, there's is oil down in the line virtually all around the track from a very inconsiderate Porsche driver whose transmission let go and he stayed on his line thru out his in lap. Also, I have a rather nervous passenger onboard that I'm trying very hard not to spook (again). I promised him I'd keep off the curbs and edges. As a rule, with any passenger onboard, I'm keeping it at or below 8/10ths and this affords me to drive a much tighter line in order to shorten the track. Lets call it the 'Miata line'. :wink:

IIRC these laptimes were in the 1:55-1:56 range and are a good :05-:06sec off my pace. Rest assured, if we were running at 10/10ths I'd be using all of the track and in some instances maybe a tad more. Cheers
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