Any DC Area locals going to Don Gallo's River Run or Watkins Glen?

8 August 2002
Are there an VA/DC/MD Area Locals going to Don Gallo's River Run April 26th or Watkins Glen May 5th and 5th? (They are NSXCA NE events)

I'm trying to work my scheudule to attend one or preferrably both and checking to see if anyone wants to caravan.

- Todd
The dates are confirmed:
April 26th: Don Gallo's River Run (from the NSXCA NE Newsletter)
Don Always plans a great event. This year, as in the past, the event will be centered around the Delaware River Area of NJ and Pa. Good food, great time. This is perfect event for owners from MD, NJ and PA. Get the NSX out of mothballs, here comes summer! Contact Don for details [email protected]. (TP Note - Remove the XXXXX from his e-mail address. I didn't want to give it to the spam-bots).

May 5th and 6th: Watkins Glen:

I haven't been to either of these, but assume The Don Gallo's run is a group drive with some sheduled stops to eat and check out the cars. Watkins Glen is a Sport Car Driving Association instructed track day for novice to expert drivers.

My sister's getting married on the 26th and since I'm in the wedding, it looks like I won't make it to that one.

- Todd
I did the SCDA event last year at the Glen and will be up there again this year. They run a great event and you will get four sessions each day on the track. I also did track days with them at New Hampshire and Lime Rock last year and had a great time at each track.

Originally posted by tpearsall:
The dates are confirmed:
April 26th: Don Gallo's River Run (from the NSXCA NE Newsletter)
Don Always plans a great event. This year, as in the past, the event will be centered around the Delaware River Area of NJ and Pa. Good food, great time. This is perfect event for owners from MD, NJ and PA. Get the NSX out of mothballs, here comes summer! Contact Don for details [email protected]. (TP Note - Remove the XXXXX from his e-mail address. I didn't want to give it to the spam-bots).

I haven't been to either of these, but assume The Don Gallo's run is a group drive with some sheduled stops to eat and check out the cars.

- Todd


The date of the 5th River Run has been changed to May 10th. I will post more info when it becomes available, but plan to be here for what will be, as in past years, an awesome day!

Don Gallo
'92 NSX Black/Black "4RE-NVME"
'00 S2000 Silver/Red "LOTSA GS"
'85 Ferrari 308QV Red/Black "???????"
I'm going to Watkins Glen May 5-6 (first time!!!) Anyone from DC/MD/VA going? want to caravan???