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How do you sell an NSX...

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
that you have owned for almost 13 years?

I haven't put more than 400 miles on my car this year and it's just not getting driven enough for me to hold onto it. This is the only car that I've ever owned for more than three years and I just don't have the guts to part with it. I once knew someone who said the minute you fall in love with a car is the time to sell it. Well I surpassed that about 10 years ago. Heck, my first marriage didn't make it one year! LOL. My wife knows that I love the car and has practically begged me NOT to sell it as she knows how much I love it. All of my friends have told me to hang onto it, so it really is a tough decision. I have a very good reason to sell it which will be posted within two weeks, but for now I'm having a "horns of dilemma."

I need my NSX family who has been in my same situation to help me, kind of like an intervention. I'm in an NSX cult and I may need extraction.

Thanks for reading.

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It's just as simple as just don't sell it.
If it's storage maybe we can find a place up here in the hanger over in the corner to put it under an airplane under a cover.

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It's just as simple as just don't sell it.
If it's storage maybe we can find a place up here in the hanger over in the corner to put it under an airplane under a cover.


Thanks Nigel. Storage is not the problem. I've only put 2,500mi on it in three years.
Don't make a decision for at least another two weeks when you can reveal what is really going on and we can make informed recommendations here.

Having been down your path several times before......now on my 3rd.....don't do it. Put the car in offsite storage for a few months. You'll soon realize you either miss the hell out of it or you don't. In my case within a few months of selling each one of mine I regretted it and ended up in a pursuit for a replacement. Plus....do you really want to take the load of crap Hugh is going to unload on you? If you were making huge car payments or it was a financial burden, that would be one thing....but you own a rare and super nice NSX that will be hard to replace once the regret sets in. I think we need a group drive to help convince you.....Oscar - make it happen!
Having been down your path several times before......now on my 3rd.....don't do it. Put the car in offsite storage for a few months. You'll soon realize you either miss the hell out of it or you don't...

I hear you Danny. It has been in storage since April and I only see the car when I go take it out for a drive. Which has only been three times. :frown: The kicker is that the car is in my friends garage seven houses down the street from me.
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You only sell to buy another. ;)

I haven't been online that much lately, but why haven't you been driving your NSX??!?!! Is it because you have too many other vehicles or is it because you need the utility(kids/hauling crap) of the other vehicles. If it's the prior, I'd say sell the other vehicles. :D

listen every happily married man needs a "ferrari" to hop into and go clubbing when you feel the effects of low T......:tongue: Mine sits in the garrage waiting for something to fall on it or some little person to bang into it:redface:
How does that saying goes hmmm u don't know how much you love it until it not there anymore?
Wellllll after 13 years I think your due for a detox
Get rid of her and move on and try a Italian slut or German whore :biggrin: and maybe in due time the passion will bite u again and you will be back on here looking for your Asian chick again

Remember the fun is always in the chase and In Due time u will be spending hours and hours finding a newer/younger version that's much more of a virgin for you to bring home and manipulate (mod) to your liking :tongue:

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Thanks Nigel. Storage is not the problem. I've only put 2,500mi on it in three years.

You've put on more miles in 3 years than I did with mine but I don't feel bad about it. But I think we need to know the reason why you are contemplating departing with your NSX. We all know why we got the NSX in the first place but the reasons for selling it vary and easily understandable.

However, my reasons to keep the NSX are simple. The NSX is not depreciating and the interest from money in the bank isn't much. Each and every time I look at my NSX and it reminds me of why I got the NSX in the first place.

I know some day I'll depart with mine but it would be because I want to raise cash to purchase another house. Any other reason to sell it? I cant' think of any.
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I'll offer a differing opinion:

Think about it this way... what aspect of owning an NSX is appealing to you...

Is it the satisfaction of owning a rare/awesome/special car?
Is it the satisfaction from driving it?
Or something else.

I'm sure you enjoy driving the car, but I suspect you don't get the bulk of your satisfaction from it. If most of the appeal is from the knowledge of ownership... then keep it.

However, if the novelty of ownership has worn off, and you aren't driving it much... I say sell it! It's not like this is your last chance ever to own an NSX. If you find in the future that you made a mistake, you can buy another one! Even if you end up having to pay more... be realistic... how much more would it be... $3000? $5000? That's a small price to pay for freeing up around $40,000 to do whatever you want with.

At the end of the day, it is a car. And it is not the last of its kind.
I have owned my car for 8 years and If I do not drive it at least once a wk, I get withdrawls!

I have no idea how many I drive a year...if I had to guess anywhere btwn 1,500 and 3,000 miles...but I only drive my car spirited drives.
Hey doc, don't give up the ship! As long as it's not costing much to keep it then no reason to sell. You are at the point now where the depreciation has leveled off.

fyi.. I have been working 700 miles from my car the last 2 1/2 years and normally only see it a couple of days every two months. Lately been going mod happy so it's been in the shop alot. I put about 500 on mine this year and 400 was to a shop and back. Making all the changes has peaked the excitement again.

I guess in two weeks I'll make my decision. :wink::wink:
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I've thought about selling mine before, but then I forgot about it.

The only reason I'd ever sell mine is to use the money to either 1. Start a business or 2. Pay off or down payment on another house...

If you don't need the cash keep her in storage. The lust will come back around sometime.
I'm not sure what your motivation might be, but I can tell you this...I recently went through a phase where I was getting the itch for something new. I rarely keep my cars longer than 1.5 years and as much as I have loved everything about my NSX ownership, I was wondering if it was time for an "upgrade"...

I started looking at a few cars that I've had on my list including a 997 gt3 rs and a Nissan GTR. Eventually I came to the realization that while all these cars were special and offered something unique, they'd be great to own in addition to the NSX and not as a replacement.

I changed my search up an picked up a cayman s as my new DD. on paper the car seems nearly matched to the nsx in every way but after driving the cayman daily for some time, I recently jumped back into the nsx and was able to appreciate just how unique it is. I am glad I didn't sell it and as long as I can afford to own it, I will keep the NSX.

Good luck!
I say, jump behind the wheel & take it coast to coast and back.

Problem of not driving it much, solved.

Honestly though, see what others may advise and do some soul searching. Like others have said, it is tough to give a better answer not knowing more details.

As sweeeet as the NSX is, it is a car. There is more to life than a car or cars. There are more out there. Of course I suspect you have fond memories of this one.

My wife likes mine because it is what I had when we got married and she calls it our wedding car. I haven't had it near as long as you've been an owner.

There are still some very nice NSX's out there... to come back.

I suspect there will be a day when I decide it is time to sell, like when I have to use a hoist to get me in & out of it.

I use to go through cars like crazy, but as I got older I settled down more.... my dd I've had 6 years now and I'm getting a little antsie (sp?) for a possible change... but then I think about what I use my dd driver for and what is out there, I'm just as happy with what I have.

As for the NSX, I still enjoy it toooooo much.
that you have owned for almost 13 years?

I haven't put more than 400 miles on my car this year and it's just not getting driven enough for me to hold onto it. This is the only car that I've ever owned for more than three years and I just don't have the guts to part with it. I once knew someone who said the minute you fall in love with a car is the time to sell it. Well I surpassed that about 10 years ago. Heck, my first marriage didn't make it one year! LOL. My wife knows that I love the car and has practically begged me NOT to sell it as she knows how much I love it. All of my friends have told me to hang onto it, so it really is a tough decision. I have a very good reason to sell it which will be posted within two weeks, but for now I'm having a "horns of dilemma."

I need my NSX family who has been in my same situation to help me, kind of like an intervention. I'm in an NSX cult and I may need extraction.

Thanks for reading.


I am in the same situation. I have the car for more than 8 yr, and in the recent years, I drive my car once every 2 to 3 wks and put in about 15 miles each time. So that's about 200 to 300 miles per year. I have to use a battery tender to keep the battery charged.

However, I never thought about selling it simply because:

1. It is just a beautiful car that becoming more unique and rare each year.

2. Inexpensive to maintain and keep.

3. Doesn't fetch enough money to motivate the selling.

4. Maybe difficult to buy another one in the same condition/$$$ in the future.

5. Staring at it in the garage is 'almost' as good as driving it.

As someone stated, let's hear the reasons why you are selling it, then we can better assess the situation.
A few years ago, Doc told me he would never sell his NSX, so he wasn't concerned about mileage or resale value. That comment stuck in my head. I've often wondered why I'm preserving my car for the next guy!

Doc, if you sell, we label you a trader and snub you at the next car gathering. :wink:
Doc- don't do it. In another couple of weeks, let's try to get the Towers group together for a group ride so you can see (and feel), the light!
I hear you Danny. It has been in storage since April and I only see the car when I go take it out for a drive. Which has only been three times. :frown: The kicker is that the car is in my friends garage seven houses down the street from me.

The fact that the car is stored away from you doesn't help you either.
"Out of sight...out of mind..." as they say.

Although I have not driven more than 2000 miles the past three years, I get to see the NSX every time I go to my garage. Still enjoy seeing it as I pass by it.
I can think of three reasons to buy a car like the NSX and thus three perspectives to look at when considering selling it. The reasons are:

1. As an investment
2. For the joy of driving it
3. It is the right car for "Who I am"

If it is an investment, then the decision to sell is pretty easy. Do you have a better use for the money? Is your ROI likely to be better than the appreciation on a rare automobile like this? I am sure you are capable of evaluating this and only you know your financial situation and goals, so this one is beyond our ability to advise.

When you consider the driving experience, how do you feel when you drive it? Do you like the way it accelerates? the way it corners? Has another car come along that you enjoy driving more? Again, everyone has their own tastes and cars do keep improving so this is possible. For me, it is hard to improve on the practical supercar performance that the NSX offers. But again, up to you.

The third perspective is the hardest and probably the most powerful. A car as impressive as the NSX carries with it a cachet. We define ourselves in part through others and some of the admiration that the car commands certainly transfers to the driver (or at least we tend to believe that). Ask yourself, "Do I want to drive an NSX?" or "Do I want to be an NSX driver?". They are two very different questions. If the answer is more the latter than the former, go ahead and sell it. You don't need a car to define yourself, you are fine the way you are.