I just wanted to have lunch with the guys...

30 October 2000
Houston, TX
Well, at about 11:00am I get a phone call waking me up on my day off. Some of the NSX guys wanted to hangout and have some lunch. Opened my eyes and surprise surprise, the sun was out!(its been raining the past few days in Houston) So we meet up at AutoLogic and I snap some shots...

Tommys car:

Mine(take a good look :( ):


still cant fit a finger in there...


And then Ricky shows with his new drop(Dali springs) and Paddock exhaust. Damn, that exhaust sounds mean...I likes:


So then we head out to go grab some lunch. It's about 1pm and just down a block from AutoLogic I have a little run in with a 4 Runner. We didn't make lunch, I lost my appetite.




The 4 Runner tried to avoid hitting the car in front of him and turned right into my car as I was approaching the light. It was minor, but man, is it painful to pick your drivers side mirror off the road. Luckily, no one was injured.
And thanks Tommy and Ricky for holding me back and the moral support! :D
Drive Safe,
- Z
Z - suckola! It looks like it can be fixed fairly easily by someone who knows what they are doing.

Did the Paddock exhaust sound incredible? I'm thinking about getting one myself but I haven't heard it live.

BTW, your car looks purple in the first picture!

Chris/Todd, thanks for the support. It looks like the entire drivers side will need to be painted. Plus the door has 2 dents from the mirror? The rear panel will need to be replaced also. The rear wheel is also scratched. :(

LeftLane said:

Did the Paddock exhaust sound incredible? I'm thinking about getting one myself but I haven't heard it live.


The exhaust sounds AWESOME! I really like it. Sounds similar to my Flowmaster, but a tad deeper. Ricky had his sound meter and it was louder than mine and Tommys RM. Hopefully Ricky can join us on the NSX Houston/Austin drive and you can check it out.

LeftLane said:

BTW, your car looks purple in the first picture!


Thats because it's really really dirt since its been raining a lot! :D
- Z
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Z, I'm sorry to see your NSX scratched up. It's unfortunate, but like you already mentioned: Good thing no one was injured (including the driver of the 4-Runner... by your fist ;)). Hope it's fixed by the next get together.
so sorry to hear that, hard to look at the picture and imagine if it's my car!

Just wondering, what car was the 4runner avoiding? I am just curious if the 4runner hit the other car, it might've been less to fix..., compare to fixing an NSX.
Z- sorry to hear about your car. Damn Houston drivers, I knew there was a reason I left that town.:(
Sorry about the car...what did the guy/girl in the 4Runner say...were they cool?
Sorry about your accident! Just look at the bright side - it could have been worst...same feeling when some kid backed out of my Mr2 with a very old suburban SUV...good thing no one got hurt ..even the other driver...:D :D

Hopefully you'll get a new set of rims...:D :D

hey Z', I'm glad that you're ok. These things 'just' happen, makes no sense. I hope you can get it all taken care of next time we cross paths- I really enjoyed the ride I had w/ you at the Austin meet. Plus, your car was def' easy on the eyes... :)
Bummer. I hope the damage is confined to the left quarter panel and door/mirror...good luck getting her fixed quickly!
Well I'm sure his insurance will pay for the repair of your car and hopefully they do a good job on it. But what insurance doesn't pay for is the depreciation your car will suffer because of the accident.

As soon as your car is repainted do to a fender bender (no matter how small), the value drops. It seems only fair their insurance company pay for the repair AND pay you cash according to how much your car depreciates because of the accident.

Just my thoughts. Glad noone was injured!
Very few insurance companies pay for diminished value anymore. Your best bet is take pictures of the accident damage, and keep them with the cars records. That way when you tell someone what happened, they can see it was no big deal and everything is cool. Your value will not suffer much that way. :)
tickets will be issued..

Sorry about your car Z....it ruined the day for all of us..make sure you finish that accident paperwork, photocopy it for your records, send it to Austion, notify your insurance asap. I was told that Accident division will review the accident and issue citations after the fact by mail, now. So, tickets will be issued.

It was starting off so good..but fortunately no one was hurt.
Meeyatch1 said:
Very few insurance companies pay for diminished value anymore. Your best bet is take pictures of the accident damage, and keep them with the cars records. That way when you tell someone what happened, they can see it was no big deal and everything is cool. Your value will not suffer much that way. :)

Couldn't agree more....Keep those pictures and show them to the potentail buyer. "See? Honestly, it was just a fender bender."

Ouch..I just tried to imagine that happening to my NSX and I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I just hope it never happens to me but I never know.

Unfortunatly nobody got hurt (Your friends held you back) :(

It will ofcourse not solve anything to get violent, but in the middel of a situation like that I do not know how I would react. I would probably need some holding back too.

Be sure that you get your car 100% again and let the insurance know that you expect no problems from them.

Wow, what a tremendous response. I just posted the pictures since I had them handy. Thanks so much for the support, I do feel better today then I did yesterday.
Update, here is whats going on. The other persons insurance has accepted 100% responsibility. So no complications so far.
Chris, I will be in touch with you with in the next few days. I will need a mirror, door, and gas door for sure. Maybe front/rear drivers side fender/ quarter panel. I could really use the savings for the clutch I've been struggling to get.
Best Regards
- Z
You guys have no idea how happy I am that you like the Paddock exhaust:D:D:D I knew you would!!

Also, extremely sorry to hear about your car :(