Who says women are bad drivers?


Experienced Member
26 March 2000
Chicago, IL
LOL :biggrin: :rolleyes:

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Is This for real! why in the world is everyone standing around letting her drive. Especially the owner of the car!:confused:
That is one UGLY hardtop! And unless she owns the car, someone really stupid let her drive it. She was obviously uncomfortable with it - note the slight chirp of tires backing up and leaving the parking lot, plus the hesitancy/inability to drive smoothly.

It's a beast of a car, I'm sure, but she had no place driving it.
She was obviously uncomfortable with it - note the slight chirp of tires backing up and leaving the parking lot, plus the hesitancy/inability to drive smoothly.

It's a beast of a car, I'm sure, but she had no place driving it.

High stall torque convertor???? nevermind, she was revving it. Doesn't matter, that sucks to be her.
That is one UGLY hardtop! And unless she owns the car, someone really stupid let her drive it.

Maybe she crashed it to try to kill the hardtop! :wink:

I don't think this is a "women's driving" issue as much as it is a "don't loan your car to an unskilled driver" issue. The title of this thread should be, "Who's the dope who loaned this car?"
I had a friend, who owns several Corvettes and IMO is a very good driver, drive my SL55 the other day. The SL55 scared the shit out of him:biggrin: . Now he says he has to get one. I thought he was going to crash mine the other day while I sat and watched. I really hope he doen't get a 55 because then I will have to lay down the money for a 65. :frown: :smile: :wink:
Driving one of those on a dry road is a big chore, I can't imagine driving it on a wet road. Those cars are extremely light, and even if it only has 302 they are extremely dangerous.
You can see this is an accident waiting to happen when there's wheelspin just getting out of the driveway. Fortunately she wasn't driving an NSX with a TT kit. :D