Easiest way to own a NSX

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Having sex with a 15 year old was wrong, even if she was representing herself as being much older. Society has now punished Nick for this with the court system. It is not for others to become a lynch mob and punish him again.
His initial post on here was a deceit. It did not break the law, he is only an affiliate. The admins and moderators here should have just deleted it. Instead they have whipped up an internet storm which will do this site a lot of good in many ways. So, shrewd marketing from them.
The worst behaviour on here is not from Nick. The people who have hounded him are vastly worse. It makes you lose faith in human nature when you see the mindless pack mentality displayed here.
Even worse are the people who have harassed Nick and his family in the real world. These people are criminals, they have broken the law. I hope there is some justice and that these nasty, vicious people get their just deserts.

The thing with the 15 y/o Nick got the punishment, done. Guilty or not, its your law and system.

Concerning the spamming, i have been on the internet from day 1, and have seen all the spammers through mail, fax, telephone, internetsite's, spyware which f-up your pc, the lot.
It costs me money and frustration and most of the spamming is even allowed overhere, so, if one of these turds get nailed i cant help it but to realy enjoy seeing one getting a hard time. He did it on his own.
Linked from this adult forum: http://www.fivepercentfriction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=894

Nick obviously isn't the brightest or best educated person around.
Having sex with a 15 year old was wrong, even if she was representing herself as being much older. Society has now punished Nick for this with the court system. It is not for others to become a lynch mob and punish him again.
His initial post on here was a deceit. It did not break the law, he is only an affiliate. The admins and moderators here should have just deleted it. Instead they have whipped up an internet storm which will do this site a lot of good in many ways. So, shrewd marketing from them.
The worst behaviour on here is not from Nick. The people who have hounded him are vastly worse. It makes you lose faith in human nature when you see the mindless pack mentality displayed here.
Even worse are the people who have harassed Nick and his family in the real world. These people are criminals, they have broken the law. I hope there is some justice and that these nasty, vicious people get their just deserts.

Why is Nick even getting done for it? I would've thougt the girl should pay some sort of price for false advertising!
Not really sure if anybody has posted this yet, but after reading this, I pretty much laughed my ass off and almost died while reading the bottom of page 1 and the other pages.

But here you go. Maybe he moved or something, but....

Nick Sitko
100 Kensington Blvd, Apt 1102
Bluffton, SC 29910-7484
(843) 706-4993

Ah, the joy of ownage, don't you all just love it? :)
Not really sure if anybody has posted this yet, but after reading this, I pretty much laughed my ass off and almost died while reading the bottom of page 1 and the other pages.

But here you go. Maybe he moved or something, but....

Nick Sitko
100 Kensington Blvd, Apt 1102
Bluffton, SC 29910-7484
(843) 706-4993

Ah, the joy of ownage, don't you all just love it? :)

Not clever at all.
You should be ashamed of yourself. You are far worse than Nick.

Like everyone you have skeletons in your cupboard. How would you like them revealed here complete with your address and phone number?
It may not be the easiest, but I'm sure that we can agree that it's the best... The best way to own an NSX is through an honest life. I've got years of schooling and working ahead of me to get to my dream (a Berlina Black NSX) but it's a moment that I've been dreaming about for years and a dream that keeps me going through my automotive technical education. Speaking of dreams, there's a turbo kit in my bedroom asking to be played with. See, Nick, hard work yields real results... Even if you're a 20-year-old girl working part-time through college. Thanks to Prime for the laugh!

- Ami
It may not be the easiest, but I'm sure that we can agree that it's the best... The best way to own an NSX is through an honest life. I've got years of schooling and working ahead of me to get to my dream (a Berlina Black NSX) but it's a moment that I've been dreaming about for years and a dream that keeps me going through my automotive technical education. Speaking of dreams, there's a turbo kit in my bedroom asking to be played with. See, Nick, hard work yields real results... Even if you're a 20-year-old girl working part-time through college. Thanks to Prime for the laugh!

- Ami

The true voice of reason. While it's not the easiest, it's the most rewarding (and best).

+1 to that!

Don't get me wrong, it's always nice to have things given to you, but they mean so much more when you earn them.
just wanted to add that the Gamer community has caught wind of good ol Nick and Kevin's shenanigans, and we thought nobody talked shit like Gamers... but now we see sports cars owners can also carry some hefty E-Nuts.

nice show guys and well deserved attention. All of us at www.insomnia-saints.com salute you, get ready for the nerd swarm of techies, gamers, and insomniacs to flood in.

if you guys need any tech services, computer advice, custom system builds, anything of the sort, hit me up.. getting this thread is worth anything i can dontate to it.


<Insomnia Saints> Murphy and the Saints Crew.
Linked from this adult forum: http://www.fivepercentfriction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=894

Nick obviously isn't the brightest or best educated person around.
Having sex with a 15 year old was wrong, even if she was representing herself as being much older. Society has now punished Nick for this with the court system. It is not for others to become a lynch mob and punish him again.
His initial post on here was a deceit. It did not break the law, he is only an affiliate. The admins and moderators here should have just deleted it. Instead they have whipped up an internet storm which will do this site a lot of good in many ways. So, shrewd marketing from them.
The worst behaviour on here is not from Nick. The people who have hounded him are vastly worse. It makes you lose faith in human nature when you see the mindless pack mentality displayed here.
Even worse are the people who have harassed Nick and his family in the real world. These people are criminals, they have broken the law. I hope there is some justice and that these nasty, vicious people get their just deserts.

Nick -

Who do you think you're fooling? Your sockpuppets and shills are transparent.

And you're still stupid.
Not clever at all.
You should be ashamed of yourself. You are far worse than Nick.

Like everyone you have skeletons in your cupboard. How would you like them revealed here complete with your address and phone number?

Agents provocateurs? Lame lame lame!

You better hope you used your haX0r skillz to cover your tracks. If this does result in a lawsuit (ha!) and if your lawyer tries to use this as evidence, you can count on having your lawsuit dismissed with sanctions against you. Don't forget, Nick: YOU ARE STUPID.

Say, Nick, can you scan and post those police reports regarding the folks who have harassed you in person? :rolleyes:
It may not be the easiest, but I'm sure that we can agree that it's the best... The best way to own an NSX is through an honest life. I've got years of schooling and working ahead of me to get to my dream (a Berlina Black NSX) but it's a moment that I've been dreaming about for years and a dream that keeps me going through my automotive technical education. Speaking of dreams, there's a turbo kit in my bedroom asking to be played with. See, Nick, hard work yields real results... Even if you're a 20-year-old girl working part-time through college. Thanks to Prime for the laugh!

- Ami

Layin Pipe huh?
I love how JaneNSX defends the OP because he is "just an affiliate". Either she is easily hoodwinked by Nick's cut/paste 'defense', or this is Nick again proving that he simply cannot SHUT THE HECK UP.

I'm not going to believe any harassment has happened at their house based upon Nick's own statements without proof because he's already proven himself to be a liar. Again, if he HAS been harassed at home then send a copy of the police report to the admins here and I'm sure they'll do the right thing in the interests of safety.
I love how JaneNSX defends the OP because he is "just an affiliate". Either she is easily hoodwinked by Nick's cut/paste 'defense', or this is Nick again proving that he simply cannot SHUT THE HECK UP.

I'm not going to believe any harassment has happened at their house based upon Nick's own statements without proof because he's already proven himself to be a liar. Again, if he HAS been harassed at home then send a copy of the police report to the admins here and I'm sure they'll do the right thing in the interests of safety.

its not a defense that hes just an affiliate its a fact. You can sit here on the internet and spin shit all day long and think you've got the whole world hoodwinked into believing that shit but when you practically beg the whole world to come watch don't expect people not to step in and set the record straight on inaccuracies.

Nick running illegal gambling operation - Spin looks good on the internet, makes guys fell e- tough while giggling like school girls they might have sent dude back to prison.. but not fact.

Fact - Nick does NOT own a illegal gambling operation. Nick owns a website with banner ads copied and pasted into them. He is an affiliate for companies who report their earnings and that of the earnings paid to affiliates to the United States government for tax purposes. This is evident by the fact they state they do and that they ask for your social security number or EIN upon signing up.

It is impossible to disprove a fact, though I guess if you want to spend your day trying thats on you. Good luck with that.
its not a defense that hes just an affiliate its a fact. You can sit here on the internet and spin shit all day long and think you've got the whole world hoodwinked into believing that shit but when you practically beg the whole world to come watch don't expect people not to step in and set the record straight on inaccuracies.

Nick running illegal gambling operation - Spin looks good on the internet, makes guys fell e- tough while giggling like school girls they might have sent dude back to prison.. but not fact.

Fact - Nick does NOT own a illegal gambling operation. Nick owns a website with banner ads copied and pasted into them. He is an affiliate for companies who report their earnings and that of the earnings paid to affiliates to the United States government for tax purposes. This is evident by the fact they state they do and that they ask for your social security number or EIN upon signing up.

It is impossible to disprove a fact, though I guess if you want to spend your day trying thats on you. Good luck with that.

"Its not a defense that hes just an affiliate its a fact." Christ yer an ignorant tool! Of course it is a fact, but it is a fact that is an element of the crime!

I provided your ignorant ass with a link to an article written by a pro-gambling attorney that addresses this very issue. You didn't read it, did you? Too many big words and long sentences for you? Not enough pictures for you?

As for gambling sites requiring Social Security #s and EINs, that's just a variation on your lame they-wouldn't-be-doing-it-if-it-is-illegal argument.

Until you have something new - such as a NEW relevant fact - piss off. If you want to avoid further ownage, you may wish to consult a legal text that discusses the concepts of "accessory", "conspirator" and "aiding and abetting" in US criminal law.

There are resources on the web, but I don't know of any that have a lot of pictures, and they all use big words and long sentences. So sorry.
Agents provocateurs? Lame lame lame!

You better hope you used your haX0r skillz to cover your tracks. If this does result in a lawsuit (ha!) and if your lawyer tries to use this as evidence, you can count on having your lawsuit dismissed with sanctions against you. Don't forget, Nick: YOU ARE STUPID.

Say, Nick, can you scan and post those police reports regarding the folks who have harassed you in person? :rolleyes:

I am not Nick.
Wrong country even.
I love how JaneNSX defends the OP because he is "just an affiliate". Either she is easily hoodwinked by Nick's cut/paste 'defense', or this is Nick again proving that he simply cannot SHUT THE HECK UP.

I'm not going to believe any harassment has happened at their house based upon Nick's own statements without proof because he's already proven himself to be a liar. Again, if he HAS been harassed at home then send a copy of the police report to the admins here and I'm sure they'll do the right thing in the interests of safety.

I am not Nick.
Wrong country even.
its not a defense that hes just an affiliate

Finally we agree on something.

And I love how you can't keep your fake nicknames seprated - I was responding to JaneNSX, not maladymg.

(I wonder if a getaway driver could claim he was "Just an affiliate")

Regardless. The only person here hurting nick is (Nick, and) YOU. YOU are perpetuating the discussion. We're all posting car pics now. Every time 'someone new' comes and posts something in Nick's defense they continue the discussion - especially when the post is full of innacuracies that make people wnat to point it out. Stimulus, response, stimulus, response. It's the way of the world, don't fight it.


Nothing said here will affect Nick's legal woes related to his gambling site.

Back to the car pics.
I have nothing valid to say either.

Since it looks like Nick is getting some defense thought I'd post 1 image :tongue:

For NSX_Nick and his "friends":

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