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Alien vs Predator

hmmm 14a in canada i believe. Not sure what the difference is though. Why would it matter about the rating anyway. Is it ok for kids to watch 8 people get killed and a few aliens but bad for 50 people and hundreds of aliens to die?
1TITENSX said:
Ok, I went to see AVP last night. The movie was ok. I give it about a 7 out of 10. I am not going to spoil everyone's fun but there wasn't enough battling btwn the Predators and Aliens for me :(
I saw this movie with my friend comic book guy and we both thought it was... the worst movie ever!!!
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was it a short movie ??

my last 2 movies I went was Spyderman2 and I robot, I felt it's kind of tense and I'm really rooting for the predator as he's a cool guy... I felt the movie is kind of short, and I felt the two predators got killed way too early.
There is no way in hell I am going to see this movie... :rolleyes:

Alien 4 and the Dark Horse comic books were the beginning of the end. Unfortunately there will never be a good serious effort to bring this Universe back to its roots.
Ok, I think it's safe to post this here now that the movies been out for a while. Here are some of my comments:

I should have known something was fishy with a PG-13 rating while the other Alien and Predator movies were all Rated-R.

I didn't understand how Aliens could reach adulthood quicker than ordering a pizza. There were so many of them like they were multiplying or something. They need hosts so it shouldn't have been more Aliens than humans...right?

I didn't understand why the Predators blade melted when he cut off the Aliens tail but his glave and spear didn't when he used it on an Alien.

If the pyramid caved in after the Predators doomsday bomb how did the queen make it to the surface?

Why was Colin Salmon, from Resident Evil, using the same exact gun from the movie, doing the same exact leading of the special ops dying almost the exact same way he died in Resident Evil? Here's the picture, remember how he got cut up by the lasers in Resident Evil? Well the Predator shot a net at him that encases you but gets tighter and starts cutting you in to pieces as it gets tighter.
Thanks AK for spoiling the ending for me. :rolleyes: :D

I haven't seen any movie review for AvP over 50/100 yet... here's <A HREF="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/08/14/DDGGT8762G1.DTL&type=movies">one reviewer</A> that really hated AvP with a vengence.

<IMG SRC="http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/pictures/2004/08/14/dd_avp02.jpg">

(AK - it's ok man. i knew i should have stayed away from this thread)
NeoNSX said:
Thanks AK for spoiling the ending for me. :rolleyes: :D

I haven't seen any movie review for AvP over 50/100 yet... here's <A HREF="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/08/14/DDGGT8762G1.DTL&type=movies">one reviewer</A> that really hated AvP with a vengence.

<IMG SRC="http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/pictures/2004/08/14/dd_avp02.jpg">

(AK - it's ok man. i knew i should have stayed away from this thread)

I'm just doing you a favor so you won't have to waste your money or time for this movie :D
that's ok AK... it's not on my list of "MUST SEE" films but if my mates end up seeing it, i'll probably go along for the ride (we love crap action flicks... bag & joke at them so much that we get our money's worth :D ).

i wouldn't mind seeing <B>The Bourne Supremacy</B>. Looks good. Is it?

Really sux living in Australia at times... some movies are released MONTHS later. And MPAA wonders why there is piracy?! :rolleyes: :D
NeoNSX said:
i wouldn't mind seeing <B>The Bourne Supremacy</B>. Looks good. Is it? :D

Yes, it is actually a very solid sequel in my opinion. It has done over 150 million now domestically, which is better than the first one did.

On a side note, I am soooo glad that Catwoman is completely bombing. :D
Really sux living in Australia at times... some movies are released MONTHS later. And MPAA wonders why there is piracy?!

Try living in Japan then, you buy the dvd by the time it comes out here! :mad:


Crtics aren't giving it much love!

Who's seen harold and kumar go to white castle? Heard it was quite good? Lucky Americans! I'm still waiting for hellboy to come out here! :(
My brother saw it and said it was the worst POS he has ever seen. He said they made the Predators into wusses and the that 200 aliens came out of like 5 people. What the hell. It makes me mad that they screwed up this movie so bad. Also, it was contantly said that Predators only come to Hot envrionments. Why the hell would they go to alaska???
I went to the movie for just entertainment, and to think it was "neat" to see the two go at it. In that vein, it did fine. I thought it was fun - even with some of the apparent issues the movie had. If they come out with a Part 2, I hope it ups the bar.

One more thing, remember they said in the previews, "whoever wins, we lose"...this was a cheesy gimmick to trick us into going to this movie :mad:...so who won and did we actually lose :confused: :confused:
1TITENSX said:
One more thing, remember they said in the previews, "whoever wins, we lose"...this was a cheesy gimmick to trick us into going to this movie :mad:...so who won and did we actually lose :confused: :confused:

I think what they REALLY meant was "WE win cause we got you to spend 8 bucks on this movie..thats only worth $0.50..so YOU lose" :eek:

Sad to see this movie will be associated with both the predator AND alien movies forever...

What were they THINKING???