• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho
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  • It was a little tough here especially last month. A lot of services were shut down, but that is understandable because all efforts were directed in helping those in need. So far so good, the Japanese people are recovering quite well despite of all things that happened. Almost everything is back to normal. I have a lot of respect for the Japanese people, very respectful. I love living here and I should have shipped my NSX here, oh well, maybe next year.
    Lynn, by now you should have those stickers I sent. I have 2 more at home if you want them....Charles should be able to help you w/t-shirt and such. You know i was going to cut out "Lynn" out of Lynnwood for you, but i'll let you do that youself :-)
    keep in touch! Fowler and I are planning to go to track day at Laguna seca soon, can you gather other nsx to join us?
    Arnon from LYNNwood :-)
    Hi Lynn, Sorry that I missed your post on the Monteray thread, I wasn't following it since I wasn't attending the event. I talked to Arnon and we are sending you some Acura of Lynnwood stickers. I will look into a T-shirt for you as well. Hopefully one day we can meet in person....the pics of I've seen of your car are SEXY!!!
    Genki des. Gomen, nihongo wa amari umaku nain da. :( Time to start listening to those Pimsleur CDs again. ;)
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