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WTB: Early NSX - Salvage/Rebuilt OK - In Need of TLC OK - Under $20K

19 August 2011
WTB: Early NSX - Salvage/Rebuilt OK - In Need of TLC OK - $20k-ish budget

As the title states I've got $20k (or more for the right car...) in cash, in hand and I'd like an early NSX to get started with. I'd prefer something more of a 'driver' rather than a garage car (obviously at $20k that's the only option). I have no problems putting work into the car. If you have something that is considerably cheaper and needs a lot more work, don't hesitate to toss the offer out there. I'm in Seattle but don't mind paying for shipping for the right car. Email me at [email protected]

Willing to go up to $25k for the right car.
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