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2 November 2000
Silicon Valley
During lunch, I took the NSX up to a deserted, winding back road for some "stress release." Anyway, I am flying up this road, which is empty with the exception of a white pick-up truck about 1/2 a mile ahead. So I am minding my own business, and when I got closer to the pick-up, I went to change lanes so I can pass him. To my shock, as I changed lanes and was side-by-side with him, the freaking construction worker dude in the truck turned his piece of crap truck into my lane, in an attempt to run me off the road, while staring at me.

You can imagine how angry I got... I wanted to cut him off and exchange a few words with him, but I didn't want to get involved in a road rage situation with 2 construction workers in a pick-up on a deserted back road....

Jealousy is the only reason I can think of for this type of behavior...
Or a lack of knowing any better. If their IQ hits 40 they should sell immediately. jealousy or not, if he actually hit your car, that's some serious charges to be brought up on.
It costs too much to fix body damage on an NSX. you did the right thing. The best revenge is usually just to downshift into 2nd and disappear.
That really sucks.
Ok man, first it's spit now it's road rage. Maybe you should take a couple of days off and let your karma come back. Either that I'd think about moving.


Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift
Sorry about the idiot.

BTW, he's "envious" (desiring other's possessions), not "jealous" (desiring other's relationships), unless he knew that you had a special personnal relationship with your NSX.

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
Originally posted by NSXY:
Sorry about the idiot.

BTW, he's "envious" (desiring other's possessions), not "jealous" (desiring other's relationships), unless he knew that you had a special personnal relationship with your NSX.

Well... I do have a personal relationship with my NSX...
Hey man sorry not to mention that I too am sorry you came across an a__ h___ in my first post. I've had the same thing happen to me as well except it was a kid in an SUV. So I decided to slow way down and just let him get ahead. What in the hell does he do... but slows down too. So I did the o'le handbrake quick turn routine and left him going the other way. I figure it's never worth screwing people who don't understand how easy they could kill some one.


Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift
Wow, how ironic, similar thing happened to me on saturday. I was driving down hi 49 south of Placerville Ca heading to Amador County for some wine tasting with the wife.

Hi. 49 is newly paved and twisty, so a lot of fun in the NSX. In a particular straight section I came upon a pick-up truck doing about 45 in a 55. I looked to pass, but it just happened there was oncomming traffic so I could not pass immediately, so I dropped back and I kept the car in 2nd on the ready.

Maybe she was pissed because of how fast I came up on her, or maybe she did not like listening to the purr of my engine and exhaust, I dont know. Because I had backed way off (to avoid rock chips) I had to take a running start when traffic cleared, but when I pulled out to pass she swerved into the other lane - not to run me off the road, but to block me.

Perhaps she did not know how dangerous that was, but because I had a running start I was doing 80 when I slammed on the brakes and said, "what the f*@k are you doing you f*@king whore".

She got over, I went by, finger in the air via lack of top, and went on to have a marvelous day.

'98 NSX-T Blk/Blk
· Comptech headers / exhaust / airbox
· Dali Racing / Brembo big brake kit
· Koni adjustable suspension w/Comptech springs and sway bars
· Volk TE-37 17/18” wheels
This is really a good question that has been asked: do others dislike the fact you are driving something that the average person would like to have but most likely never worked hard enough to make it a reality?

Like all of you, I'm sure you get the looks from individuals who aprreciate the car; thumbs up, comment etc.

But as we all know, there are those who are look at us spoiled or something and will do the strangest things to show-it. Such as: look away, spit, drive crazy etc.

I have always wanted to install some type of device at the rear of the car that drops either BB's of something damaging at the pull of a lever!

Do you concur?

97-T @ 15K
That sucks, I know how you feel. When I was living in Philly a couple of years ago it got so bad I designed a fire-by-wire paintball gun to mount in my old T-Bird SC. (I mounted a PC in this same car...) Never did it though, as I was sure I would have ended up in jail for firing at idiots...

I have moved to Austin TX, and while the people are more laid back here, Austin has some of the worst drivers I have ever seen. Words cannot explain their idiocy. I'm not even going to go into how bad traffic gets at the thought of rain out here.

I'm beginning to think they should start rating drivers and roads, restricting roads they can drive on... Kinda like a ski slope!?!

Waddya think???

95 NSX-T Black/Black
You know, NSX4U2 has a good idea. I think I am going to rig something... Something which will just piss the guy off in the rear, but now do any damage. When things like this happen, I can't let it go - its a flaw of my personality.
One guy rigged up some ROCKET LAUNCHERS in the opening of the front bumper in his RX-7. It looks MEAN and FREAKY but damn it was WICKED! Looks like a missle ready to hit you at any time.

Last summer, somewhere drving along 280 or 101 south, my buddy and i was riding in his mr2. a pickup drives along next to us and matches our speed. the passenger then throws 2 glasses bottles after another and takes off. we follow them and i pick up a snapple bottle and launch it at there car. the pickup truck then swerved into us and caused us to spin out and hit the sidewall. we're shit out of luck but they got away. my advice next time this happens is either pick up the phone and call the cops, or just pass hit up and leave him.
my advice next time this happens is either pick up the phone and call the cops, or just pass hit up and leave him.

Passing and driving away assumes you can leave him way behind. That may be true on an open road with a pickup truck, but it's not true if he's got a fast car or if there's any traffic. In those situations I want to be behind him, where I can keep an eye on him. That also gives you the option to turn off after he is committed to continuing on the road. That's the only way you can be sure of losing him.
Originally posted by NSX4U2:
I have always wanted to install some type of device at the rear of the car that drops either BB's of something damaging at the pull of a lever!

Do you concur?

97-T @ 15K

I bet that one could toss 25 pennies straight up (if you have a targa) and at the right speed, say 60 MPH+ it could do a world of hurt.
Sorry to hear about that, Yeh that sounds like jealousy to me too. But it happend to me to in a mini van!

One morning during rush hour while trying to rush my baby girl to UCLA Med Center because of a life threating emergency while driving our Astro Van!! With flashers flashing, and horn blowing down the Southbound San Diego Frwy on the right hand shoulder just below the New Getty Ctr. (it's about 100 foot drop off the shoulder) this guy trys to punt me and my family down the cliff with with his truck.

Guess he thought I was just late for work.

Everything eventually turned out fine for my daughter.
But I did set a new record getting to the West side from Thousand Oaks area... Those of you who live in So.Cal. will know what I'm talking about. That section of the 405 frwy I believe is one of the busiest sections of roadway in the country if not the world.
Had a similar incident as well - the worst part is that the pickup had very large mirrors and I could actually see the guy's entire face as he was looking at me and smirking when throwing his POS at me.

There is something to be said about the safety of a more agile car that can brake or accelerate out of these situations.

BTW, "Jealousy" is definitely a proper term, using the definition "hostile toward one believed to enjoy an advantage"
This weekend I took my NSX to a volleyball tournament I was playing in. The tournament lasted two days, Saturday and Sunday. Earlier Saturday morning I had gone out for a hill country drive with the local Austin S2000 clan, it was such a beautiful day. (there's an outing almost every weekend if any is interested...) I had the top off when I arrived to my tournament, didn't bother to put it back on. Just rolled up the windows and locked the doors. Well, Saturday was fine after a long day of playing, I was able to enjoy a nice drive home in my NSX. Sunday was a different story. I again left the top off my car, and went into play. When the tournament was finished, I came back to my car and found it had been violated. It had been spit all over the outside of the car. Some had had climbed over the doors and walked all over the interior of my NSX. Footprints all over the interior. I was so angry I can't even begin to explain it. Why would anyone disrespect someone's property or vehicle like that? It didn't do anything to them. I cannot even begin to rationalize why someone would do this to my car. Luckily I didn't catch them in the act, I would be in jail right now...

I really hate the fact that I cannot leave the top off my car and that I now need to install a more complex alarm system. It's a beautiful vehicle, why can't people just respect and admire it for what it is???

Sorry if this was long, but I needed to vent. I also had another incident last night with an idiot driving an Accord trying to show off.. More on that one later.

95 NSX-T Black/Black
Well what I do get alot of is the "Ricer"boys always trying to race me or Reving their engine at me.. and tailgating.. Yet is it me or most "GUYS" are the ones that attack us?
Seems like there will be some new Hinduist convert here. Let their karma take care of them.

<A HREF="http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/maomaosnsxmodclub
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Join</A> my club for infos on my NSX.
Black Monster,
After reading your story I could feel your rage. NOTHING can compare to that. I would have felt such rage and the need to find out who did it. I am so protective of my NSX, I won't even let my wife drive it unless I'm with her. It is vertually impossible to protect your car against these idiots because they have a lot less to lose in their life than most of us do in ours.
Happy Driving!
My theory is that Ken YZ F1's wife was feeling jealous because she never gets to drive his NSX, so she's the one who was walking on the seats in Black Monster's car.
Reading through the posts, I can say I've been in most of the situations mentioned. One time, I pulled up at 7-11 and there were four drunk high school kids (I look young ~ 24) and one of them harrassed me as I got out of my car and actually pushed me. He came to push me again and so I kicked him in the face and ribs, then flipped him onto his car(3rd black belt). Next day I told my father about it. He felt I should not have the right to go to 7-11 when I saw the kids loitering and I knew the potential for trouble. He said, "Avoid shit because it smells and not because you're afraid." He's right. Sometime the it's difficult to avoid, but strangely enough, the kid turned out to be the younger brother of a guy I knew way back in high school.

My next story is for all of us. I was driving when a old VW rabbit shot out of a coffee shop driveway without stopping (at about 25 mph). I would have crashed into him, but I changed lanes and braked. I would have dropped the situation, but the passenger kid (17-ish) had given me the finger as they "cut" me off. I sped up and they changed lanes while yelling profanities. As I got on them, they attempted to change lanes again, slipped and hit the curb, bounced off doing a 180, then flipped their VW 90 degrees and struck the telephone pole. Surprisingly, they were both OK. Despite the stories, do not follow my poor examples. We need to be careful, as we usually have the most to lose (maybe we all have a superiority complex deep down?) and should set examples as NSX drivers.
I would have dropped the situation, but the passenger kid (17-ish) had given me the finger as they "cut" me off. I sped up

This is the point at which you had the option to get out of the situation. This time there were no bad consequences (to you, anyway) but next time, pursuing it could lead to more trouble when you had the option to drive away and leave it alone. I realize this isn't an easy decision, particularly in the heat of the moment, but you could later regret your decision to continue, when hindsight becomes 20-20.

"Discretion is the better part of valor."
It's interesting and sad to see this topic but I thought I would share my first of what looks like it could be many similar stories.

I just bought my 91 blk/tan last week. I had been saving/repairing my credit from some poor decisions for 7 years with one thing in mind. I wanted a limited production, exotic sports car. The Acura NSX is that car. I can't think of a cooler ride out there. Anyway. On friday I flew to Texas to pick up my new car. I was so excited, floating on air. The previous owner picked me up at the airport in my new baby, we went to lunch and then I was off on the 1000 mile drive back to Cincinnati. It was a heavenly beginning and then it happened. Only 1 hour in to my trek I looked out my drivers side window and a truckload of guys coming the other direction were giving me the finger and cussing. They were all obviously not very well off but that's no excuse. I worked my A** off for this car. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination but if I can work towards a goal and make it happen then so can they. I wish I could tell them that.

I make sure I do tell people just that when the ask me questions about my NSX. I always let them know that things like this are not out of their reach.

It took me about 10 minutes to get it out of my head so I could enjoy the rest of my drive. But I still think about it a little. I guess it's true that some people just want to be given things. Working for them is way too hard.

Ok. I'm done.... and I feel better

Peace n Junk,

Congratulations on finally achieving your long-held dream. I'm sure it will live up to your loftiest expectations. Don't let small minds diminish your enjoyment of it one iota.