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Who will win it all?

Who will win the NBA championship this year?

  • San Antonio Spurs

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Los Angeles Lakers

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Detroit Pistons

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Boston Celtics

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
8 March 2006
Vote for who you think will take it.
Detroit getting no love! :eek:
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I've been a Laker fan since the 70's. But I actually want Boston to take it all, be nice to see KG get a ring. :smile:
"Better luck next time son."

Kobe is already fouling and yet never a call..

Common Kobe even though you guys got an allstar in Pau Gasol for a bag of chips its just not your year.. again!\


Get ready to see alot of this and hear these comments...
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NO gave the champs all they could handle in the 4Q but in the end big game experience won out.

Which is why I am shocked there are more votes for the two least experienced teams here, the Lakers and Celtics... and Detroit had ONE vote?!!
Which is why I am shocked there are more votes for the two least experienced teams here, the Lakers and Celtics... and Detroit had ONE vote?!!

True, except that LAL and BOS have big game veterans that NO doesn't have and SA and DET are getting old.
I'm sure TV ratings will be high for Boston/LA if that happens.

I'd like to see the KG/Pierce/Allen finaly get a ring.