Who else still has their car out in Ontario?

14 March 2009
Another awesome fall as far as holding off the snow goes. I've had my car prepped for a few weeks but still haven't taken it off the road yet. I actually put insurance back on the Integra R and have managed to put down a few miles on it as well.
Storing in my garage so will keep driving until the salt gets dropped + installed a Pride V2 purchased from a local member last week so need to hear the roar a few more times before putting her to bed.:smile:
Still have mine out... Why not!? No snow or salt on roads in the GTA area yet. This is a bonus guys and we should make use of it. Because it will likely be parked this Sunday for the season (going away for 2 weeks on Monday) I plan on going home with the daily after work first and driving the X to the gym and any other errands I have to run after work.
still thrashing mine, even with the rear bank head leaking coolant from the head gasket. On route of building a test 3L to see what the limitations really are on stock sleeves and rods
'00 is parked for the season... '91 Magnum is still out, but not for much longer... I guess I could have kept them on the road longer this year. Enjoy for now boyz!
Each morning on my way to work I do a Porsche check.

My car is still having the snap ring fixed, but I figure once I see less than 3 Porsches on my walk to work, I'll stop driving my car.
Rob is doing my timing belt, I have my winter tires on, so looking forward to non-stop winter driving.....more power with the cold air...and occasional fun days of drifting around after a snowfall.
Also no withdrawal symptons for Darren, Biobanker and myself.:smile:
Mine was out the whole weekend zipping all over the place. Was a lot fo fun.

Fantastic weather my only complaint is the two separate occassions both being BMW owners like to tail my bumper or race me. What is with those people?
I think I'm done for the year now after today (bottom map) and two weeks ago (top)...




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I think I'm done for the year now after today (bottom map) and two weeks ago (top)...





Wow that's a lot of driving! Good for you brother! Looks like you had a good time. Got decent use out of mine too this weekend as well and I think that's it for the season... Planning on making a quick run to the gas station to top up the gas and add some stabilizer later tonight.