NSX voted one of the smartest cars of all time.

Yeah I was a little mixed about the NSX being highlighted for its use of aluminum only, but that's how the entire list went: each car was chosen for what was probably seen as their most 'significant' contribution to automobiledom. Maybe it had to do with VTEC being on other cars before the NSX?
How about the first to have titanium rods, or the first to have drive by wire ??? (i remember reading articles back then on the DBW that praised it as a revolution)
And indeed the VTEC...
NSX was not the first car with VTEC. First in America sure, but not first Honda ever to have VTEC.
Wasn't the NSX the first mass-production car with electric power steering as well?

Amazing that even though it was one of the first, it is still one of the best setups compared to the horribly numb EPS racks from other driver-oriented manufacturers like BMW and Porsche. I don't know why they didn't follow Honda's lead and just have the EPS system switch off after a specific speed is reached - best of both worlds IMO.
Wasn't the NSX the first mass-production car with electric power steering as well?

Amazing that even though it was one of the first, it is still one of the best setups compared to the horribly numb EPS racks from other driver-oriented manufacturers like BMW and Porsche. I don't know why they didn't follow Honda's lead and just have the EPS system switch off after a specific speed is reached - best of both worlds IMO.

I wouldn't call the NSX a 'mass production car'. The S2000 probably matches that title better.
Good education...

a great education, on many cars and innovations I knew little about.

I would say the aluminum chassis has been applied to a much higher percentage of other vehicles than the DBW, titanium connecting rods, etc. and of course the NSX wasn't the first car with VTEC, hence why they didn't focus on it.

but for the NSX to be included with the Model-T, Beetle, 300SL, Tucker, Lamborghini Miura, Civic and Audi Quattro for technical innovation is a magnificent feat...