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I feel like I'm on the final stretch on my plan to buy an NSX (don't laugh)

9 March 2004
I just wanted to share my story thus far towards obtaining my goal of owning an NSX for others out there who might be in the same boat as me. This is intended just to be motivational for all you guys and maybe to show that patience is the most important thing to consider when trying to reach that goal.

I joined this forum in 2004 while searching the web for everything I could find about the beautiful vehicle Honda produced for the few lucky owners out there. I've always loved the NSX, even at a very young age. I took in everything on this website and it's been in my bookmarks ever since. It is such a wonderful resource. I remember reading the FAQ (before it was Wiki) and thinking man I want to own one of those color combinations with less than 10 made lol. I still visit every single week to keep myself motivated and focused (and up to date on the market price :wink: )

When I was 17 I decided that I HAD to own an NSX someday. When I say own I do not mean take out a loan (rent to own as I like to call car loans), I mean own. I set out a plan during my senior year in high school. I was going to go to school in a field that paid well and was enjoyable. Now I am not the most intelligent guy out there when it comes to math and science but I decided to go into mechanical engineering as it was very interesting and fit the pay criteria. I struggled through the first two years of school but eventually got the hang of it. I then switched to a Physics major my junior year as it peaked my interest even more. Unfortunately it also made school more difficult.

Well I am now in my final year of school with a measly 4 hard classes left. I've paid off all my debts so far and worked 30+ hours a week during school to avoid academic debt. I will be graduating this coming May. I already have a two potential jobs set up that both pay well enough to finally accelerate me toward my goal.

Although my savings haven't materialized much during school my current plan will allow me to purchase outright an NSX in the 40K range in 26 more months :smile:

Now I probably know that many of you are thinking 26 months?! Thats a long way out. But hear me out... I've been planning this purchase since I was 17. I am now 23, and will purchase the car at age 25. So I'm 4/5 of the way there already. I'm on the final stretch.

I just wanted to poke my head out of the lurker cave and share my excitement with everyone. I can finally see my very own NSX materializing on the horizon :biggrin:. VTEC will hopefully engage starting this May and she'll be in my hands before I know it. It seems like every year goes faster than the last.

Those of you out there that are like me keep on working hard! Good things come to those who earn their assets and work their way through life. You'll get there eventually.
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Its not what you make, its what you can save.

You can do it with a little determination and hard work

(I am 23 and have owned my 92 NSX for 3 years)

Good Luck, i'm also 23 and on over 1 1/2 years of ownership after wanting it forever.

Hope to see your new NSX in 26 months, if not sooner.
Let me ask you this. Is a big chunk of your net worth going to be tied up in this car? if yes, invest the money...if no, have a blast:)

If I were to purchase right now the answer is yes, but that is why I'm waiting. In 26 months however it will be a more reasonable amount of my net worth.

I forgot to mention that my wife also has her MS in engineering in addition to my degree so she makes slightly more than me so that helps out in the savings department.
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Hi Bambbrose,

I also had the same dream to own the NSX when I was in Med. school. It took me 15 years later to own one. The reason it took me 15 years because I invested the money in properties, paying off student loans $150K gradually, and also to buy my own house. The dream that I had 15 years ago became reality 4months ago. So you are doing the thing.
Way to go! I give you props for making the NSX a priority in the long run and it will cetainly pay dividends once you own it.
I'm in a similar situation to you. I fell in love with the NSX at age 11 when I first saw it at the Dallas Auto Show back in 1992. I remember telling my dad "I am going to have one of these, just wait and see".

I also told myself I wasn't going to purchase one until I could do so with cash and could REALLY afford it. Well, I'm just about there, and after my next deployment I'll be ready to buy. It will be a nice gift to myself, I think.

I can't wait to see the look on my pop's face when he comes to visit and takes a look in the garage.
So nice to see a young person that has prioritized things in life. I teach full-time at a community college here in Va.. It's tough getting today's students to understand the concept of deferred gratifications, it's now or it's never for a lot of them. I see them in nice cars with seven year car loans and then they are borrowing even more to modify the car.

Hell, I'm 60 years old, wanted an NSX since 1990 when they were first displayed but took eighteen years to pay cash and not have it be anything but a form of entertainment. I think I enjoy it all the more now and so you will you.

Just remember when you're looking, that Honda deliberately put all the blueprinted engines into the red cars, making them significantly faster than any other color ;)
Excellent! I am a Mechanical Design Engineer myself.

It's refreshing to read that you are taking you time and working toward your ultimate goal. It seems there are too many people out there that have the "buy now" and "pay later" attitude. Keep up the good work and success will be yours.

Best of Luck to you:smile:
In this day and time of immediate gratification, much respect to you for earning it the old fashioned way. Good luck and don't ever let your dreams die.
Wow kudos to all of you folks. I was 29 when I got my NSX. Before that I waffled around life with no direction. Savings? What savings? What I made was spent. My money went to travelling, biking, skateboarding, and snowboarding. Nothing related to cars. When the body started to give way (i didnt bounce back from falls and injury as fast as I used to), those gave way and I was able to save up for the NSX.
Wow, your story is quite an inspiration. You really have purpose and focus. I'm 32 and mostly a workaholic but never quite clear what I'm going for... Love the wide-body NSX first time I see one, hopefully one day I will :). Keep it up man! You're almost there.
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Congrats, I'm 41 and just bought mine 6 months ago. It's alot of fun driving around town, it still gets those looks of "WTF is that!":biggrin: Never thought I'd enjoy that part, but it grows on you.
In this day and time of immediate gratification, much respect to you for earning it the old fashioned way. Good luck and don't ever let your dreams die.


Well said and best wishes.

As for the 'it is smarter to invest it' crowd, I generally agree BUT rewards are a very important part of accomplishment. As rewards go and considering the depreciation curve, the NSX is good value.

Set your goals, achieve them, and come on out and take a drive with us. It is always great to see somebody with their head on straight rewarded.
You Can Do it!!!! Seriously, by the time you're in your thirties and on your second NSX, you'll look back at your hard work and a garage full of toys.
So nice to see a young person that has prioritized things in life. I teach full-time at a community college here in Va.. It's tough getting today's students to understand the concept of deferred gratifications, it's now or it's never for a lot of them. I see them in nice cars with seven year car loans and then they are borrowing even more to modify the car.

Hell, I'm 60 years old, wanted an NSX since 1990 when they were first displayed but took eighteen years to pay cash and not have it be anything but a form of entertainment. I think I enjoy it all the more now and so you will you.

Just remember when you're looking, that Honda deliberately put all the blueprinted engines into the red cars, making them significantly faster than any other color ;)

Could not have said it better; delayed gratification requires patience and a plan. The end result is achieving the goal without the stress.
delayed gratification

Sounds like you have a good plan. When I was your age I was paying for booze and hookers.

If you don't drink and party to hard during your twenties, you should have no problem affording one. I unfortunately blew a lot of money on stupid stuff (drinking, partying, women, casinos) until I got a little bit smart around age 27. If you can save 20% of what you make, you'll be suprised at how much money you can accumulate in 5-10 years..
Hell, I'm 60 years old, wanted an NSX since 1990 when they were first displayed but took eighteen years to pay cash and not have it be anything but a form of entertainment. I think I enjoy it all the more now and so you will you.

Ditto here! I've been through a lot of cars getting to the ripe old age of 60, but always planned for and expected to have a fun car in my "mid years"! Reading years of Car and Driver, Road and Track, Motor Trend magazines and anticipating owning one of those performance cars was half the fun. The thrill of driving my New Formula RED NSX was worth the wait.

Also agree with Tom's comment about red NSXs being faster...at least that is what most state troopers believe!

Here's to hoping that you don't meet a significant other in the next 26 months......:tongue:
Here's to hoping that you don't meet a significant other in the next 26 months......:tongue:

Lol already got one, but shes about as frugal as can be.

Thanks for all the encouragement and kudos everyone. Hopefully I'll revive this thread a couple years from now to add an ending to the story.
Good for you, I'm 33 and just bought mine after seeing it at the Acura dealer back in 1992. I have wanted it since then and made a real big deal out of it when I was able to finally pick it up. For years you joke around with people, they say if I win the lotto I'll buy you a Lamorghini I have said just get me a few year old NSX and I will be forever grateful.. You wont be dissapointed good luck to you.