what is your most weird encounter with a police officer in your NSX?

15 September 2004
sacramento california
Ford-Crown_Victoria-2001-1600-01.jpgthis happened yesterday, i swear it is all true. i am driving at about 0700 PST west on douglas boulevard in the granite bay/roseville area. the posted speed limit is 55 MPH.
i always go 65 MPH through here no matter what i am driving, i was in my 1992 NSX. i notice a vehicle slowly coming up on my rear, so i speed up to 70 MPH. so does the vehicle, which looks like every other 4 door american car on the road.. red light, i stop, the vehicle pulls up next to me and i see an angry somewhat overweight dude waving a microphone (like for a CB unit) at me. the light turns green, i have no idea what is wrong with this guy so i do my 0 to 70 time very quickly and figure i will lose him. he tries to catch up and at the next light turning red i figure i will let him go through and i will never see him again. instead, he pulls up to me again on my passenger side. so i roll down my passenger window and say "what is the problem"?
he says i am speeding. i said so what? he says he is a cop, and i went past him and he is pissed off. so i say how would i know he is a cop? he says if i keep arguing with him he is going to give me a ticket. i said to him i am not arguing with him, if i had known he was a cop i would never have been speeding anywhere near his car, and how was i supposed to know he was a cop? and he said " when you see a crown vic with lights you should know it is a cop". i have no idea what lights he was talking about. maybe hidden behind the rear window? remember he was behind me.
so that is my story. i offer it up just in case some overweight dude waves a CB mike at you in an unmarked crown vic . it might be a police officer.:confused:
i am going to lay low for a few weeks, or take side roads.
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Should've waved your license at him and said you're D.E.A.
Don't stop (or talk to) people in unmarked cars -- you put yourself and your car at risk.
exactly...too many people (woman esp)get jacked or worse by sicko police impersonators.
I had one who turn his blue lights on steady, then pulled up next to me at the stoplight. I thought he was gonna tell me to pull over, instead he said, "I like your NSX way better than your last car!!!!" (Which was a supercharged e46 m3)
It's my guess that he was not a cop at all but and angry, middle aged, over weight, cop wanna be. If he was a police officer and he was that pissed off at you I think he would have just pulled you over and written you a ticket or two. You can buy those Crown Vics at auction. Many of them still have some of the lighting in them. I would not worry about laying low.
I got pulled over in my NSX almost 2 years ago and I know I did not break the law. All I had done was get in my car, pull out of a parking lot, drive 100ft to the red light and before it turned green the cop was pulling me over. The cop then told me that my car was a cop magnet and wanted to chat about my car and tell me how I will be getting harassed by cops for owning it. After I left with a "warning" about driving an NSX I have to chuckle thinking about this because I have passed a lot of cops since then and not one has batted an eye at it.
//I had one who turn his blue lights on steady, then pulled up next to me at the stoplight. I thought he was gonna tell me to pull over, instead he said, "I like your NSX way better than your last car!!!!" (Which was a supercharged e46 m3)//

that could only happen in Hawaii
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Got pulled on the highway in Texas not even 50 miles after buying the car. He said you have no front plate and I shrugged and said I just bought it and I'm driving to CA. I had the Koni shock adjuster cap in the coin tray, he was very curious about what it was. Then he just said alright don't worry about it walked away.
Haven't had any stop me in mine yet. Although, Friday I went for a drive around town. Downtown the speed limit is 25mph (yeah, because people do that). I didn't get on it, just accelerated from the stop light up to just shy of 35mph and an officer appeared out of nowhere and hauled ass up to me, no lights on or anything. I knew I was speeding a bit, so fine. He must've just read my plate - couldn't have had time to run it and then hit his signal and passed me to my left just staring at my car. I was unsure if it was a good stare or a bad one. Maybe he didn't think I was up to no good with it when he read the plate "4TUNEIT", but I don't know. I thought for sure I was getting hit with a ticket and was pleasantly surprised when he didn't seem to care.

When he sold the NSX to me... no kidding

Have never been stopped by an officer while driving the NSX

Had a LEO compliment it at a gas station, said he had a Z06 with the same wheels
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I have had no encounters with police officers in my NSX, which is weird in itself. BTW, your "cop" does sound like a wanna-be. I would have asked for ID.
I got pulled over in my NSX almost 2 years ago and I know I did not break the law. All I had done was get in my car, pull out of a parking lot, drive 100ft to the red light and before it turned green the cop was pulling me over. The cop then told me that my car was a cop magnet and wanted to chat about my car and tell me how I will be getting harassed by cops for owning it. After I left with a "warning" about driving an NSX I have to chuckle thinking about this because I have passed a lot of cops since then and not one has batted an eye at it.

LOL...did you tell him he's proving his own point? I've never been approavhed about my NSX by a cop "just because." I'd like to think they've got better things to do. That is, besides the a-hole that pulled you over!
I got pulled over by a Nassau county sheriff who proceeded to ask me to drag race him in his Dodge Charger cruiser. True story.
Where in sac you @? I stay in Roseville, not sure have we met???? I've had very weird stuff happend to me in Roseville too. Been pulled over at least 10 times with no ticket. always "looked like u were speeding BS" or ive even been stopped off 80 for having a nice car! He said he wanted to to merge back into traffic as "quickly" able to get back on the freeway safely (wink wink). I burnt out and he loved it! Funny shit
This happened a few years ago. I had owned my 91 NSX for about a week and was driving to a friend's house. There were two motorcycle cops in front of me and I was driving the speed limit. Then they slowed down to ride beside me. A few blocks later they were behind me with their lights on. So I pull into a parking lot and one of the cops comes up to my window and asks if I was in a hurry to be some place. I responded " sir, I wasn't speeding". He said "I know but my partner and I wanted to get a look at your car and if you have to be somewhere to be go ahead and leave. We just wanted to find out what model of Acura your car is." He said when they were in front of me, he thought it was a rather small Corvette. Then when they were beside me, his partner said it was a Ferrari. But when they got behind me they saw Acura on the tail lights. I gave them a tour of the car and was on my way.
i live in Folsom. i bought my NSX from Ted Idloff about 10 years ago. driving ambition does all the work on it. (shad's shop) .
Where in sac you @? I stay in Roseville, not sure have we met???? I've had very weird stuff happend to me in Roseville too. Been pulled over at least 10 times with no ticket. always "looked like u were speeding BS" or ive even been stopped off 80 for having a nice car! He said he wanted to to merge back into traffic as "quickly" able to get back on the freeway safely (wink wink). I burnt out and he loved it! Funny shit
OP, I rather doubt you had an encounter with a "real" cop. I real cop won't wave his microphone. It would have been a badge. This guy had no badge, I can bet on it. Next time, ask for a badge {and make sure it's real}. You have that right. We had this issue awhile back with an idiot in a Crown. He got caught fortunately.
I got pulled over by 5 cops about two years ago. At first they accused me of racing a Scion. I never even exceeded the speed limit. The scion was behind a minivan so not sure how that was supposed to have happened. Now I did accelerate fast from the light I was not racing anyone. Eventually the gave me a ticket for non stock exhaust. I went to court and got the ticket dismissed but had to pay about 70 bucks in court fees. Should have paid the 40 fine for non stock exhaust.

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Was on a Sunday afternoon ride with my son near my house (twisties with no homes) when a cop hiding in some bushes chased me and pulled me over. He said he had a tough time keeping up with me (:)) and decided to let me off with a warning. I did not have the V1 with me that day, so needless to say it went into the car when I returned home :)