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What do you do when people STARE at you?!

nsxtasy said:

haha... ken's happy... he found another reason to use his moonie smiley. :D

Interesting - the moonie is red & yellow... matches your NSX + Integra there.
What!!! Forget the staring. I can handle that. Hell, I even like that.

What I am having mixed feeling about, are people taking photographs!!!

I've had a car pull up next to me and follow me for miles taking pictures of my car from every angle as I was driving home from the beach. Some people are nice enough to ask first. I have never said "no" of course. But still......its.....slightly uncomfortable. On guy chased me down a few blocks and yelled "Come on man!!! Lemme take a picture of yo Shit!!!"

When buying a car like the NSX you must be prepared to be watched.
But I did not foresee those who follow me to try to find out what car this REALLY is or where I live.
No, I am not paranoid......
I think you guys who look away or who do not return the looks of people who enjoy looking at, what we all feel is, a damn good looking car, deny yourselves one of the most enjoyable aspects of owning the car. When I catch people staring at the car, I nod and smile back. With out fail I will get a smile or nod, a thumbs up, or 'nice car' in return. People are generally nicer than we give them credit for being. Crap on the news is on the news because it is what's different about how people are in their every day lives. I live in the Northeast and frequently drive into New York to visit family and friends. Never had a bad experience with someone looking at the car. Women love it too. Had one nice looking lady ask me one time what was it like to be driving a "work of art"?
You guys think you get a lot of stares and don't know how to deal. Try being young, black, and a yellow targa lowered on some nice wheels. We all know how gorgeous the NSX is. But then I have to deal with the whole "is he an athlete thing". When i had my Viper GTS I really got this a lot. While it may be the stereotype that young black men that seem to have money are either dealers, entertainers, or athletes, it could also be that I'm rather broad and I suppose someone could legitimately assume I'm a Dallas cowboy etc.

So, in terms of what I do, I just flash a gang sign and keep going. Just kidding. I too wonder if I should look away or acknowlege. When they are just looking I sometimes don't want to acknowlege because I don't want to look like a snob by waving as if I'm a celebrity or something. On the other hand it might be kinda fun. I can remember when I lived in Chicago I saw an S600 and a long neck peanut head driver that was clearly tall. The plate said M AIR J so no mistaking who it was. When you gawk at him he would waive as if to say "you found me out and yes its me". If I do this when people are gawking I wonder if they will assume I'm actually someone important... Naaah. Its an NSX not a 360 or 550. When young folks give me thumbs up or waive I waive back. Otherwise I will only nod and smile. Although I'm not sure if they can see such a subtle reaction since my windows are tinted.
I totally agree with Darcon's comment. As most do, I acknowledge back as I normally drive with my windows down and don't mind.

A Civic with gauge pot was passing me on my left on 405. The girl friend on the passenger side looking. I waved at her. She was literally jumping in the car with a big smile then turned and said something to her BF for a couple of seconds and continued to stare. Not sure what she said to him, but he drove in front and over to my right. Slowed down next to me and stared me down. I waved at him, he nodded back then drove off. I thought it was very entertaining.

For the people that think negatively of us or our cars, if you look back, they'd normally turn away.
Evoking said:
You guys think you get a lot of stares and don't know how to deal. Try being young, black, and a yellow targa lowered on some nice wheels. We all know how gorgeous the NSX is. But then I have to deal with the whole "is he an athlete thing". When i had my Viper GTS I really got this a lot. While it may be the stereotype that young black men that seem to have money are either dealers, entertainers, or athletes, it could also be that I'm rather broad and I suppose someone could legitimately assume I'm a Dallas cowboy etc.

Hmmm...this reminds me of Marvin Lee's topic here.
I read some of this topic and I'm on a whole different plain. I haven't really been profiled much and when I am I don't see it that way as the glass is always half full from my perspective. All in fun.
I just smile very modestly as if they gave me a personal compliment. What's the big deal? Before I had a nice car, it always intrigued me as to who was driving what. Little grannies in 911 Slants, teenagers cruising the family Benz, or the hot chick in the convertible Rabbit. Whatever.... It's just people watching.
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Right before Christmas I finally faced the truth that my front tooth had died and went to have it pulled and packed with bone graft for a hopeful implant this summer.

I didn't want to be put under because it was an extra couple hundred and we all remember that Seinfeld with the dentist!

I had not anticipated the amount of blood, swelling, and cotton they would pack in my mouth. I was driving to my regular dentist to be fitted with a denture/retainer with a completely numb lip, a huge bloody hole in my mouth, and a big piece of gauze with blood / drool hanging out of my mouth. I never felt more awkward or less attractive in my life.

Just then a car load of high school girls pulls up next to me and starts pointing and honking. They were goosing each other and making faces at me and generally being obnoxious. It was priceless when I rolled down the window to talk to them and pulled out the bloody gauze to showcase my toothless hideous grin. I would have given $100 to have my digital camera to capture the look on their faces!
matteni said:
I rolled down the window to talk to them and pulled out the bloody gauze to showcase my toothless hideous grin. I would have given $100 to have my digital camera to capture the look on their faces!
Nice...got any mug shots of your toothless grin to share with us? ;)
<B>matteni</B> : that is a funny story, and your pix make it even easier to visualize. i wish you'd had a camera with you. Did you twitch and go cross-eyed? :D You could have said in a deep husky voice "hey little girls, wanna lolly?" to really freak them. :D

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> : <IMG SRC="http://deephousepage.com/smilies/spank2.gif">
hahah... this is <B>NSX Service Girl</B>'s personal smiley! :D Ken has moonie, NSX Service Girl has her spank smiley! LOL
I was filmed driving down the highway in Adelaide, just have to smile i guess...........Most used to stare at my wheels, had people mesmorized, chrome momo sports.
a weel dressed guy like u.. handsome and all... how can they not stare? wait maybe its the car. nsx's cruising look awesome!!!
NeoNSX said:
<B>matteni</B> : that is a funny story, and your pix make it even easier to visualize. i wish you'd had a camera with you. Did you twitch and go cross-eyed? :D You could have said in a deep husky voice "hey little girls, wanna lolly?" to really freak them. :D

Ha ha ha LOL! Yeh you never saw 4 mouths gape open in unison! And they all sunk in their sink together too.

You would have thought the car was being remote controlled when they took off from the light!

Also - all is healing well! Now I just need to wait 5 months for the bone graft to "set" to see if I can get a titanium implant.

Actually the whole episode has brought out a lot of good humor for my wife:

- Honey what kind of party is this we are going too? Should I wear my tooth or not?

- Honey do you think when we fly that my tooth will set off the metal detectors? Do you think I will have to put my retainer in the little bins they put through the scanner? (Imagine wind up novelty teeth chattering through the scanner)

- Honey - if I take my tooth out at a formal dinner - do I put it to the left or the right of the salad plate (or on the salad plate itself).

- Honey - if I tell you I am going out to work late you will always know if I am "catting" around if I put my tooth in or not.

matteni said:
- Honey - if I take my tooth out at a formal dinner - do I put it to the left or the right of the salad plate (or on the salad plate itself).

- Honey - if I tell you I am going out to work late you will always know if I am "catting" around if I put my tooth in or not.