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Zymol Car Wax/cleaners?

28 April 2000
SF Bay Area / Boston MA
Is this the product the FAQ suggests?
I just washed my car for the first time, and later noticed way more scrathes than when I bought it. Maybe I scraped off the wax, or I may have created the small cratches myself. In anycase, I'm looking for the best and least time-consuming solution to keep my NSX looking good. I can't afford to spend all saturday cleaning the car, but an hour in a half or so.

Here's the URL from zymol's webpage: http://www.zymol.com/onestp2.htm
Zymol has their own wax just for the NSX. It's also in the FAQ, from the link you provided it looks like a different product.

Check the thread I've posted "polishing products", the issue has been discussed but I think the solution is just for me (and others that want to wet their NSX). As for least time consuming.... uhm... you'll need to find a all product in one thingy but I personally think those products can't produce the best result.

I also have a question, my NSX is silver and it seems like no matter how many times I polish the car, it just won't shine like show cars. Is it becuase of the polish I am using or does the color silver have a 'natural shine' to it already and can't produce those mirror-like reflection? and for the black top (mine is a 92), what material is it made of? What do I have to clean it with?

cool, just found out you can edit messages on this forum

[This message has been edited by GruppeM (edited 12 May 2000).]
I used to be a brand name polish/wax fanatic until today. I just finished applying the first stage of Zaino. All I can say is: I can't believe that I've never heard of or used this product before. I've owned red cars before so this isn't new to me. But my red '94 loks like it just came from the Greater NYC Auto Show. The paint glows and has the deepest wet look that I have ever seen. You can check out the product at: www.zainobros.com
If you are scratching the paint when you wash it is because you are rubbing dirt into the paint. Make sure you hose the car off well before you start. You need to use CLEAN wash mits and keep them clean as you wash the car. Do not rub hard. Work from top to bottom. Do not rub in a circular motion.

To answer your other question, no, the FAQ does not recommend the cleaner/wax. Use a three-step process: wash, clean, wax. Avoid 2-in-one or 3-in-one products.
Originally posted by GruppeM:
Is it becuase of the polish I am using or does the color silver have a 'natural shine' to it already and can't produce those mirror-like reflection?

The most mirror-like finishes are dark non-metallic paint such as black. Your paint is both metallic and light color.

and for the black top (mine is a 92), what material is it made of? What do I have to clean it with?

The black top is just paint like the rest of the car. Treat it the same as the rest of the body (wash, clean, wax).

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 15 May 2000).]
I have not used the clay bar yet. I use the Z-1, Z-2, Z-5, Z-6 and Z-7 as recommended. So far I am extremely pleased with the results. It is very easy to use and leaves no dust or residue on trim.

[This message has been edited by Dr.Lane (edited 16 May 2000).]
I think alot of getting your NSX to shine is how you use the products! I've used Zymol and they are great, but I've used other stuff and they all made it shine just as good. But its all in how you use it, if you rub to much on you'll get streaks and possibly swirls. I use Meguirs because they have a full line of products, everything from clearners to detailer spray for making that shine last for weeks. I posted this pic in another discussion group about polishes but I'll post it again. Thanks to Mike and Cheryl for posing for the pic


[This message has been edited by PUREVIL (edited 18 May 2000).]
Dr. Lane-
Zaino is covered extensively by corvette owners at "www.corvetteforum.com", and everyone swears by it. Mr. Zaino personally appears in the 'car care' section there quite frequently to answer questions and suggest help. I don't think there is anything out currently that can match what Zaino can do as long as you have some time on your hands to apply it correctly!

Originally posted by Dr.Lane:
I used to be a brand name polish/wax fanatic until today. I just finished applying the first stage of Zaino. All I can say is: I can't believe that I've never heard of or used this product before. You can check out the product at: www.zainobros.com

'91 NSX: Red/Black, Equip 3 piece wheels, RM Racing Whiteface guages, K&N Filter, Killer $5k stereo, performance exhaust, last owned by Alice Cooper
I have a Corvette, so I had heard of Zaino before....

I recently got the Zaino stuff and I must agree with the others. It's awesome.

It's EZ to put on and take OFF. When you use it you'll probably be questioning whether or not it's going to work for you. Reserve all judgement until the last step.

Here's what I did...

1. Wash the entire car with Dawn dishwashing liquid. This removes the old waxes and gunk that might be on the car.

2. Use a capful of the Zaino car wash (awesome stuff) in a spray-spritzer bottle with water. Use this as a lubricant for the clay. Use the clay bar (about the size of a hotel bar of soap) essentially like a wet sanding pad. Do not press real hard let the clay do the work. Use plenty of spray bottle car wash as a lube. Do not use the clay dry on your finish. Work in straight lines as the air would flow over your car. You'll notice a slight discoloration of the yellow clay as you proceed.

3. Wash the car with the Zaino car wash and warm water. Oh, and be sure to do all this in the shade and on a cool (temperature wise) car.

4. Dry the car with 100% made in usa white cotton towels. Be sure to use clean towels with no tags. Fold in the stitched edges or cut them off. They use poly stitching that can scratch. Also don't use those dryer sheets or weird detergents to wash them.

5. Apply the first step of Zaino Z-1 using a terry applicator or a folded hand towel. Follow prior instructions on the towels. USE ALL ZAINO PRODUCTS SPARINGLY. A little will go a long way. Work in small areas. Again, apply in straight lines like the air flowing over your car. Do not use circular motions. It might be hard to tell you're putting enough on. Don't worry, you are. You might only see a very light haze. Do not remove this first step.

6. Apply the second step right over the Z-1. Here you have a choice. Either Z-2 or Z-5. If your car has a great finish and is a newer car you might go for the Z-2. If you have an older car with swirl marks or polishing marks use the Z-5. Actually, I'd probably use at least one coat of Z-5 on a perfect car. It's really good. As I said before, apply it directly over the hazed Z-1 "prep coat". After several applications of Z-5, you might want to switch over to the Z-2 - because the marks will be gone and the Z-2 makes it even shinier (hard to believe).

7. By the time you're done applying the Z-2 or Z-5 you'll be ready to use a fresh, clean cotton towel to remove the haze. Use several towels and keep folding them over. Prepare to be amazed!

8. Zaino also has a spray-on gloss-enhancer product called Z-6. I use it between polish application. It's great too. I take to car shows or events for touch-ups. I also use between applications of Z-2 or Z-5.

9. Subsequent applications of Z-2 and Z-5 will continue to amaze you. After three or four applications it will really be at its maximum appearance. All Zaino products are compatible with each other so you can bounce back and forth as required.

I don't work for the company, nor do I get anything for these comments. It's simply a great product and I'm impressed.

My NSX is black and it's a 92. It now has a great shine and looks brand new. The previous swirl marks are history.


1991 NSX Blk/Blk
1974 Vette 454 4 spd

My NSX is a 1991...

Also, don't use powdered detergents to wash your towels. Use liquid Tide or All.

(I've come a long way since my Turtle Wax days)


1991 NSX Blk/Blk
1974 Vette 454 4 spd
I just applied a first application of the Zaino Brothers products and without question it gives a deep wet look. I luv it. Can't wait to put another application on. By the way, thx Dr. Lane for the recommendation on this fabulous product.
Does anyone have any experience with the Zymol NSX wax? It sound pretty impressive, but at 150 a pop, it is very pricey. I have been using Meguair's for some time and the results have good, but it is hard to get the showroom shine on my NSX. I am considering getting either ZainoBros or Zymol waxes and I don't know which way to go. Your input would be much appreciated. Thank you and warmest regards.

The link to the Zymol product is:

I recently attended a demo of the Zymol NSX wax. A very knowledgeable guy gave a great presentation. He offered good general info and did a portion of a black NSX fender and hood with HD Cleanse and their NSX wax.

It looked good. I don't think it looked as good as the Zaino however and it appeared to be much more labor intensive.

Zaino gets my vote.


1991 NSX Blk/Blk
1974 Vette 454 4 spd
From what I've seen and used, the Zymol products are easier to use than Zaino AND they give a deeper gloss and better shine.

If you want something that's a little bit less work (and less money) than the Zymol NSX wax, try the Zymol Japon wax (around $40/can instead of $100+). Don't forget to use the HD-Cleanse polish first.
Originally posted by jungd:
I just applied a first application of the Zaino Brothers products and without question it gives a deep wet look. I luv it. Can't wait to put another application on. By the way, thx Dr. Lane for the recommendation on this fabulous product.

You are very welcome JUNGD. I believe in sharing my personal experiences so that others will benefit. I have spent numerous dollars and hours trying to find, in my opinion, the best and easiest detailing product. I am glad that you are happy with the reccomendation

FYI, I apply a coat of either Z5 or Z2 after every wash.

[This message has been edited by Dr.Lane (edited 14 June 2000).]
I just ordered my Zaino kit, thanks to all who have reported on this apparently great product. I will report what the results have been on my yellow '99. However, I will test it first on my wife's 98 Mercedes - reports are coming.
Originally posted by kenjiMR:
Is this the product the FAQ suggests?

Just in case it is not clear from the other responses - this is most emphatically NOT the same product as recommended in the FAQ and not the same product usually spoken of by "car guys" when discussing good wax. Zymol for many years only made the good stuff but they are now also making mass-market (and sold through mass-merchandisers) stuff that is not at all the same. HTH.
OK, my Zaino stuff came in today. Z1, Z2 and Z6. I'll follow the instructions and apply it to my wife's '98 Mercedes tomorrow - Ruby Red Metallic. I'll report as soon as I see the results.
I just received all the Zaino stuff from Z1 to Z18 and they are AMAZING.

I've never seen that before (and before Zaino, I tested all the products that you can find on this planet).

I use them on my black NSX and on my "Phantom Grey" Prelude.

Now, I 'll stay with Zaino for all my life

Thanks to Dr Lane
You are very welcome.

I will also share with you how I keep my NSX looking like it just came out of the showroom.

1) Wash car with liquid kitchen soap. (First time only)
2) Apply Z-1
3) Apply Z-5 directly over Z-1 immediatley if desired.
3) Remove the Z-1/Z-5 combination after 1/2 hour.
4) Wait four hours and apply Z-5 alone.
5) Spray with Z-6 and dry.
6) Apply as many coats of Z-5 if you want a deeper look. If not apply Z-2
to seal/finish.
7) Future washing with Z-7.

You will only need to perform entire procedure once a year. I do apply
regular coats of Z-5/Z-2 as I feel necessary

Good Luck!
-Dr. Lane

[This message has been edited by Dr.Lane (edited 17 June 2000).]

I have a black 91 NSX too and the Zaino really makes a difference.

Years ago I had a black Saab Turbo and I sweared I would never own another black car because it was too hard to keep clean and looking good.

I broke that promise when I bought my black NSX. I knew all the Vette guys loved it so I thought I would give it a try.

It also seems that the Z5/Z6 combo acts as a static dust repellent so I don't have that problem of washing and cleaning the car - going inside to get a shower and get changed - only to come out and find the car covered in dust and/or pollen.


1991 NSX Blk/Blk
1974 Vette 454 4 spd
I just finished my first Zaino application to my wife's Mercedes - YES, INDEED! - very good stuff. It is easy to apply, leaves no residue as advertised, and it shines as good or perhaps a touch better than the best wax I've ever used - all this after just one application. I'm looking forward to a second and a third application to acquire that 3 dimensional shine. My yellow NSX is next - I'll report on that one too for those of you who have yellow cars.