Now you own an NSX, do you feel biased to talk about it?

9 August 2002
I remember when I was dreaming about the NSX and planning to own this car. All of my friends and near relatives knew it.

When I was discussing about super exotic sportscars there was always a big time to promote and praise the excellence of the NSX. I remember how convincing and passionate I was.

I am still as passionate but sometime I feel a little bit uncomfortable to praise and promote the NSX as hard as I used to, not because the car now shows small hp numbers nor it can't crack the 4 second for the 0-60 but because I now own one and I don't want to look like a guy defending his own interest.

It is better considered to praise about something you dream instead of something you own.

Of course I try to be as objective as possible in such a way that people can deduce that I am appreciating different sportscars. And this is, IMO, what I believe they think about me: a sportscar nut who knows what he is talking about, but I can't get rid of the fact that I feel I could be perceived as a preacher having no fear to act in conflict of interest.

Do you guys think the same? Or do you realized that now you own one you speak differently about it?

Don't kill me if it was ever dicussed here, the idea of this thread came to me after reading this one:

When people ask you what you drive by Lazarus.


Don't worry every body I am not disturbed and I sleep very well during nights...
I give every single car CREDIT where it is due. However, i find the NSX to be my kind of car.
I used to just gush over the NSX before I owned one. Like you, effer, I don't talk about it as much now.

I figure it's not egotistical to talk about basic facts, as long as it's not to try to demonstrate "superiority" over other cars. When you get to performance, it really depends who you're talking to. I usually don't compare it to other cars because I often don't know what cars that person might have special feelings for. I sometimes do it by accident anyway in general car conversation.

When people ask typical small-talk questions about how fast it is, I usually just say something like "oh, fast enough to get me a few speeding tickets".
I still promote it. I got it for it's virtues, so I'm just as comfortable relating them first-hand as I was when I didn't have one. I don't think there's anything wrong with talking up something you enjoy.
If cars come up as a topic in a conversation, I usually try to refrain from talking about my car altogether, lest someone insists on finding out exactly what kind of Honda it is I drive (I've even gone so far as to say I don't have a car at all). I usually wait till someone else has divulged what it is that they drive, and then go out of my way to find something praiseworthy to say about it. Interestingly, a lot of people here in Hong Kong really do drive very nice cars.
gheba_nsx said:
I tried to avoid discussing about it because I feel ashame telling it has less than 300ps. It is difficult when the people seeing it tell you, "wow it has for sure over 400ps"... :(

Hey Gheba!

I know, people always think by the shape of the car that it has to have gobs of hp, and they are very surprised when we say only 270-290 hp.

I feel it is part of the pleasure to mention it because I explain them the concept of efficiency and also because I tell them that this car can crack the 5 and 5,5 seconds in a 0-60 time and reach any complaints about having only 270 hp?

This leads to a very interesting and elaborate discussion were
lots of things are mentionned:

minimal drivetrain loss with the transverse engine layout,

concept of SAE net hp number ( because there is always a guy saying that a big block 1970 Corvette is more powerfull... )

power to weight ratio

torque curve flatness

good gearing


importance of transferring power to the ground efficiently ( not the best to spin all the until 3rd gear... )

all this backed up with some other good examples in matter of big performance numbers in small hp packages as for a Lotus Elise and a Campagna T-Rex. can see the picture.

About picture, your black NSX is great looking!

We always have a shopping list for things to buy ASAP and Driving Ambition is one of those. :)

NSX/MR2 said:
I give every single car CREDIT where it is due. However, i find the NSX to be my kind of car.

This is intellectually honest. Thumbs up to you!

I also think that this is the best way to build up a strong credibility.

CokerRat said:
I used to just gush over the NSX before I owned one. Like you, effer, I don't talk about it as much now.

Hey fellow! It is as cold in your place as here in Montréal?
Since two weeks we are in a -24 Celsius mood... :mad:

Can we say we are getting more wisdom with age! :)

Like you I like to let facts talk by themselves... also for credibility sake...

Know Sex for You said:
I still promote it. I got it for it's virtues, so I'm just as comfortable relating them first-hand as I was when I didn't have one. I don't think there's anything wrong with talking up something you enjoy.

Would like very much to hear you though, sounds very interesting.

Any good discussion examples to share with us?

I admire that attitude. It makes me think about nsxtasy, this brilliant NSX ambassador with near unnumerable posts! Always there to promote our beloved car.

Lazarus said:
(I've even gone so far as to say I don't have a car at all)

I see... as far as it may sometimes be the kind of people of which you don't want any conversation at all!

Any memorable examples?

Lazarus said:
I usually wait till someone else has divulged what it is that they drive, and then go out of my way to find something praiseworthy to say about it.

Very nice from you. So here comes the time when you introduce the ol' Honda answer!
We may not have the big HP compared to now. BUt everyone that is ridden in mine is pretty impressed. Of course I would like more, but yeah sure most say oh an Acura, then you pull up and they are like HOLY ...... WTF this is awesome!
Of course I am biased, we all are! We are not saying that our NSX's are perfect cars, just that they are totally awesome! Let the bragging begin!! :D
I give every single car CREDIT where it is due
Perfectly stated.
I tried to avoid discussing about it because I feel ashame telling it has less than 300ps
You got the wrong car if you are worried about hp. I could care less really.
If cars come up as a topic in a conversation, I usually try to refrain from talking about my car altogether, lest someone insists on finding out exactly what kind of Honda it is I drive
I find myself doing the same.
effer said:
Hey Gheba!

I know, people always think by the shape of the car that it has to have gobs of hp, and they are very surprised when we say only 270-290 hp.

I feel it is part of the pleasure to mention it because I explain them the concept of efficiency and also because I tell them that this car can crack the 5 and 5,5 seconds in a 0-60 time and reach any complaints about having only 270 hp?

Effer, I know, but then this "minimality" to achieve big reult with few engine/power would not be justified at the NSX high cost. :(

A 50k$ would be more appropriate for it, at least with the general people you speak with. Of course with car enthiusiast it is different...
gheba_nsx said:
Effer, I know, but then this "minimality" to achieve big result with few engine/power would not be justified at the NSX high cost. :(

A 50k$ would be more appropriate for it, at least with the general people you speak with. Of course with car enthiusiast it is different...

I agree Gheba, to convince people to spend big bucks in less than 300 hp sportscar @ 3000 lbs TODAY you must have a hell of a lot of techno tricks to compensate and the actual package IMO didn't.

So a quick related question, do you think the NSX-R represents a more acceptable product at its actual high cost?

50K$ is then possible when we aim to buy a second hand NSX.

Ich wisse nicht du sprache Deutsch. Sehr interessant.

Originally posted by 5inchfatlip

We may not have the big HP compared to now. But everyone that is ridden in mine is pretty impressed. Of course I would like more, but yeah sure most say oh an Acura, then you pull up and they are like HOLY ...... WTF this is awesome!

The same for me, every body are impressed. Even three different guys told me they had the feeling my car was faster than a Viper!

I know this may sound undelicate but when I saw your name
( 5inchfatlip ) I thought it was an homage to a significant girl you encountered in your life.



Quizz: what is the meaning of lb in 3000 lbs?
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I don't get the embarassment issue at having 'only' 270 hp in an ultra-light aluminum beautiful car. I was never down about the whoppin' 125 hp I managed to push out of my Miata. In fact, after taking people for a ride and then telling them the numbers, it was fun to see the stunned reactions. Muscle cars are more about hp figures, where optimal performance benefits sports cars more. To achieve this you need balance, not massive horsepower. It's that balance that make the NSX at once a fabulous performer and a relatively easy car to drive. I tend to say this to anyone who'll listen and not go runnin' in the other direction if the subject comes up. I love talking cars, and really enjoy owning a car that's truly worth talkin' about! And let's face it: 270 hp is a LOT of power for real-world useage. And it's a beautiful car.
I have no problem with the mild power output of the NSX. It's a beautiful car, it is the epitome of quality, and it is a blast to drive. Heck, that's all I ever wanted.

I am generally very quiet about my cars. I never initiate the subject unless I am with people that share/understand my passion for cars. Otherwise, I think it just comes across as bragging. ;)
effer said:
I agree Gheba, to convince people to spend big bucks in less than 300 hp sportscar @ 3000 lbs TODAY you must have a hell of a lot of techno tricks to compensate and the actual package IMO didn't.

So a quick related question, do you think the NSX-R represents a more acceptable product at its actual high cost?

50K$ is then possible when we aim to buy a second hand NSX.

Ich wisse nicht du sprache Deutsch. Sehr interessant.

Ja, wo ich wohne Deutsch is t die offizielle Sprache... :cool:

The NSX-R? I think that with general public (again I am referring to this when I say that I am unconfortable telling the power of the NSX) it is even worse. 20k$ more for even less content and same hp... ;)

Quizz: what is the meaning of lb in 3000 lbs?

No idea... "pound"? :p
effer said:
...Don't worry every body I am not disturbed and I sleep very well during nights...

Hey now! Watch it...I sleep sometimes. I just go out to my car when I cannot... :D

As far as the topic at hand, I try and be as fair as possible. On thing that annoys the heck out of me is when I go on to an automotive chat board and the owners of the car think that they and their car are Gods. I ran across an unfortunate thread like that on a Ferrari board recently and was put off by it.

The way I look at it, as NSX owners we are responsible for projecting a positive and open minded image to those that admire and dream about this car. This should be true of any and all vehicle makes though, not just the NSX.

Stereotypes of exotic car owners being aloof and thinking that they and their car are the best and only thing in the world exist for a reason, I just strive to NOT fit into that. Keep an open mind and be educated, and your enthusiasm will shine through with credibility. :)
Re: Re: Now you own an NSX, do you feel biased to talk about it?

Meeyatch1 said:
On thing that annoys the heck out of me is when I go on to an automotive chat board and the owners of the car think that they and their car are Gods. I ran across an unfortunate thread like that on a Ferrari board recently and was put off by it.

The way I look at it, as NSX owners we are responsible for projecting a positive and open minded image to those that admire and dream about this car. This should be true of any and all vehicle makes though, not just the NSX.
Sorry to hear about the Ferrari board incident, that kind of behavior really turns me off too.

Regarding your second comment, I totally agree with you. I love to share my enthusiasm for the NSX too, and I always strive to follow the Exotic Owners Code of Conduct:

I will always be polite, courteous, and friendly. I will not talk down to or ignore anyone, and I will cheerfully answer all questions. Exotic owners wrongly suffer from a "snob" label. By actively and always countering this, I will strive to change this perception among all whom I met.

effer said:
Quiz: what is the meaning of lb in 3000 lbs?

"lb" is derived from the Latin libra pondo, where libra means balance or scales (like the constellation). pondo means the pound weight, which is where we get our word "pound." And "oz" for "ounce" comes from obsolete Italian onza, meaning "ounce."

To answer the main question, I usually keep quiet about my car, and just tell them I drive a TSX unless prodded.
I don't own an NSX (yet) but often when i talk about it, i use future tense "when i get my NSX etc. etc..". One day i WILL own one. Some mates give me heaps about the "NSX sux" or "not fast enough", but these are guys who'll probably never own an exotic. When i get it, the same guys will be wetting themselves for a ride.

I never brag about the car in terms of performance; that just sparks pointless technical arguments. I usually don't brag about the NSX whatsoever because it's pointless - most guys think because it's old it's crap. But if they make inaccurate statements, I will correct them - nobody is gonna hang crap on my baby. ;) If i do brag, it's about what the car really means to me and it's timeless sexy looks.

But otherwise, nobody likes bragging... besides, the NSX speaks for itself.

Just my $0.02 (less tax)
nope.. I talk about the pros and cons of the NSX.. but overall I love it!
mojo said:
"lb" is derived from the Latin libra pondo, where libra means balance or scales (like the constellation). pondo means the pound weight, which is where we get our word "pound." And "oz" for "ounce" comes from obsolete Italian onza, meaning "ounce."

To answer the main question, I usually keep quiet about my car, and just tell them I drive a TSX unless prodded.

Bravo! I'm happy that someone found it and I wasn't obliged to give the answer.

NeoNXS said:
I don't own an NSX (yet) but often when i talk about it, i use future tense "when i get my NSX etc. etc..". One day i WILL own one.

Oh! That makes me remember back until 1991, I too was saying that one day I will own one.

I even told it to the service guys at my Honda dealer when I was giving them my red 1990 Civic hatchback Si for inspection and oil change.

It was so fun to show them the NSX a few days after I bought it.

Neo I wish you an NSX asap.
Re: Re: Re: Now you own an NSX, do you feel biased to talk about it?

PHOEN$X said:
Sorry to hear about the Ferrari board incident, that kind of behavior really turns me off too.

Regarding your second comment, I totally agree with you. I love to share my enthusiasm for the NSX too, and I always strive to follow the Exotic Owners Code of Conduct:

I will always be polite, courteous, and friendly. I will not talk down to or ignore anyone, and I will cheerfully answer all questions. Exotic owners wrongly suffer from a "snob" label. By actively and always countering this, I will strive to change this perception among all whom I met.


Yeah, that whole deal was not very encouraging with that particular thread. Oh well, no big deal.

On the flip side, I am REALLY happy you found that 'Exotic Owners Code of Conduct' because I was just looking for it a couple of days ago. Thank you! Maybe I will forward it to the 'other' lists. :)

One last thing as pertains to this topic. I always try and stay really fair when talking about the NSX. I openly admit that the car is not for everyone, and that it is in need of some updates, but that it is still a great car. Sure, there are faster cars, and cars with more curb appeal, but the NSX is what I would call one of the best all-around sports cars ever made. I may not win a drag race with a Viper, but I sure will be happy when I go home and realize that I still own one of the best vehicles on the road today. To all those that shoot 0-60 stats at me and try to knock on the NSX....well, there are some things about owning a car that numbers cannot define. Like the sound of VTEC at 8,000 RPM. :)