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Vick: "...he's a good human being. "

Was Pete Rose black?? I think he had "similar" issues. Drop the race BS...

This is about Vick being judged prematurely. His his race and status will have some influence on what will happen to him. Nobody wants Pete Rose to burn in hell.

This race BS is informative and a way for others to understand our differences.

P.S. It's not BS
Good points. I must be the only person on prime that understands or believes WHY Vick choose to plead guilty. If the family of the passenger in hogan's car dies and they decide to sue the Hulk Hogan estate, what do you think Hulk Hogan will do. Fight saying it saying "i wasn't driving!" or just plead guilty take a lessor penalty and just move on? i doubt you wont fight a fight that didn't have to be fought.
my experience is that people will take the path of least resistance that provides the best potential outcome. based on his pleading, one might surmise that admitting guilt, finding jesus and throwing himself on the mercy of the court represents his "best case" scenario.

and about hogan's family member, i'd be surprised if (1) hogan's son isn't prosecuted harshly and (2) their insurance company / hogan don't have to pay out the wazoo, regardless of the criminal status.

I was going to stay out of this, but the race card thing has lured me into this thread. Shame on me, but I couldn't stop myself.

Just for my own edification, let me type this in bold letters. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. It happened because Vick is a moron. This happened on his property, with his financial backing and with him taking part in killing multiple dogs for sport. Unless I misunderstand, he admits all of this. The NFL sees him as a poor ambassador of the sport and suspends him indefinitely and does so only AFTER he issues his statement this past weekend. So unless I am wrong, Vick:

1. Broke a few laws
2. Pissed of the general public by killing several of our favorite pets - who would have guessed we liked dogs
3. Got barred from doing playing in the NFL, and thus cannot fulfill his contract
4. Demonstrated pretty clearly that he is a moron

Since you bring up the Hogan kid, he is a moron too. The differences as I see them between the 2 scenarios are:
1. Nobody is paying Hogan's kid to be a public ambassador
2. He's a kid. A stupid kid, granted. Do we have the right to expect better judgment of an adult than a kid raised by a professional wrestler?
3. The Hogan kid never intentionally killed

Bottom line, this has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. It candidly pisses me off that you suggest that it does. There are plenty of legitimate instances of prejudice that society should focus on. This is not one of them.
so OJ got away scott free because he's black?
if anything, this has more to do with who has M O N E Y
the more you have, the more you can get away with (so long as you don't admit guilt)
do any of your photos show vick? His car? His hand? Reciepts? Papers? a shoe print from Vick? A stool sample?

They don't need to. This is what happens to dogs when they are forced to kill each other.

I'm sorry for any dog or animal that is mutilated for any reason, but I can't feel the same way about them that i feel for human life, your pics can't be bad as these stories(no pics needed)


Those are horrible stories, but I still don't see why you're focusing on race.

Nobody wants Pete Rose to burn in hell

If he was black nobody would want him to burn in hell either. He didn't kill anyone or anything, and that's why nobody wants him to burn in hell.
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This is about Vick being judged prematurely. His his race and status will have some influence on what will happen to him. Nobody wants Pete Rose to burn in hell.

This race BS is informative and a way for others to understand our differences.

P.S. It's not BS

Pete Rose didn't kill any dogs. Some people in this country love their pets more than their neighbors. It has nothing to do with race.

Pete Rose is still not in the hall of fame and is still not allowed to have anything to do with baseball. If he'd killed some dogs while he was at it, he'd probably have done jail time as well.

So, please tell me, how does Vick being black have anything to with this?

Obviously you don't own any pets...

If Peyton Manning did the same thing, I bet the country would be just as pissed.

If your argument is "well there are some racist people out there....", then yes, you are correct...but it is irrelevant in this case.

Enough people loved Vick for Nike to name a shoe after him...You're trying to tell me that because Vick is black, he gets treated different, that people deep down want to hate him? You're a jackass.
(honestly, that's horse shit)
bottom line:

he didn't get arrested because he is black
he got arrested because he was engaged in dog fighting

how is that hard is it to understand? white people get arrested everyday too.
yes, discrimination exists, but how can you say that it has anything to do with this case?

you guys that blame everything on race need to have a good reason for saying that crap, otherwise you're discriminating just the same.
KO- please go to school-education will never be as expensive as ignorance.

To make this a Black issue misses the point entirely. This is not racial- it touches most of the civilized world at their hearts- we are responsible for treating pets/animals humanely. Dog fighting is illegal for a reason.

I would argue that Vick, that POS, was given the generous plea deal he was becasue of his celebrity status. Without that he would have been offered a plea deal that would have exposed him to more like 20 years for what he is actually alleged to have done (apparently corroberated by his buddies-no honor among thieves there) not to a top of 5 years. My hope is that the Judge does not follow the plea deal and actually sentences Vick to at least 2 years custody time. So what is that then? I am sure you might still see it as racism though.
Despite my repeated attempts explain some things i can see it is pointless for me to post anything else so i'll plead guilty of the following

1. I am an ignorant POS

2. Michael Vick is guilty and his race or status won't be on anyone's mind, he is also a POS. He lead gulity because he knew he had fucked up and is trying to cover everything up. Anybody that changed his plea to guilty is clearly that.

3. I'm uneducated with no pets

4. Vick's color and status has nothing to do with the fact that he ran a dogfighting ring out of his house. He is being treated and will be treated like every other human being.

5. Regardless if I didn't say anything negative about my fellow nsxprime members, i am a jackass and full of horseshit.

6. I am a racist and support reverse racism.
Despite my repeated attempts explain some things i can see it is pointless for me to post anything else so i'll plead guilty of the following

1. I am an ignorant POS

2. Michael Vick is guilty and his race or status won't be on anyone's mind, he is also a POS. He lead gulity because he knew he had fucked up and is trying to cover everything up. Anybody that changed his plea to guilty is clearly that.

3. I'm uneducated with no pets

4. Vick's color and status has nothing to do with the fact that he ran a dogfighting ring out of his house. He is being treated and will be treated like every other human being.

5. Regardless if I didn't say anything negative about my fellow nsxprime members, i am a jackass and full of horseshit.

6. I am a racist and support reverse racism.

1. Dude, relax, no one here called you a POS.

2. If he were innocent, why plead guilty? :confused:

3. You don't own pets, so maybe that's why you don't see it like I do(pitbull owner) or the rest of the pet owning world.

4. Yes, racism still exists, but that's not the issue here.

5. We (me included) are tired of you pulling the race card, and making it the main issue here while trying to support your opinion with irrelevant facts. And no, i'm not white, i'm Hispanic(if that's even a word)

6. You do show a hint of supporting reverse racism.
1. Dude, relax, no one here called you a POS.

2. If he were innocent, why plead guilty? :confused:

3. You don't own pets, so maybe that's why you don't see it like I do(pitbull owner) or the rest of the pet owning world.

4. Yes, racism still exists, but that's not the issue here.

5. We (me included) are tired of you pulling the race card, and making it the main issue here while trying to support your opinion with irrelevant facts. And no, i'm not white, i'm Hispanic(if that's even a word)

6. You do show a hint of supporting reverse racism.

1. you should reread the post from people entirely, jackass and POS are close

2. i have explained that in my post

3. I have 2 bengal cats, that i have posted pics of repeatedly in various pet threads on prime. also i had an American Staffordshire terrier( some call them pitbulls)for years that i have won numerous weight pulling competions with. He was great and i miss him to this day. I decided not to post his pics, it wouldn't help.

4. Again i repeatedly posted that his race no the issue. i also posted how it will come into play.

5. AGAIN i am not pulling the race card, Michael Vick has been dogged badly without knowing all the facts. I do believe blacks have suffered from this in the past. What has the race card gotten ANYBODY. Its like going all in with a pair of dueces in poker. Again People agree with racism but not the card. i have said numerous times VICK is not being prosecuted because he is a black man.

6. People that PERSONALLY know me and have met me will disagree entirely. I would elaborate but it would be pointless.
5. AGAIN i am not pulling the race card, Michael Vick has been dogged badly without knowing all the facts. I do believe blacks have suffered from this in the past. What has the race card gotten ANYBODY. Its like going all in with a pair of dueces in poker. Again People agree with racism but not the card. i have said numerous times VICK is not being prosecuted because he is a black man.

Are you honestly trying to tell us that your only argument is that Vick has been dogged badly without "knowing all the facts"???

So because he's black, we're not giving him the benefit of the doubt?

I stand by my jackass comment and I still think you're full of poo poo. Don't take it personally, but you have no basis for your argument.

People in this society want to believe that their celebrities are roll models...and when a celebrity does something that is unacceptable, they get hammered for it. Black or white...doesn't matter. He'll get off easy just like anyone else with money. Just watch.
I'm not going to get too in to it because it's pretty clear cut at this point.

I wrote a big long speech but deleted it. $hit isn't fair. The past can't be rewritten no matter how much it hurts. You can only judge people by their character and as much as I hate to judge people sometimes it's inevitable and required. To blur or make excuses for someone's character is wrong. It doesn't matter which side you are on, it's both using race as leverage and will do nothing but contribute towards it's importance and detract from your argument's reason and quality.

I don't care of you are a racist white guy in Indiana or Al Sharpton trying to build a case that doesn't exist, you are wrong.
The others could buy an nsx and start posting on prime and be accepted probably with some issues. But if vick showed up on prime saying he just purchased and nsx.................:rolleyes: .

Say what you mean. Vick buys a NSX and starts posting here, what are you saying would happen and why? What are you inferring? C'mon, say it. Get it off your chest. Skip the ... and the innuendo, say what's on your mind.:cool: