Anyone else tired of seeing carfax requests?

Originally posted by sjs:
JohnC, did you even bother to read the post from me and similar others? If so you apparently choose to insult me anyway. I'd gladly give then my money, but they won't accept it, so they and you can kiss my butt.

Yes, I did read those posts, and I admit that information is troubling. I don't have an answer. I kinda understand what they are doing. I'm sure it only affects a handful of people(those doing a lot of background checks for personal use), but it sucks for those people.
Originally posted by milz50:
If your 30-day account has expired, you can order individual reports for $15.

OK, so milz50 had an answer to the expire problem.

Still sucks, but if you're doing that many car checks, something is wrong. I'm mean is the carfax the reason for most car investigations to end? Probably not. So why not do a bit of checking on the cars first, and pull the carfax later in the game? Just a thought.
Originally posted by Edwardo:

Calm down. ......

Try not not to take this too personally John. .....

Missed this one before. Don't worry I'm not
I was just in the mood to bitch about something I thought was wrong. Sure seems some are, but tough to judge emotion through writing.

[This message has been edited by JohnC (edited 17 September 2002).]
Originally posted by Jimbo:
I don't have a problem with someone asking for a Carfax

Why don't you have a problem with this? Isn't this effectivly the exact opposite thing you were arguing about in ? I'm just wondering why this would be any different then using unlicenced software. Do the terms say you can run unlimited carfax'es for anyone? I couldn't find that in their terms with my limited check...just this:
You may not download or copy any account information for the benefit of any other merchant.
JohnC -

I know those are stupid comments, just wanted to see if I could get you to say they were stupid comments....Haa haa....made you say "Stupid comments"....haahaaahaahaha

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
NSXCA 1650
whoa guys(and/or gals)?! i cant believe we're having an argument over carfax 'theft'. but lets entertain this anyway.

carfax sharing and software sharing have been compared as the same sort of 'theft'. i disagree with that analagy.

when you take software and give it to someone else to use you are sharing a product that performs on an ongoing basis, not just once. if you pay for a consumable on the other hand, and choose to share it with someone else, that is your business. that is why the laws forbid software sharing and call it theft, even though you have paid for the software. the software company licenses the product's 'function', not the actual disk itself. software is not a consumable.

in the case of carfax, you are paying for the right to pull carfax histories on as many vehicles as you want, or you may choose to pay for it one vehicle at a time. in any event you are paying for the ability to pull carfaxes and their is no restriction on who you choose to share the carfax results with. in the case of carfax, you are sharing the end product, not the ability to continually do the same function over and over again. if i buy it and give it to someone else, then that is perfectly ok. in the case of carfax if you gave someone else the codes or software or whatever to let them pull the carfax themselves, then that would be illegal.

in any event, i remember being the most impressed with the willingness of members to pull carfaxes for other members. i cant believe we have forum members who would complain about such a nice gesture. geeesshh.

by the way, i think you better let all those car dealers out there know that they are 'illegal' when they give a prospective owner the carfax on the vehicle they are selling. by YOUR standard that is carfax theft.
1. Carfax sharing is not theft in my book.

2. Carfax is worthless.

Just here alone, i've read about more than one rollover car that showed up clean. I asked a dealer frined of mine about it and he was not surprised. He and other dealers he knows don't use carfax for the same reasons.

If I'm looking at a car, I wouldn't even bother with carfax. I would take it to an expert for a personal evaluation. If accident damage was repaired so perfectly that it is undetectable (which i doubt is the normal case) then what's the point?

keep the shiny side up
MikeC 01 #46
Hey kgb_agent -

I see you are from Mechanicsburg. I visited that area and it's very nice. I was in the Air Force and stayed in Waynesboro for about 3 months while we installed some equipment "On the hill".

Anyway, just wanted to say Hi.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
NSXCA 1650
While we're at it, why don't we nix those "photoshop requests" too? After all, aren't we depriving Adobe of potential sales there as well?

Originally posted by PHOEN$X:
While we're at it, why don't we nix those "photoshop requests" too? After all, aren't we depriving Adobe of potential sales there as well?


Fishing, or just stupid? No comparison!
Originally posted by JohnC:
Fishing, or just stupid? No comparison!

Hey, come on now. There's no call for being rude here--especially among NSX aficionados. Feel free to disagree with me all you want, but please refrain from personal attacks. Thanks.
Originally posted by Litesokneecough:
Hey kgb_agent -

I see you are from Mechanicsburg. I visited that area and it's very nice. I was in the Air Force and stayed in Waynesboro for about 3 months while we installed some equipment "On the hill".

Anyway, just wanted to say Hi.

Hey Lites -
That's pretty cool. I feel left out on most of these posts since CA seems to dominate the events. If you're ever out this way, let me know.

Take care,