They broke my door!!!

6 June 2003
Angleton, Texas
Went to Houston to do my personal Trainer Certification. Well it has been raining for the past 10 days here. Today was the first day that it was sunny. Picked up my friend and decided to take my car for the first time ever to a car wash/ detail place. I went to Dream's & Bros.... Well I pulled up and left my car in their hands. ( Other high end cars were there so I was not too worried) They said in 30 minutes it will be done. So we waited and went outside and they broke my freakin inside door handle!! So now I have to roll down the window and pull on the outside lever to get out. Of course they said it was already like that. So we argued for about 45 minutes. The end result was that they would give me whatever $$$ amount in car washes. The bottom of the lever looks like it was ripped out of the door. There is no spring back motion or anything. Any idea on how much this is going to cost?
do it yourself. I hear that it is not that bad.
I had a similar experience once. Maybe after hearing mine you won't feel so bad.

I was flying out of Newark airport a couple years ago on a 6:30am flight. I lived up that way at the time and this was about 2 months after 9/11. I left the house at 3:30am, and got to the Park 'N Fly at about 4:30am. I am still on autopilot, so I forgot my bag in the trunk of my car (not the NSX). I had already given the attendant my keys, so I ask him to 'pop th e trunk will you?' He is standing in my drivers door, so he reaches down for the trunk release lever on the floor. He snaps it off in his hand, shrugs and hands me the release mechanism all in one motion. I just looked at him for a moment in disbelief. He has this blank, cheery look on his face for a moment before he says "So, did you see the Ranger's game last night?"

I sat there stunned for a moment and then said "You just broke my car. How do I go about getting you all to pay for the repair?" "Oh, the manager will be in at 8. Do you want to wait?"

To make a long story short, it never got resolved. At least you got some free car washes!
Kenny York said:
So we waited and went outside and they broke my freakin inside door handle!! So now I have to roll down the window and pull on the outside lever to get out.
Sucks for them! That part is fairly common to break. Just happened to break on them. Bad timing for them. The part was probably ready to snap and when the guy pulled on the handle, he just won the breakage lottery. Could have happened to anyone.

Sure if he yanked on it real hard it would probably have broken sooner than it would have normally, but mine broke with a gentle pull and I was stuck in the car. Happens to a LOT of NSX owners.

Don't be so hard on them unless you know for sure it broke because they were rough with it.
jlindy said:
do it yourself. I hear that it is not that bad.
Took me, a first timer, about 45 minutes. And that's because I had to dremel off a coulple raised threaded bumps from the part. Seems there are slight differences for that part from different year cars.

It's pretty darn easy though to do yourself.

$40 and you're good to go.

And you know, it's possible you broke it on your last exit. The factory part may have ripped just enough so the next time they tried to use the inside lever it just fell off and felt as though it was like that when you dropped the car off. Who knows? Too hard to tell without actually seeing when and how it broke.

Don't take it too hard though. It's minor.
My wife broke mine!! I could have TRIED to blame her! It was a coincidence....
It all depends how the guy exited the car. If he was rough on it, I would be upset and looking for blood, otherwise it could have been accidental.

I have one for you. I took the M3 through a car wash (once....and it was a mistake) and part way through I am looking through the little window where you can watch your car (I love that part) and I see the drivers side mirror get knocked off!! ARGH!! I tell the attendants that the mirror is now getting knocked around and slapping the side of the car. They let it keep going and the mirror is slapping the car and I get the manager to come outside when the car exits and he walks straight to the car (never saying a word to me at all) and tries to forcefully reattach the mirror!! I asked him to be careful but he just sends someone for a roll of duct tape and TAPES THE MIRROR TO THE SIDE OF THE CAR!! At this point he sends me to a local body shop and walks off. He NEVER even apologized or offered even a free wash. The only thing he said was, 'All the M3's get the mirrors knocked off here,' and that was it!! Okay, if ALL of the M3's get their mirrors knocked off, then WARN THE OWNERS!! It was unbelievable. :mad: :(
92NSX said:
To heck with that. I wouldn't take my car back there so those free car washes are useless!!:mad:
Show me the money.

I know...that is like saying, 'Please break something else on my car and refuse responsibility,' and being okay with it.
I spent yesterday fixing a fellow NSXer's door amp. When taking the door panel off I said to the owner his door handle thingy was cracked, and will probably break soon. Some door thingies in advance would be a good idea.

What bad luck he then had, after I put the door back together, he got in the car, forgot something, tried to get out, and the handle broke! It's like I'm some sort of visionary.

Also inspected the window thingies at the same time, and his have the factory mod (a 1992), so he's got some good luck at least.
door thingy

now my passenger window will not go up? It will go down and up on the passenger side, but it will only go down on the driverside control but not up. Any ideas? did they break a wire or something also?
Re: door thingy

Kenny York said:
now my passenger window will not go up? It will go down and up on the passenger side, but it will only go down on the driverside control but not up. Any ideas? did they break a wire or something also?
Don't know anything about that. But it don't sound good!

Best of luck man...
Window Problem

I had the same type of problem the window would roll up ever so slowly. It ended up being the 2 nuts that hold both of the window tracks to the door were loose which let the window jam. Hope that helps...Lyle
Hah...My story was more of an embarrassment...

Took a date out in my car. First time for her in an NSX...I was just smiling everytime she told me how nice it was inside..etc..etc... I go to pull the doorhandle... Snap! She just kinda looked at me funny after that.... haven't seen her since.

But I got it fixed at the dealership for about $120.
