I may have a new coworker buying an early 90s NSX. Sweet!
Anyone else doing their part to indoctrinate friends 'n family? :tongue:
Anyone else doing their part to indoctrinate friends 'n family? :tongue:
VBnsx got me hooked, and he doesn't even know it!!! I always liked his silver nsx more than my Supra when I had it. Even though the Supra was much quicker, it felt like a big boat and it just didn't have the look and feel that the nsx has...
A guy I work with has a buddy with a '91 (see picture below). Let's just say EVERYTHING on the car was MacGyvered together by the previous owner. Console was "hand built" with plastic and black silicone, Tein coil-overs were adjusted to stiffest setting and the springs were compressed to lower the car - it rode like a gokart...Stereo was...well wasn't...etc,etc. I had the guy leave it at my house and I spent about a week and $1,500 on parts, CCU repair from BrianK, and it's slowly transforming into what it was originally built for. I've given him this forum for inspiration and how-to. I wouldn't take any money for the help I gave him...I had too much fun. Last week I came home and all my landscaping had been trimmed and detailed!! Now if I could only talk him into changing those wheels!!
I'll give you my car for a week and I'll mow your lawn.:biggrin:
I've got a new Corgi puppy that I'd like to hypnotize :biggrin:
I've got a new Corgi puppy that I'd like to hypnotize :biggrin:
Now if I could only talk him into changing those wheels!!
Mark, looking at your signature, we have a similar collection of vehicles. I have a '75 914 that I've been working on. How about I drop that off to you for a month and I'll come mow your lawn.
btw the Legend GS, is that a coupe also? I've seen specs on that model but have never seen one or know how to recognize if it's a GS or not. They have 240 hp compared to the regular 225 right?
Those are the worst wheels I have seen on an NSX. To each their own I guess..