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  • Hi, we spoke about the rotors before. Im sti interested but have a question

    How / why di you have these?
    Did you swap them out because they were warped or have issues? Have they been turned before? Can they be?
    From now on, only post a bump or additional post to existing original threads instead of creating new ones for the same items that are being sold. Bookmark the threads on your web-browser, and then bump/post on them after 1 whole solar-calender month. This will prevent the redundant threads/bumps from being deleted.

    G'luck w/ the sales.

    - NSX Prime marketplace rules/moderation


    BUMP these once every solar-calender month, not before...(!!!)

    Bel canto & Prospeed HFC! (barely used)

    Prospeed HFC (new)

    Downforce AIS
    Dan , please call me when you are ready to get the kit , we can discuss it then

    Dan, Do you mind if I referred one of my clients to you for detailing? I was going to give her your cell, but wanted to ask you first. Did you sell the exhaust, or did you get the cats installed?
    im interested in this part i set up pay pay aout 3 months ago and never used it if needed i send check money order just let me know address. i have 91 and my center piece is loose the center piece is stripped where the screws go in at.
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