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Sept 11 Conspiracy?!?!

We're obviously never going to agree on any of this, so no point in debating much further. But I appreciate your responses and I have forwarded them to one of my friends who actually is a researcher, unlike me who just reads this stuff as a hobby.

You just need to realize that there are many experts and Air Force pilots who completely disagree with you on this stuff. The folks at 9/11 Citizens watch have spent more time investigating this stuff than the 9/11 Commission has. They do not believe every theory that they get, and have discounted most of them, including the stupid one that started this thread (about a missle hitting the Pentagon instead of Flight 77).

As an example, here's an article quoting a number of Air Force and military people on ths subject:

Arshad said:
I don't really buy the theory that the planes were remote controlled or were on some pre-programmed flight path, but wasn't WAAS developed specifically to eliminate these precision errors for civilian aviation? If I remember correctly, it's accuracy is down to less than 2 meters horizontal and vertical, and equivalent to category 1 ILS. I think even most low-end consumer GPS's now feature WAAS capability.

I'll get back to you on this, but realize that a flick of a switch degrades the accuracy of all GPSs in the event of some type of national emergency. I don't know if this happened in the case of 9/11, but keep that in mind when discussing GPS as a primary means of navigation.
Eric5273 said:
We're obviously never going to agree on any of this, so no point in debating much further. But I appreciate your responses and I have forwarded them to one of my friends who actually is a researcher, unlike me who just reads this stuff as a hobby.

Um, Thanks?

You just need to realize that there are many experts and Air Force pilots who completely disagree with you on this stuff.

I request that you find me ONE actual U.S. Air Force pilot who thinks that jets on 9/11 were flown under remote control. One, verifiable pilot who has actual contact info who I can personally get in touch with.

The folks at 9/11 Citizens watch have spent more time investigating this stuff than the 9/11 Commission has. They do not believe every theory that they get, and have discounted most of them, including the stupid one that started this thread (about a missle hitting the Pentagon instead of Flight 77).

Do they believe, like you, that the 9/11 planes were not under human control endgame?

As an example, here's an article quoting a number of Air Force and military people on ths subject:

http://100777.com/doc/249 [/B]

Not this again. We've talked about this book and Col. DeGrand before, haven't we? Still using this crap as evidence?

I'm going to repost my answer to this one from August of last year in this thread:


Eric5273 said:

Okay, I did, and now I'll respond:

September 11 - US Government accused

A Portugal-based investigative journalist has presented THE NEWS with version of the September 11th attacks that has to date failed to attract the attention of the international press. The report, compiled by an independent inquiry into the September 11th, World Trade Centre attack, warns the American public that the government’s official version of events does not stand up to scrutiny.

Hmm.....I wonder why such a groundbreaking and revealing story never caught the attention of the mainstream press? Read on, and we shall see.

A group of military and civilian US pilots, under the chairmanship of Colonel Donn de Grand, after deliberating non-stop for 72 hours, has concluded that the flight crews of the four passenger airliners, involved in the September 11th tragedy, had no control over their aircraft.

Ha ha ha! I wonder what the good Col. De Grand has to gain from this.......


For a mere 28 bucks, you can read it all in his book!

A side note: I would like to know who the "military and civilian US pilots" are that somehow came to this conclusion. I smell something fishy here.

In a detailed press communiqué the inquiry stated: “The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation carried out against the USA, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets.”

Command, communications, and control? I see no reason for communications at all in the execution phase of the 9/11 attacks. The cells were given their marching orders, and out the door they went. It wasn't flawless in timing, as evidenced by Flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania.

The report seriously questions whether or not the suspect hijackers, supposedly trained on Cessna light aircraft, could have located a target dead-on 200 miles from take off point. It further throws into doubt their ability to master the intricacies of the instrument flight rules (IFR) in the 45 minutes from take off to the point of impact.

Their knowlege of Instrument Flight Rules were this: turn off the transponder, and turn the plane to point east. That's all they needed to know until they picked up visual references to guide them in to their targets. No instrument flight training or knowledge over this was necessary.

The pilots supposedly practiced quite a bit on computer-based flight simulators, and some had previously visited the sites and took video of them. Get a copy of MS Flight Sim 2000 Pro and you'll see how easy it would be to practice such a horrible act from the comfort of your own home.

Colonel de Grand said that it would be impossible for novices to have taken control of the four aircraft and orchestrated such a terrible act requiring military precision of the highest order.

They trained in commercial airline simulators, and were only interested in learning how to fly the planes and not take off or land. Besides, beyond learning a few small things, the basic aircraft control of all flying machines big and small is about the same.

A member of the inquiry team, a US Air Force officer who flew over 100 sorties during the Vietnam war, told the press conference: “Those birds (commercial airliners) either had a crack fighter pilot in the left seat, or they were being manoeuvred by remote control.”

There are plenty of civilian and military pilots throughout the USA who would vehemently disagree with this statement. Piloting an aircraft takes skill, but to "stick and rudder" any aircraft doesn't require much training. Also, watch the 2nd aircraft hit the World Trade Center. The hijacker clearly wasn't taking the winds into consideration, and he had to bank the aircraft up and pull a significant amount of g's just to line the plane up at the last minute. A remote-controlled inertial system would have compensated for this, as would any competent aviator.

In evidence given to the enquiry, Captain Kent Hill (retd.) of the US Air Force, and friend of Chic Burlingame, the pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, stated that the US had on several occasions flown an unmanned aircraft, similar in size to a Boeing 737, across the Pacific from Edwards Air Force base in California to South Australia. According to Hill it had flown on a pre programmed flight path under the control of a pilot in an outside station.

The USAF flies remote-controlled aircraft every day of the week. That does not mean diddly squat when it comes to civilian airliner operations.

Once again, I'll ask these questions in hopes that someone out there can answer them for me: How are you going to get remote-controlled technology on board a commercial airliner without (1) it being noticed by the FAA and the airline, (2) it being noticed by the maintenance folks and the FAA inspectors who go over everything with a fine-toothed comb, or (3) the airline pilots themselves (some of them my close friends.) Also, be sure to show me where the FAA has granted any type of flight clearance for remote-controlled technology to be used on any commercial aircraft for the purpose of carrying passengers. And let's not even talk about the fact that any remote-controlled technology would be easily disabled by pulling it's circuit breaker and returning the controls over to the pilot.

Hill also quoted Bob Ayling, former British Airways boss, in an interview given to the London Economist on September 20th, 2001. Ayling admitted that it was now possible to control an aircraft in flight from either the ground or in the air. This was confirmed by expert witnesses at the inquiry who testified that airliners could be controlled by electro-magnetic pulse or radio frequency instrumentation from command and control platforms based either in the air or at ground level.

I've never heard of an aircraft being controllable by EMP. However, there are plenty of R/C clubs out there who can attest to them being able to fly an R/C plane pretty well. Ask them to fly an instrumented 767 into the Pentagon, and that's another story.

All members of the inquiry team agreed that even if guns were held to their heads none of them would fly a plane into a building. Their reaction would be to ditch the plane into a river or a field, thereby safeguarding the lives of those on the ground.

Okay, if a hijacker bursts into the cabin and says "I am hijacking this plane. We are in control." then prior to 9/11 the pilot has bee instructed to comply with all demands to avoid civilian losses on the aircraft. I'll bet that the pilots never knew the terrorists' intentions before they had their throats cut.

A further question raised by the inquiry was why none of the pilots concerned had alerted ground control. It stated that all pilots are trained to punch a four-digit code into the flight control’s transponder to warn ground control crews of a hijacking - but this did not happen.

The hijackers clearly knew how to operate a transponder, since the hijacked aircrafts' transponders were turned off after they were taken over. So, it seems conceivable that they instructed the pilots not to touch the transponder or they would face the consequences. Also, it's pretty hard to dial 7500 into a transponder.....it's not like there is a red button under the dashboard or anything.

During the press conference Captain Hill maintained that the four airliners must have been choreographed by an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS). This system can engage several aircraft simultaneously by knocking out their on-board flight controls.

No it can't! This is an outright lie. AWACS has no such capability. If you have ever been on board of an AWACS, it would boggle your mind how jam packed that planes is already. Where do you suppose all of that remote-controlled equipment goes? Jeez.

He said that all the evidence points to the fact that the pilots and their crews had not taken any evasive action to resist the supposed hijackers. They had not attempted any sudden changes in flight path or nose-dive procedures - which led him to believe that they had no control over their aircraft.

The pilots didn't take any evasive action, (1) because they had been trained not to, and (2) because they were killed rather quickly after the hijackings occurred. Nose-dive/evasive action procedures were not a part of any hijacking training prior to 9/11.

THE NEWS, in an attempt to further substantiate the potential veracity of these findings, spoke to an Algarve-based airline pilot, who has more than 20 years of experience in flying passenger planes, to seek his views. Captain Colin McHattie, currently flying with Cathay Pacific, agreed with the independent commission’s findings. However, he explained that while it is possible to fly a plane from the ground, the installation of the necessary equipment is a time-consuming process, and needs extensive planning. THE NEWS will publish a full interview with Captain McHattie in next week’s edition.

Does he also know about the FAA certification processes, and the questions I rasied above? Hell, I'll go on record and say it's possible, too, as long as everyone knows about it and it goes through all of the proper certifications and inspections. The allegations are that this was all done covertly, which opens it up for the criticisms that I gave above.

If you read Colin's interview in the following edition, he disagrees with the notion that 9/11 aircraft were remote-controlled. So much for their expert witness!

Colonel Donn de Grand said that if President Bush is lying it would not be the first time that the American people had been mislead by its government. He cited the recently published official government archives describing President Roosevelt’s duplicity in deceiving Americans about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, which triggered the US entry into WWll.

Hmm.....didn't I just see this somewhere else?

He also highlighted the role of the country’s government in misleading its citizens in respect of the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, and the events that brought about the Spanish American war in the late 19th, century. “Whilst considering who committed this act of war on September 11th,” he said, “albeit Russia, China, an Islamic country or NATO, we must also consider that the enemy may well be within the gates.

Read all about it in my book! Get 'em while they're hot! (Only 28 bucks plus shipping and handling)

So far the mainstream American news media has failed to publish or broadcast any details regarding the independent inquiry. Similarly, the White House, whilst having received a copy of the report, has remained silent on its findings.

Gee, I really wonder why no mainstream American news media has published info on this "independent inquiry." Gee, could it be that it is full of lies and bogus information, and potentially profit-motivated? Naah.

I'll get back to you on this, but realize that a flick of a switch degrades the accuracy of all GPSs in the event of some type of national emergency. I don't know if this happened in the case of 9/11, but keep that in mind when discussing GPS as a primary means of navigation.

This post is just meant as an FYI...

Yep, I think what you're referring to is the Selective Availability (SA) randomness that was originally added to the Civilian Access transmission code, and was dropped back in 2000. Without SA, accuracy is around 10-15 meters I believe. With SA, the accuracy degrades to around 35 meters, with worst case being around 100 meters.

WAAS is basically an signal augmentation system where they use multiple fixed transmitters on the ground with highly accurate known coordinates along with WAAS satellites. These are used to augment the triangulation from the 3 or 4 GPS satellites that are used to calculate the 2D or 3D position. This brings the accuracy down to sub 2 meters, which as I mentioned is equivalent to Category 1 ILS.

There's also another system known as DGPS (differential GPS), which uses fixed land based transmitters with known coordinates to transmit the 'delta' from the GPS system so that the correct coordinates can be calculated. This is transmitted by US coast guard beacons as well as inland radio stations. This brings the accuracy down to around sub 5 meters I believe.

So in order to really degrade GPS accuracy, they'd have to shut down DGPS, WAAS as well as re-enable SA. Now if you can figure out how to interpret the encoded Precision transmission intended for military use, then it's all moot :)
Viper Driver said:
Do they believe, like you, that the 9/11 planes were not under human control endgame?

From what I understand, they have not made a determination on that. I know they have a former CIA pilot among their group that has compared making that 270 degree turn @ 400+ mph in a 757 to driving an 18-wheeler around a highway exit ramp while doing 100+ mph. He says he's surprised that plane did not tear apart and that it must have been very close to the limits of its structual integrety.

9/11 Citizens Watch was not set up to do an investigation themselves. Their purpose was to lobby the government into appointing a commission (which they did successfully) and then oversee that the commission does a real investigation. Unfortunately, many of the witnesses that they wanted the commission to interview were never called upon by the commission. And many of the questions they wanted asked by the commission of various witnesses who were interviewed, were never asked.

If you have watched any of the hearings (on C-SPAN), you will hear every hour or so some yelling or swearing going on in the back of the room, and then usually security would remove the person causing the interuption. 9 out of 10 times, that person was a victim's family member who was very upset that nobody asked the questions he or she thought appropriate.

The most recent I can remember was from the last set of hearings (not the ones last week, but the ones in May) when they interviewed Gulliani. The one question that 9/11 Citizens Watch had requested the commission members ask was "In late 2001, the city appointed an investigative panel of experts to determine why the WTC buildings had collapsed. How come these experts were not allowed to examine any of the debris from Ground Zero even after numorous requests by them, and how could you expect them to do a proper investigation without access to this material?"

Needless to say, such a question was never asked, nor was it asked why Gulliani ordered all the steel columns destroyed shortly after this request by his experts. Many of the family members were quite upset that he was never asked these questions, and if you remember watching it on the news, there were several large outbursts during his testimony. The news reports never said what they were about, only to say they were "upset family members".

But similar things have happened throught the investigation, and the members of 9/11 Citizens Watch have come to the conclusion that the Commissions "findings" were probably written long before they ever did the investigation. They think the Commission's purpose was to convince the public that they had done an independent investigation, and not to really investigate anything at all. Even after 3 investigations (FBI, Congress, 9/11 Commission), most of the family members are still very upset and still do not feel a real investigation has ever been done.
Arshad said:
This post is just meant as an FYI...

Yep, I think what you're referring to is the Selective Availability (SA) randomness that was originally added to the Civilian Access transmission code, and was dropped back in 2000. Without SA, accuracy is around 10-15 meters I believe. With SA, the accuracy degrades to around 35 meters, with worst case being around 100 meters.

Yep, that's what I was referring to. Thanks :)

So in order to really degrade GPS accuracy, they'd have to shut down DGPS, WAAS as well as re-enable SA.

I'm familiar with all of this, but I do believe there is still a WRM (war reserve mode) of some type behind all of this which is designed to prevent any future enemy from using our own GPS satellites to guide their weapons. Maybe this is something I'm not supposed to talk about. ;)

Now if you can figure out how to interpret the encoded Precision transmission intended for military use, then it's all moot :)

Well, it's not a simple matter of interpreting this. You need to have that day's crypto-keys installed into a system capable of utilizing these keys, both of which are highly controlled items (our crypto is kept in a vault inside of another vault.)

In addition, most GPS/INS units use GPS altitude information to update the system altitude through a Kahlman filter, but rely primarily upon barometric altitude for their calculations. In short....the GPS updates the inertial navigation unit (INU), who's data is used as the primary position reference. In airliners, I believe there are several of these units working parallel to each other and their data may be fed into a final computer to determine the plane's actual position in space.

My jet uses a state-of-the-art EGI (integrated GPS/INS) as it's primary navigation reference. When I am sitting in on the ground or flying in the air, when I twist the dial to set the altimeter, the system altutude in the INU changes with that. This is important for aircraft deconfliction that the autopilot/etc on all aircraft use barometric altitude for their altitude reference. If an aircraft's GPS/INS used GPS altitude for their reference, then (1) it might be significantly different than a local barometric altitude, and (2) it will be significantly different than the Class A airspace setting of 29.92. While the GPS might be a bit smarter on the aircraft's position than the INS, the INS still has the final say altitude-wise.

Anyways, all of this is probably irrelevant, because the FMS on Boeing aircraft cannot be enabled to command bank angles of greater than 30 degrees, and I also believe there is a maximum climb/descent rate that can be commanded. Also, if Flight 77 was programmed to fly the maneuver indicated, surely the planners would have set in a much more efficient, direct path to hit the Pentagon and not a steep, descending path to lose 7,000 feet in 270 degrees of turn. You're asking the "squirrels" in the FMS to do a lot of calculations in that maneuver, increasing the chances of a miss. It is clear that this was a purely visual maneuver, just as the WTC attacks were.

I have some questions I'm going to ask some of the 757/767 captains I work with about their specific systems, but I'm pretty sure that their equipment works as the stuff in my jet does.
I don't really understand much of the technical stuff you guys are discussing, but I would be interested to know if it was possible to load a flight plan onto Flight 77 that would accomplish the flight path it took. I'd be interested to know what your colleagues have to say about it.

I'm not opposed to the idea that someone was actually flying the plane. Doubtful this guy Hanjour was actually there, but as we already discussed, doubful any of the 19 guys aboard these planes were who their IDs said they were.

What bothers me is that I doubt such a sophisticated operation would rely on people committing suicide, since someone could change their mind at the last minute and destroy the whole plot. If there was a person behind the controls, I would chalk it up to them being programmed, not the plane. As we know from declassified intelligence documents, the CIA was using such methods for assassinations back in the 1960s. I don't think it is beyond comprehension that others in the world today share those same capabilities & knowledge.

As far as Flight 93, do you still think it crashed after all the evidence I posted last year??

1) All the eyewitnesses (there were only several) say they saw a fighter jet fly overhead within seconds of the plane crash

2) One of the passengers on Flight 93 who was on a cell phone with a friend, said "there was just an explosion.....I see smoke", and then the phone went dead, presumably as the plane crashed.

3) An earthquake center in the region recorded a sonic boom nearby which could only be caused by a plane passing the speed of sound, yet the Air Force says they had no planes in the entire region at that time.

4) Some debris, including one of the engines, were found several miles west of the crash site. This could indicate a heat seeking missle hit one of the engines before the plane crashed.
Eric, just to play devils advocate to your theory...here are some things you'd have to adress

1. If a fighter had shot down the jet at altitude I doubt anyone on the ground would be able to ID it, unless you claim he made a low pass over the debris afterward.

2. I never heard of such a conversation...where did you find that?

3. Viper may have to back me up on this, but the jet may be able to go supersonic in a dive. As a helicopter pilot, I never worry about going so fast.

4. In such a dive, the jet could exceed it's structural limits, possibily losing parts such as an engine. If you've seen pictures of the jets in Iraq that have been hit by heatseeking missiles, none had lost an engine, but merely had some sort of frag pattern of holes punched through them.

Just some items to ponder.

I'm familiar with all of this, but I do believe there is still a WRM (war reserve mode) of some type behind all of this which is designed to prevent any future enemy from using our own GPS satellites to guide their weapons. Maybe this is something I'm not supposed to talk about.

Hehe, yeah you're probably not ;) It would make a lot of sense for the US military to build this type of override to completely disable the CA transmission in a wartime situation.

In addition, most GPS/INS units use GPS altitude information to update the system altitude through a Kahlman filter, but rely primarily upon barometric altitude for their calculations.

This makes a lot of sense, particularly given the granularity of the GPS altitude information. Even in cars equipped with nav systems, they use external controls that feed into what is effectively it's INU (for direction for example).

Well, it's not a simple matter of interpreting this. You need to have that day's crypto-keys installed into a system capable of utilizing these keys, both of which are highly controlled items (our crypto is kept in a vault inside of another vault.)

I was just joking about decrypting the signal, but you've piqued my interest. It doesn't make sense to me that they would store the actual decryption key in a vault, when there are hundreds of thousands of military devices that need to have this key. The distribution of the key would be a logistical nightmare. It would make more sense to send this encoded as part of the transmission, perhaps even using a public key in groups so that they can selectively turn off groups of devices if a key's integrity is compromised. Anyways, this is something that you shouldn't be talking about even if you do know the details ;)

Eric: I agree that there are some unusual circumstances surrounding flight 93, but the bottom line is this: If flight 93 were shot down (with a SAM or AAM or whatever), people would accept it as an unfortunate but necessary executive decision by the President that had to be made under the circumstances. There had been 3 other precedents that very morning .. this was clearly a suicide flight which would lead to many more deaths if it crashed in a major city center like Washington. If they did shoot it down, why would they need to hide it? There was mention of a second jet that ATC had asked to visually identify and follow flight 93. Maybe this was the 'jet' that some eyewitnesses mistook as a jet fighter.

4) Some debris, including one of the engines, were found several miles west of the crash site. This could indicate a heat seeking missle hit one of the engines before the plane crashed.

Well we do know that the passengers had tried to take control away from the hijackers. Let's say they succeeded, but then could not control the plane. It's possible that it may have broken apart in the air from structural failure due to stress caused by unusual flight maneouvers. I thought I read somewhere that it was flying erratically prior to crashing?
Arshad said:

It doesn't make sense to me that they would store the actual decryption key in a vault, when there are hundreds of thousands of military devices that need to have this key. The distribution of the key would be a logistical nightmare. It would make more sense to send this encoded as part of the transmission, perhaps even using a public key in groups so that they can selectively turn off groups of devices if a key's integrity is compromised. Anyways, this is something that you shouldn't be talking about even if you do know the details ;)

Make sense or not, that is how it is done. This "fill" is loaded into GPS units individually just as we do for our radio encryption units for secure comms. Without the fill, you're outta luck. While this seems like a logistical nightmare....sometimes it is, but it is the only way to ensure security. It is also why we have people in the squadron specifically assigned to these duties.

Make sense or not, that is how it is done. This "fill" is loaded into GPS units individually just as we do for our radio encryption units for secure comms. Without the fill, you're outta luck. While this seems like a logistical nightmare....sometimes it is, but it is the only way to ensure security. It is also why we have people in the squadron specifically assigned to these duties.

So the key is effectively not protected in the vault since it must be accessible by many many people out in the open in order to load it up on the GPS units.

And what happens when you're up in the sky and the transmission key suddenly changes, but you have no secure method of obtaining the updated decryption key? Do you suddenly lose your precision GPS capabilities?

There are a lot of methods to securely distribute keys without this hassle and without the fear of someone compromising it since it's accessible by so many individuals. It would also allow for much more aggressive key changes, eg. DirecTV changes its video decryption key every 8 seconds. I suppose it may be impossible for them to update the firmware on the satellites in order to accomplish this due to code size restrictions or something.
Here are several good articles on the subject of Flight 93:

ABC News: The Mystery of Flight 93


Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Details tell story of 9-11 horrors

WorldNetDaily: Was United Flight 93 shot down on Sept. 11?

wildbill846 said:
1. If a fighter had shot down the jet at altitude I doubt anyone on the ground would be able to ID it, unless you claim he made a low pass over the debris afterward.

Well, I am not claiming anything. Read the above articles to see what the various witnesses claim. They seem the claim that both planes were flying rather low.

Here's one quote:

"It came right over me, I reckon just 40 or 50 ft. above my mini-van. It was so low I ducked instinctively. It was traveling real fast, but hardly made any sound,"

"The FBI came and talked to me and said there was no plane around. Then they changed their story and tried to say it was a plane taking pictures of the crash 3,000 ft. up. But I saw it and it was there before the crash and it was 40 ft. above my head. They did not want my story - nobody here did."

wildbill846 said:
2. I never heard of such a conversation...where did you find that?

From the above articles:

"Passenger Edward Felt made an emergency call from the plane. He spoke of an explosion and seeing some white smoke. The supervisor who took the call has been gagged by the FBI."

At 9.58am a 911 call - the last mobile phone contact from Flight 93 - was made from one of the airliner's toilets by passenger Edward Felt. Glenn Cramer, the emergency supervisor who answered it, said on the day: "He was very distraught. He said he believed the plane was going down. He did hear some sort of an explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane, but he didn't know where. And then we lost contact with him." Glenn Cramer has now been gagged by the FBI.

wildbill846 said:
3. Viper may have to back me up on this, but the jet may be able to go supersonic in a dive. As a helicopter pilot, I never worry about going so fast.

I do not believe this would be possible with a 757, but I am no expert.

From one of the above articles:

The FBI insists there was no military plane in the area but at 9.22am a sonic boom - caused by a supersonic jet - was picked up by an earthquake monitor in southern Pennsylvania, 60 miles away from Shanksville.

wildbill846 said:
4. In such a dive, the jet could exceed it's structural limits, possibily losing parts such as an engine.

True. This piece of evidence alone would not be enough to come to any solid conclusions. However, it does indicate the plane coming apart in the air before impact.

Just a side not on something else, but here is a quote from the Pittsburgh Tribune Review article:

Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta learned at 8:46 a.m. that the first plane had hit the twin towers. An hour later, the FAA began redirecting other aircraft to land at the nearest airport.

Mineta said he later was conferring with Vice President Dick Cheney when an aide interrupted to ask Cheney if the shoot-down order still was in effect.

"Yes, the order stands," replied a terse Cheney as American Flight 77 headed toward the Pentagon.

This is a lie. Mineta said there was no such order to shoot down the planes at this point in time. Here is his testimony:

Mineta: There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, “The plane is 50 miles out…The plane is 30 miles out.” And when it got down to, “The plane is 10 miles out,” the young man said to the vice president, “Do the orders still stand?”

Cheny whipped his neck around and said, “Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?” Well, at the time I didn’t know what all that meant. And…

Hamilton: The flight you’re referring to is the…

Mineta: The flight that came into the Pentagon.

Hamilton: And so there was no specific order there to shoot that plane down.

Mineta: No, sir.

The commission followed their consistant pattern of avoiding damaging questions and never asked Mineta what the actual order was. So just to analyze this one more time.....

Obviously whatever the orders were, they were related to Flight 77. If the Pentagon had no control over Flight 77 as they claim (i.e. no remote control, etc.), then what orders could Cheney possibly give regarding this flight. I can only think of 2 posibilities:

1. Shoot down the plane
2. Do not shoot down the plane

(and we know it was not #1)

Can anyone think of any other posibilites?
Arshad said:

So the key is effectively not protected in the vault since it must be accessible by many many people out in the open in order to load it up on the GPS units.

And what happens when you're up in the sky and the transmission key suddenly changes, but you have no secure method of obtaining the updated decryption key? Do you suddenly lose your precision GPS capabilities?

There are a lot of methods to securely distribute keys without this hassle and without the fear of someone compromising it since it's accessible by so many individuals. It would also allow for much more aggressive key changes, eg. DirecTV changes its video decryption key every 8 seconds. I suppose it may be impossible for them to update the firmware on the satellites in order to accomplish this due to code size restrictions or something.

The keys are considered classified materials and are treated as such with the same control measures. If a key were to change while you are in mid-air....you're outta luck, you would need to land and be repunched. You can argue all you like, about how stupid this sounds, but this is how it is done.

Guess I should start signing like Viper does....

1992 Red NSX
1966 Ghost Gray CH-46
Arshad said:
If they did shoot it down, why would they need to hide it?

I agree with you that the plane should have been shot down (all 4 should have been). But I can certainly understand why they would hide it.

As it is, there are already over 100 families that declined to take money from the 9/11 fund and are instead suing the Bush Administration in a class action suit. (I know this is probably the first you have heard of this, as the mainstream media is avoiding this story like the plague)

If they had admitted to shooting down Flight 93, then there would be more lawsuits, as many of the family members would question if shooting down the plane was necessary. The whole "Let's Roll" hero story served to remove any government role from the crash and to give a nice patriotic story of American heroes fighting against the evil terrorists -- the kind of stuff the inspires people to be more patriotic.

Bush's approval ratings did not go from 55% to 90% in one week for no reason. ;)

BTW, I'm glad this thread has turned into a healthy and informative discussion, rather than the name calling and personal attacks that resulted from a thread on the same subject last year.

The keys are considered classified materials and are treated as such with the same control measures. If a key were to change while you are in mid-air....you're outta luck, you would need to land and be repunched. You can argue all you like, about how stupid this sounds, but this is how it is done.

Thanks for clearing that up Bill! I do think it sounds antiquated, but I can also understand that it may not be possible to change the way it works due to impractical reasons.
Do you really believe all the stuff you are hearing and reading in the media?
I love the fact that you are involved researching, discussing and thinking.
But the fact remains that many of your conclusions or theories are hasty and one sided. (And no I’m not going to identify and debate each one. Viper Driver has done well to give a more informed answer than I ever could). Please don’t take that comment personally, as it isn’t meant as an attack. But I do grow tired of the same subject that there is a government plot.

Put yourself in the position of the president. What would you do? Not knowing what you know now, but what was known then. Frankly the man was screwed no matter what he did - to act or not to act. Either way people will criticise. Lawsuits will be filed. It’s obvious that there are many holes in the system. And up until 9/11 the system had never been tested. We now see how important it is for the CIA and FBI to communicate. That wasn’t the case pre 9/11.

I currently have brothers in the military - in Iraq (or hell as they refer to it). It’s very interesting to get a perspective from people who are actually involved.
ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC - is not always a good source of accurate or reliable information. Ratings is the name of the game. Same goes for newspapers and magazines. You need to take all of it with a grain of salt. I’ve recently spoken with them about news reports on the war - to which they often reply, “yeah, there’s a lot more to it than that”, and “I can’t tell you just yet, wait a bit.” There are many horrible things going on that never make the news.

And, NEWS FLASH, yes the government does hide information. For better or worse. Let’s go a step further - they add dis-information into the mix.

With regards to GPS War Reserve Mode. It’s probably not wide spread knowledge, but this was discussed briefly in the media during operation Desert Shield. Probably about the same time Heraldo Rivera gave away the position of some American troops. oops - bye Heraldo.

I believe the encryption vault process. Doesn’t make sense, but that’s the way it is. I’m being educated on the military process all the time. Sometimes operates like any dis functional corporate office.
b.gill said:
Do you really believe all the stuff you are hearing and reading in the media?

Certainly not. Most of it is propoganda and garbage.

b.gill said:
Put yourself in the position of the president. What would you do?

The president was not at fault. His sitting there and reading a book to children just shows his lack of involvement. Cheney was running the country on that morning.

b.gill said:
It’s obvious that there are many holes in the system.

To some of us, it's obvious that many of these "holes" were intentional.

b.gill said:
ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC - is not always a good source of accurate or reliable information.

That is certinaly an understatement. Those 4 are perhaps the worst 4 you could choose (add Fox to the group). I used articles from those sources in my arguments here because if I was to use sources that are not from the mainstream corporate media, many of you would complain that my sources are not credible. So I used these lousy sometimes-unnacurate sources just for you!!

b.gill said:
Ratings is the name of the game.

Yes, and you need access to get the ratings. If the reporters do not stay in line, their access will be cut off. For example, there is a reason that Pacifica Radio was banned from White House and Pentagon press conferences 2 years ago, as have many other alternative media sources. CNN would not do so well in the ratings if they lost their ability to send a reporter to the White House or Pentagon. So they cannot be completely objective and print anything which may "rock the boat" without risking such a thing. So yes, the ratings win out over objective journalism.

b.gill said:
Same goes for newspapers and magazines. You need to take all of it with a grain of salt.

Yes......I agree.

b.gill said:
There are many horrible things going on that never make the news.

Yes there are.

b.gill said:
And, NEWS FLASH, yes the government does hide information. For better or worse. Let’s go a step further - they add dis-information into the mix.

In order to get an objective report on something, your best bet is to look at agendas. For example, if you want an objective report on something the US government did, do not read a US news source. Just the opposite, you would not read an objective analysis of the Syrian government in a Israeli newspaper. You need to look for a neutral source. So if you are looking for news on the war in Iraq, best to read an Asian, or European news source -- one from a country that is not involved in the war.
Eric5273 said:
Here are several good articles on the subject of Flight 93:

ABC News: The Mystery of Flight 93


Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Details tell story of 9-11 horrors

WorldNetDaily: Was United Flight 93 shot down on Sept. 11?

Well, I am not claiming anything. Read the above articles to see what the various witnesses claim. They seem the claim that both planes were flying rather low.

Is this is the best evidence that Flight 93 was shot down? It is not very convincing.

At 9.58am a 911 call - the last mobile phone contact from Flight 93 - was made from one of the airliner's toilets by passenger Edward Felt.
Glenn Cramer, the emergency supervisor who answered it, said on the day: "He was very distraught. He said he believed the plane was going down.
"He did hear some sort of an explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane, but he didn't know where. And then we lost contact with him." Glenn Cramer has now been gagged by the FBI

Sounds like he might be describing the plane breaking apart as it exceeds its structural limits on the way down. Metal objects stressed to failure tend to do so with a “boom”. White “smoke” could result from leaking hydraulic fluid or fuel lines. This sounds a lot like what might happen if an engine came off from overstressing the airframe.

Also, according to sources, the last seconds of the cockpit voice recorder are the loud sounds of wind, hinting at a possible hole somewhere in the fuselage. What caused the smoke and explosion? Why the wind sounds?

The jet is well above its safe operating speed. It is approaching the speed of sound at sea level. High speed = wind noise.

Susan Mcelwain, 51, who lives two miles from the site, knows what she saw - the white plane rocketed directly over her head. "It came right over me, I reckon just 40 or 50ft above my mini-van," she recalled. "It was so low I ducked instinctively. It was travelling real fast, but hardly made any sound.

It had two rear engines, a big fin on the back like a spoiler on the back of a car and with two upright fins at the side. I haven't found one like it on the internet. It definitely wasn't one of those executive jets. The FBI came and talked to me and said there was no plane around.

Now we’re on to something. All we need to do is identify the aircraft in the US inventory which fits this description, is armed, capable of supersonic flight, and can fly 40 feet over someone’s head without hardly making a sound. It’s obviously the …. ummmm …

"Then they changed their story and tried to say it was a plane taking pictures of the crash 3,000ft up.

The first guys on the scene didn’t have all the info? Those BASTARDS!

The FBI's later explanation for the white jet was that a passing civilian Fairchild Falcon 20 jet was asked to descend from 34,000ft to 5,000ft some minutes after the crash to give co-ordinates for the site. The plane and pilot have never been produced or identified. Susan Mcelwain says a Falcon 20 was not the plane she saw.

What does the 9/11 commission say about the Falcon 20? Anything?

At 9.22am a sonic boom - caused by supersonic flight - was picked up by an earthquake monitoring station in southern Pennsylvania, 60 miles from Shanksville.

Where in southern PA? And what indicates that it came from Shanksville and not one of the planes near DC or somewhere else? The station is somewhere 60 miles from Shanksville. It is about 120 miles from Shanksville to DC.

A section of engine weighing a ton was located 2,000 yards - over a mile -from the crash site. Theorists point out a Sidewinder heat-seeking missile attacks the hottest part of aircraft - the engine.

So when the engine was examined they found …. ?

Mrs Mcelwain, who looks after special needs children, is further convinced the whole truth has yet to come out because of a phone call she had within hours from the wife of an air force friend of the family.
"She said her husband had called her that morning and said 'I can't talk, but we've just shot a plane down,' " Susan said. "I presumed they meant Flight 93. I have no doubt those brave people on board tried to do something, but I don't believe what happened on the plane brought it down.

So this Mirror reporter learned from a woman who, during the confusion of the morning of 9/11, heard from her friend who heard from her husband in the air force that a plane was shot down. Now some might ask “How do I know this air force guy didn’t just hear about a plane going down and ASSUME it was shot down?”. Well thankfully, like any responsible journalist, the Mirror reported got the name of this guy and got right to the bottom of it… oh wait … nevermind about that.

That Todd Beamer and others launched an assault on the hijackers there is no doubt. The brief extracts released from audio tapes indicate a fierce struggle going on at the cockpit door.

Strange how nobody in the cockpit ever says “Hey, what was that explosion?” or “I think we just got hit by a missile.” or “I can’t control the plane”… I think they would be pretty concerned about that. There is only the sounds of the struggle with the passengers that just happens to be going on when the plane goes down.
I know it was illegal for the FBI and CIA to share some information pre 9/11.
Is that what you mean by intentional holes?
Or are you refering to something else.

I agree with your neutral source statement, but even that won't always allow you enough information to generate a conclusion.

I think we are basically saying the same thing.
dlongo said:
Now we’re on to something. All we need to do is identify the aircraft in the US inventory which fits this description, is armed, capable of supersonic flight, and can fly 40 feet over someone’s head without hardly making a sound. It’s obviously the …. ummmm …

Neither the FBI, 9/11 Commission or the Congressional panel which investigated the attacks cared to find this out as none of them asked her (or any of the witnesses in the above article) to testify.

dlongo said:
What does the 9/11 commission say about the Falcon 20? Anything?

No mention of anything having to do with this in any of their hearings. Obviously there final report is not out yet, but doubtful there will be a mention of any of this.

dlongo said:
Where in southern PA? And what indicates that it came from Shanksville and not one of the planes near DC or somewhere else? The station is somewhere 60 miles from Shanksville. It is about 120 miles from Shanksville to DC.

Perhaps ViperDriver would care to answer this one. Perhaps he can tell you about the fighters which were airborne in the DC area at 9:22.

If there were fighters airborne in the DC area at 9:22, then that kills NORAD's claim that no fighters were able to reach DC until after Flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:38. According to NORAD, at 9:22 the only fighters airborne on the entire east coast were two F-15s launched from Otis Air Force base which were patrolling the skies above Manhattan at 9:22.

Which one is it? Was there or was there not fighters airborne in the DC area at 9:22? And which fighter caused this sonic boom?

dlongo said:
So when the engine was examined they found …. ?

Examined by who?

No mention of any of this in any of the 9/11 Commission hearings or in the Congressional panel's report.
b.gill said:
I know it was illegal for the FBI and CIA to share some information pre 9/11.
Is that what you mean by intentional holes?
Or are you refering to something else.

The following link is the testimony of Mindy Kleinberg in front of the 9/11 Commission. Her husband was killed in the attacks and she is one of the people who helped form the organization "Families of 9/11" and pushed for the creation of the commission. Read what she has to say, and then you will understand what I mean by "intentional holes".

Statement of Mindy Kleinberg to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

Also, here is an interesting article from the New York Observer:

Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush
Originally posted by Eric5273
Neither the FBI, 9/11 Commission or the Congressional panel which investigated the attacks cared to find this out as none of them asked her (or any of the witnesses in the above article) to testify.

No mention of anything having to do with this in any of their hearings. Obviously there final report is not out yet, but doubtful there will be a mention of any of this.

interesting, but I would like to see what the final report says. Regardless, of all the people who described the plane, none described it as being armed with A/A weaponry.

Which one is it? Was there or was there not fighters airborne in the DC area at 9:22? And which fighter caused this sonic boom?

Well there is not much information in the articles about this survey station to base any conclusion on. I have a bunch of questions. Where is it? 60 miles east or 60 miles west? How far away can a seismic survey station detect a sonic boom? Does it have a directional component or just a magnitude? How do they know that what they picked up was a sonic boom? Who is the point of contact at this survey station and who made the claim?

Examined by who?

No mention of any of this in any of the 9/11 Commission hearings or in the Congressional panel's report.

I assume the engine was examined by crash investigators capable of identifying shrapnel damage. Am I wrong?
dlongo said:
interesting, but I would like to see what the final report says

Me too. It will be released next month.

dlongo said:
Well there is not much information in the articles about this survey station to base any conclusion on. I have a bunch of questions. Where is it? 60 miles east or 60 miles west? How far away can a seismic survey station detect a sonic boom? Does it have a directional component or just a magnitude? How do they know that what they picked up was a sonic boom? Who is the point of contact at this survey station and who made the claim?

Well, here is a map


And here is some info I found:

A sonic boom is the audible pressure wave that travels along the path of an aircraft moving faster than the speed of sound. The effect of this increase in pressure is to displace, albeit slightly, the surface of the earth in a very predictable way: the earth is pushed downwards, then released and pulled upwards.

dlongo said:
I assume the engine was examined by crash investigators capable of identifying shrapnel damage. Am I wrong?

Well, you would think so.

You would also think that the investigators hired by the City of New York to determine why the WTC centers collapsed would be allowed to examine the damaged steel collumns from the rubble. However, after several requests, they were told they could not examine them, and then the steel collums were melted down. Perhaps the evidence would have shown that none of the steel had melted? We'll never know.

As far as examining the engine, I have read no report or information on this, so its doubtful. I think the assumption was made that the Air Force was telling the truth, and then all the debris was cleaned up and disposed of (destroyed).
Any seismic experts in the audience....I believe the F-15 heading to New York went supersonic.....but beside that....how does a sonic boom differ from an aircraft impacting the ground to a seismograph.
wildbill846 said:
The keys are considered classified materials and are treated as such with the same control measures. If a key were to change while you are in mid-air....you're outta luck, you would need to land and be repunched. You can argue all you like, about how stupid this sounds, but this is how it is done.

Guess I should start signing like Viper does....

1992 Red NSX
1966 Ghost Gray CH-46

Actually, maintenance personnel load in the keys for a week at a time. I don't know of any missions that last for longer than 7 days!

Iin the F-16's case, it reverts back to standard unencrypted mode if the crypto keys are not valid. It's not like the GPS is rendered useless when the keys expire.....it just doesn't provide the high resolution without them.

Nice sig, by the way! :)